Contest 160
Picture by Latisha Banks

Fried Rooster: Peach: One word, mouthwash!
Fried Rooster: Bowser: C'mon Peachie, why don't you be my dance partner in the upcoming Tango contest?
Fried Rooster: Bowser: I worked out just so I can win you over, and this is how you reject me?!

Steven: Mario (in background): Oh, here we go again...

Axem Plaid: Bowser: Oh, come on! Why won't you tell me who this "dream guy" is? It's Luigi, isn't it? Well?
Axem Plaid: Ok, if you don't say anything, I'll assume it's Luigi. Ha! I knew it!

Paraboo: Peach: Hmpph. Loser.
Paraboo: Bowser: Come on, can't I have another cookie? ***FIRST PRIZE***
Paraboo: Peach got mad at Bowser when he sang supercalifragilisticexpialadocius on their date.
Paraboo: Peach: No! I won't kiss you until you brush your teeth!
Paraboo: Bowser: Look, I'm sorry if I chopped the tip of your nose off.
Paraboo: Bowser: Ah! You'll be perfect to play the part as "The Plumber" in my new play!

WendyRulez: Peach: Bowser, I've gotta confess it. I'm in love with you!

Super Goomba: Bowsr: Oooooh! Blond hair! Me likes! **GOOD PRIZE**

The Millennium Star: Peach: Ok, if I'm gonna live here and be your bride forever you'll have to make a few
The Millennium Star: changes: one, lose weight; two, PUT SOME DECENT CLOTHING ON!!!

P.T. Piranha: Bowser: Hottie hot hottie. Hottie hot hottie. Hottie hot hottie...

astromatt3: Peach: Uhhh... help?
astromatt3: Bowser: MWAHAHAHA-HACK! WHEEZE!!!
astromatt3: Peach: Are you going to kidnap me again?
astromatt3: Bowser: Hey, this isn't Lemmy's captions! Wait, it is?!

Koopa Girl: Peach: Your breath stinks! Get a Tic-tac or something!

King Doopliss: Peach: Two words, breath mint.

Ham: Bowser: Yes, that's it! Give Daddy some sugar!

StarFoxWarrior: Peach: Man, your breath stinks!

bob's revenge: Bowser: Hello, this is your neighborhood stalker, and I've come to kidnap you.

Lanturn Ghost: Bowser: Hey Peach, is that a pimple?

Kammy: Peach: As much as I don't want to admit it, Bowser, I don't want to marry Mario.
Kammy: Bowser: What? Can't villains get a conversation?
Kammy: Bowser: Peach, now that I've kidnapped you for the 50th time, I get to win a prize.
Kammy: Peach: Bowser, get a life. You've been too obsessed with me.
Kammy: Peach: Go marry someone in your species!
Kammy: Peach: Who needs Mario to go and rescue me? I can beat you up by myself, Bowser.
Kammy: Bowser: Come on now, Peach. Can't you see that I'm a handsome, good looking man?
Kammy: Bowser: Yes! Peach loves me more! Mario got no game.
Kammy: This is one of Bowser's weird dreams, going out with Peach on a date.
Kammy: The real question is why Bowser thinks that Peach really loves him.
Kammy: Bowser: (picking pedals of a flower) She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me
Kammy: not. She loves me. She loves me not. This could take a while.
Kammy: Bowser: I BEG OF YOU!!! PLEASE, MARRY ME!!! I'M A LONER!!!
Kammy: Bowser: I know you like to date with someone who is really strong, so why won't you go on a date
Kammy: with me?
Kammy: Bowser: (Why would Peach love Mario? Mario must have a secret that gets girls like her.)
Kammy: Bowser: Peach, I love your cakes. Can you tell me your secret recipes for your delicious cakes?
Kammy: Bowser will never give up on Peach. He will always chase her until Peach finally agrees to date him.

BEEZER: Peach: Do you like my new eye makup? I'm planning on going goth.

hyperguy152: Neither of them noticed that Bowser suddenly lost fat.

Lemmy von Yoshi: When Bowser asked nicely one more time if Peach wanted to go to his castle as a
Lemmy von Yoshi: prisoner, she said no.

Pokemaniac Joe: That will teach Bowser never to try to kiss a girl after eating garliced Mario again!

Axis: Peach: Get a breath mint!

Zach: Peach: Get a life.

Wario Fan 64: Bowser: Hey babe, you want to go make out at Dry Dry Desert?
Wario Fan 64: As always, it works.

Luigi: Peach: Bowser, we broke up months ago! **GOOD PRIZE**

Shady Koopa: Ah, my plecious, my plecious.

Lemmy Koopa: Peach: I don't care if you are the last man alive, I still won't go out with you.
Lemmy Koopa: Bowser: Pranked ya but good, didn't I, Princess? Planting that Giant Stink-omb in your castle
Lemmy Koopa: was brilliant!

Ravyn78: Peach: No, Bowser, I am not going to tell Mario I am in another castle AGAIN.

yoshi the blue: Bowser: I finally win!
yoshi the blue: Bowser: ...and then I say "no, it's kooptacular!"

Parakoopa: C'mon, Princess, just one more dance?

WendyRulez: Bowser: C'mon, Peach, be my girlfriend!

Liz: Bowser: MMMM. Peach-sicle.
Liz: Peach: No, I do not want you to pick the lice out of my hair and eat them, thank you.


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