Contest 180
Picture by Fried Rooster

Ravyn78: Roy: Wendy, I didn't write the song Pretty Woman about you.

Fried Rooster: Wendy: Cassie was generous enough to lend you some of her hair.
Fried Rooster: Cosmo and Wanda disguise themselves as the ? and ! to hide.
Fried Rooster: Wendy: Hey! You stole my hair tonic!
Fried Rooster: Wendy: I don't want a boyfriend with long hair!
Fried Rooster: Cassie: Gimme back my hair, you bully!
Fried Rooster: Wendy: Auditioning for the Beatles, are ya? They broke up years ago.
Fried Rooster: Roy: (singing) Hit me baby one more time!
Fried Rooster: Wendy: Uhhhhh, were you in my closet again?
Fried Rooster: A moment later, Wendy faints.
Fried Rooster: That's actually Roy Orbison as a Koopaling.
Fried Rooster: Wendy: Uh oh! Your goatee paint is dripping off.
Fried Rooster: Wendy: I knew you liked the pink color!
Fried Rooster: That's actually Roy's natural hair color.
Fried Rooster: The guitar is actually an inflatable fake guitar.
Fried Rooster: Roy: (singing) Pretty Koopa, walking down the street.
Fried Rooster: Wendy: Lipstick is NOT for your chin!

boo: This is the story of how Ludwig lost his hearing. If Wendy does not move soon she may not be able to
boo: hear either. **GOOD PRIZE**

Boolia: Roy: You are my sunshine! My only sunshine...
Boolia: Wendy: What are you doing, Roy?!

Agahnim Koopa: Roy: I'm a member of Red Zeppelin!

Donkey Kong!: Wendy: Oh my, Roy thinks he's me and he's not anything like me.

Mario Koopa: Wendy: Roy... WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GUITAR?!

Dark Metal Koopa: Roy: Hey Wendy, look at this wig and this fake beard I found in Playful's litter box!

Kammy: Wendy should have included the word "literally" when she said she wanted Roy to be a star.
Kammy: **GOOD PRIZE**
Kammy: Wendy: I thought you said that you never took guitar lesson.
Kammy: Wendy: If you said that you're not afraid of stage fright, then why are you shaking in front of me?
Kammy: Wendy said she wished for a superstar. But she didn't know that Roy is one.
Kammy: So this is the Roy Wendy saw when she looked into the future.

Yoshi tamer: Wendy: Roy, your terrible music made my face explode!

Giga Bowser X: Wendy: I told Bowser letting Roy listen to All American Rejects was a bad idea, but did he
Giga Bowser X: listen? NOOOOOO!!!

Rhinox: Wendy: To tell the truth, Roy, I think you have no chance in American Idol.
Rhinox: Roy: Wendy, look what I found in King Dad's closet! I can't believe he had a rock 'n roll band!
Rhinox: Wendy: KING DAD, Roy forgot to take his medicine again!
Rhinox: Roy: With this guitar and with my talent, I'm going to get all the girls!!!
Rhinox: Wendy: DADDY, can I send Roy to a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?
Rhinox: Label on guitar: "WARNING, this guitar will self-destruct if touched, so, don't touch it, especially you
Rhinox: Roy, I'm talking serious and I know that you stole my chocolate yesterday!!! PS: Get out of my room
Rhinox: NOW!!!"
Rhinox: Wendy: Well, it's better to get out of this place before he starts, because I will not waste my money
Rhinox: on the broken glass.

MarioFan01: Wendy: Since when did you have any hair?!

WendyRulez and Co: Roy: I love you! You love me! We are all a happy family!!!

EvilKarma: Roy: I... wanna rock and roll all night!
EvilKarma: Wendy: Roy sings HORRIBLY!

Dooplissa the Duplighost: Wendy: OH MY DAD! ROY HAS HAIR!
Dooplissa the Duplighost: Roy: (singing) Oops! I did it again!

Marioman989: Wendy: You really should stick to your day job.

Static-Z: Just be thankful that Roy isn't really in the band Korn.
Static-Z: Roy: Whaddaya say, Sis? This painted tape looks like a real gotee, right?
Static-Z: No wonder Bowser has had to spend all that money on new windows.
Static-Z: Wendy: Why am I eating my hand?

supershroom: When Roy tried to become the next unoffical Guns n Roses guitarist...

lilboo: Wendy: Oh my god! It's unbelivable! I just can't believe it! It's something that just isn't possible! Roy
lilboo: grew hair!

Jorge Mario Castillo: Roy was playing hide and seek with Wendy, but when he saw that he had no place to
Jorge Mario Castillo: hide, he decided to instead dress as a rock star, so Wendy wouldn't recognize him. Jorge Mario Castillo: ***FIRST PRIZE***

Larke Koopa: Wendy: ROY?!

Koopus: Red !: See Luigi? No one knows we're here, punctuation is the perfect disguise.
Koopus: Wendy: Okay Roy, gimme back my face NOW! Yeah, I know it's you; that wig you made outta King
Koopus: Dad's back hair isn't fooling anyone.
Koopus: And that's when Wendy realized that Oyr, her favorite pop star, was actually Roy in disguise; she
Koopus: was, however, unable to tell anyone as Iggy had shoved her hand into her mouth...
Koopus: Wendy: I sense a disturbance in the Force... Hmm, these motion lines look suspicious, I'd better
Koopus: investi- HOLY COW!!! ROY?!
Koopus: As vantage points disperse and reality collapses, Roy sings of oldies on his trusty guitar.
Koopus: Roy: You see these motion lines? That means I'm dancing! Wheeeeeeee!
Koopus: Roy: And there ain't gonna be no bagel no more! Wheeeeeee-hoo!
Koopus: Roy thinks he's playing, but what he doesn't realize is that there are no strings on his guitar.
Koopus: Roy: Indeed, Wendoline darling, the engorging of your fist within your mouth is quite impressive...
Koopus: but can you do THIS?!

Elroy: Unfortunately the ! never realized that the ? would strike soon...
Elroy: No way! Roy has facial hair?!
Elroy: This is what happens when you lose bets to certain ball-riding Koopas...

Petey Piranha Fan: Wendy: Okay, so the mystery of Roy's wig is solved, along with the mystery of my missing
Petey Piranha Fan: face, and Roy's strange guitar. Now only one mystery remains: What is Roy standing on?

Super Goomba: Wendy: Why does it say "cardboard cutouts, inc." on Roy's back?

Dasina-chan: Roy: I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the deputy! Because he was a buffalo soldier! And
Dasina-chan: don’t worry about a thing, Mr. Buffalo Soldier!

TheRocket99: Wendy: Hey! Give me back my wig!
TheRocket99: I know it's Halloween, but Roy Marley is not a good costume.
TheRocket99: Roy: I wish my guitar had strings.
TheRocket99: As Roy played his guitar badly while dressed like Bob Marley, Wendy ignored him and watched
TheRocket99: the question mark and exclamation point change colors.

Jamsponge97: Wendy: I see someone’s had one too many espressos.

Ham: Roy: O-wee-yoo! Killer tofu! E-ya-e!

Boxman: Tonight on News at 7, Wendy takes us live to the winner of "The World's Worst Acts", Roy himself!

Electro Koopa: Guitar Roy: Hey! How did you get here? SECURITY!!!

The Luigi: Wendy: ACK! What a hottie- Oh, wait a minute, that's just Roy...


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