Contest 161
Picture by Atticus

Bear: Lemmy: Uh... I don't think that my stomach is going to be in the doomship...
Bear: After hearing Bugs Bunny announce "Of course you know THIS means war" on TV, Roy, Ludwig, and
Bear: Morton felt the need to drop supplies from the sky to the TV studios.

Luigiland: Roy: Hey Ludwig! Did you remember to fill up the tank?
Luigiland: Roy: Hey Ludwig! Lemmy said Mario noticed that Peach and those cookies she baked are missing!

Paraboo: Ludwig knew the boxes had chocolate, he just had to sneak off at the right time...
Paraboo: Lemmy: Um, guys? I think I packed one of my balls by mistake.
Paraboo: Morton: Ok, here are the crates of Atticus. Wait, we dropped one!

Ray Coon: Lemmy: Are you sure that these crates are pure chocolate Easter crates that are part of a well
Ray Coon: balanced Easter diet which is for Easter?

astromatt3: Roy: That's not gonna work!
astromatt3: Ludwig: Morton, pu-lease decide if you're going to either put that box in, or take it out.
astromatt3: Lemmy: Hurry up, Morton! The Boos are coming!

WendyRulez: Ludwig: Load ze boxes, my slaves!

Rookie Koopa: Roy: Thanks Ludwig! It's so tough getting a contreban Nintendo DS!

Kkadwell: Lemmy felt a bit out of place helping to steal contact lenses for "ex-tiny-eyes-anonymous", Kkadwell: since, after all, he'd never had tiny eyes to begin with.

Kammy: Ludwig: This will be the ultimate prank ever. Putting fake bombs in the school.
Kammy: Iggy: I'm always afraid of the dark.
Kammy: Little do the Koopalings know, the ship that Ludwig is riding will explode and the party
Kammy: things inside the boxes will be ruined.
Kammy: Iggy: This wouldn't happen if King Dad just let us throw a party.
Kammy: Iggy: The reason I'm doing this is for the coins that you'll pay me.
Kammy: Morton: Aw man. No fair, I can't talk endlessly when doing this.
Kammy: Roy: Ludwig, are you sure that the boxes have Bob-ombs and not whoopie cushions?
Kammy: Roy: The next time we're doing this again, let's do in the president's house.
Kammy: Iggy: I knew I should have ate before doing this.
Kammy: The Koopalings are planning an April Fools prank, but it's already past April Fools Day.
Kammy: Roy: Ludwig, if you're there, then who's controlling the ship?
Kammy: Ludwig: Careful. Don't drop that box of makeup that we took from Wendy.
Kammy: The Koopalings were doing well in sneaking into the school until Iggy accidently stepped on the self
Kammy: destruct button and blew up the school.

Super Sonic Sam: Captain Hook: EEEEEEYYYAA!!! I CANT HOLD THAT MUCH!!! **GOOD PRIZE**
Super Sonic Sam: Lemmy: (If those ropes were a lil' longer, I could tie Bowser up and clean out the
Super Sonic Sam: refridgerator!)

Super Goomba: Roy: Hurry up, Chauncy's coming back to get his toys b-ACK!
Super Goomba: Roy: You know, if this Atticus guy keeps writing his name all over the place, the entire world
Super Goomba: will turn completely black soon! Did I just figure it out?!

Yoshi tamer: Lemmy: I hope no one finds out that all of the boxes are full of Roy's My Little Pony dolls.
Yoshi tamer: Morton: Wow! These boxes sure do weigh a ton even though the boxes only have one pillow in
Yoshi tamer: each.

P.T. Piranha: Lemmy: Uh, guys? The light in King Dad's room just turned on.
P.T. Piranha: Morton: Why did you put my wedding cake in this box?
P.T. Piranha: Roy: For the last time, I will not get you a chocolate bar!
P.T. Piranha: Roy: Ludwig, you shouldn't have written that word on the ground, Morton and Lemmy are
P.T. Piranha: freaking out!
P.T. Piranha: Morton: Lemmy, can anyone see me taking Ludwig's box? ***FIRST PRIZE***

supercomputer276: SARASALAND?

hyperguy152: Roy: Does anyone know the Naruto theme? **GOOD PRIZE**

Jeff the Great: In a desperate move, Lemmy, Morton, Roy, and Ludwig sneak into Shigeru Miyamoto's house
Jeff the Great: and steal all his valuables, promising to return them only if he puts the Koopalings in the next
Jeff the Great: Mario game.
Jeff the Great: Seconds before the crash, Ludwig realized that no one was at the controls...
Jeff the Great: The Koopalings "borrow" several cratefuls of documents from FBI headquarters, trying to
Jeff the Great: get to the bottom of the JFK assasination.
Jeff the Great: And here we see Vic "Lemmy Koopa" Morrow and his two Vietnamese co-stars on the set of
Jeff the Great: "Twilight Zone: The Movie".

steven: Roy: We got four to one, Mario's going to lose now!

Liz: Lemmy: So, now that we have all our belongings packed, let's hurry up and get out of here before Dad
Liz: knows we broke that vase.
Liz: Ludwig: Okay! We have enough supplies for a three month camp-out. Now let's be first in line to get that
Liz: Revolution!
Liz: Morton: Uhh, guys? Are you sure we need actual rocks if we want to go see that rock concert?
Liz: Roy: I still don't think this whole "stake out the easter bunny to prove he's not real" is a very good idea,
Liz: Ludwig.
Liz: Roy: Are you sure 12:00 AM is the best time to sell Koopa Scout cookies, Ludwig?
Liz: Lemmy: I KNOW this is a bad idea, and you guys haven't even told me what we're doing yet.
Liz: Roy: All right, Ludwig! We've loaded up enough chocolate for you to evade the five week household
Liz: sugar ban! Now where's my 20 coins?
Liz: The following morning, Bowser woke up to find the entire castle had been egged and TP'd.
Liz: What happens when you don't enforce curfews.
Liz: Ludwig's dentist appointment is tomorrow.
Liz: And just when they thought their annual Halloween egging prank couldn't be going better, Lemmy
Liz: spotted Wario.
Liz: Three months before "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith" opens on Plit.
Liz: Ludwig: Thank you, guys! Now I'm all ready for my midnight Wooden Crate Club convention.

anonymouscat: Roy: Come on! We've got to get Peach's secret perfume stash to our castle! Hurry!

Yellow Boo: Ludwig is acting dumb and he's not telling Lemmy, Roy, or Morton, and they are trying to help
Yellow Boo: Ludwig and Ludwig just passes by.

Sheath: If Roy hadn't been yelling at the top of his lungs, Ludwig's chocolate heist would have been a
Sheath: success.

Yellow_Snifit: Do they realize that they are stealing Mario's cheese collection?

Shady Koopa: Roy: We better hurry because the police are coming!

Rescue72: Roy: These are the "Learn How to Talk Normal" videos we ordered, get to work, Big Mouth.

Ludwig 3000: Roy: Hey Ludwig, you sure the Marios are in the crates?

Double D: Roy: We have the advance copies of New Super Mario Bros! Bring 'em up!
Double D: Roy: We've got the copies of GBT0! Hurry, before Chef Torte finds us!
Double D: Ludwig: (They still don't suspect that I'm going to ditch them here.)
Double D: Even Lemmy had to admit they had gone too far when the Koopalings tried to replace Toad Town
Double D: with a cardboard cutout as an April Fools joke.
Double D: They would have gotten away with it had the Bob-ombs in the crates not blown up.
Double D: The Koopalings wouldn't have gotten away with it had Mario not sneezed in his Ludwig costume.
Double D: Roy: Ludwig, for the fifth time, WE CAN CARRY THESE BOXES OURSELVES!
Double D: Lemmy: We'd better get out of here. The stars are giving us funny looks.

Koopaling Josh: Wow, is that Lemmy's eyebrow, or his hair?

Fiver: Roy: Ludwig, are you sure two boxes will be enough to hold down the doomship?

StarFoxWarrior: Lemmy: Ooh, Mommy says it's bedtime now.
StarFoxWarrior: Roy: Ludwig! What did Mommy say about spooky, flying objects?

torpedo TECH: Lemmy: Why do we need more flashlights? We've already got one. Isn't that enough?
torpedo TECH: Morton: Who knew feathers were so heavy?
torpedo TECH: Morton: Uh... this box just said something...
torpedo TECH: Ludwig (thinking) It's hard to find good chocolate these days...
torpedo TECH: Roy: Are you sure that King Dad told us to steal from BURGER KING?
torpedo TECH: Lemmy: Quick! Mario's coming! Oh, never mind, he just hit a lamp post.
torpedo TECH: Ludwig: Who needs minions when we've got evil cubes of doom? MUHAHAHA!

Ham: If only Lemmy had the Poltergust 3000, he wouldn't have to worry about Boos haunting him.

ALLOFTHEPIKMIN: Lemmy: Roy, two things. First, how am I as tall as you even though I don't have my ball?
ALLOFTHEPIKMIN: Second, if Ludwig’s there, who's driving the doomship?

COPYKATT THE DUPLIGHOST: What they’re stealing is the world's supply of the word "Atticus". Apparently
COPYKATT THE DUPLIGHOST: one fell out of a crate...

Fried Rooster: Lemmy: Drat! This flashlight was supposed to be an X-ray!
Fried Rooster: Roy: Okay Ludwig! Jump on Morton now!
Fried Rooster: Ludwig: Oh Karma, Karma. Wherefore art thou Karma?
Fried Rooster: Morton: Woah, Roy! Have you lost weight?!
Fried Rooster: Morton: It's not my birthday, I'm not taking these gifts.

Nario: Roy: Hey Ludwig, do we REALLY need 500 tons of flashlight batteries just to power our flashlight?

Kroshi: Roy: Hey Ludwig! I don't think these are gonna fit.
Kroshi: Ludwig was trying to be the red baron, but he dyed his ship the wrong color.
Kroshi: Lemmy: I hope they didn't find out that we stole their delicious COOOOOOKIE Crisp...

Ravyn78: Lemmy: Hurry it up, you guys. Mario will be here any minute to steal the items we just put in these
Ravyn78: crates.

Rob: Lemmy: Let's hurry up and get going before Mario wakes up for his midnight snack and realizes we
Rob: stole his pizza.


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