Contest 20
Picture by Latisha Banks

Ara: Larry: La, la, la, la! I like fireflies!
Ara: The only thing in this picture you can't see is the penguin reflected in Larry's eyes.
Ara: Yoshi: (muffled) Yoshi hate peanut butter. Taste good, but makes Yoshi's mouth stuck shut!
Ara: What happens when Larry is made to act like a 2-year-old.
Ara: Yoshi: What an odd, yet delicious, combination of living things!

Terry: Yoshi: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Firebugs my favorite!

Seth: To the untrained eye, this scene looks like total madness, but to the trained eye, well, okay, it is total
Seth: madness.
Seth: Yoshi: Hiiiiiiiiiiii, Yoshi over here, dumb Larry!
Seth: Larry: (That's the last time I get a job, this is the WORST one!!!)
Seth: Wendy: Here comes the boss, quick, look busy!
Seth: Larry: Lemme look at my checklist: bring Wendy and Morton to watch me, check, run from Yoshi, check,
Seth: get net, check, capture firefly, oh, now I get it!
Seth: Fairy: If I had five Rupees for every time I'm on the short end of some dummy luring (more like scaring)
Seth: me out of the Zelda world... I'd have 5 Rupees.
Seth: Kootie Pie: Listen, Cheatsy, this place isn't going to be infested by Yoshis anytime soon, so can we
Seth: just capture the firefly and get out of here?!
Seth: Fairy: Typical! They FINALLY say I'm going to be in a caption, and what do they say I have to be, ABOUT
Seth: Yoshi: (Should I jump out on them? Nah, that's too cliche.)
Seth: Wendy: (to Larry) For the last time, Dark Land is NOT becoming a haven for Yoshis!
Seth: Larry: Solar powered, waterproof, satellite, net-like cellphone, finally, help! But this inscription here
Seth: says I can't use it until my birthday...
Seth: Larry: Oh sure, between getting rescued and getting a net, you choose the net, and it better act like a
Seth: warp pipe!
Seth: Wendy: Somebody once asked me what I would bring if I was stranded on Yoshi's Island, well, these
Seth: are NOT the things I asked for!
Seth: Larry: Guess what, the tracking device system I ordered just came in, maybe now we can signal a plane
Seth: to come rescue us. Wait a minute, couldn't we have used the plane that just dropped off the package?!
Seth: Wendy: We're about to be eaten by a Yoshi, how can you guys be so happy? Wait, that's an easy one,
Seth: WE CAN'T GO TO THE DUNGEON! And I can work on my tantrums, yay!
Seth: Fairy: He loves me NOT!!!
Seth: Fairy: How could I have released that Yoshi? I don't even have any arms!
Seth: Fairy: Never mind the Yoshi, I need to get away from Larry! EEK!!!
Seth: Nobody would ever know that it was the bushes who really did it....
Seth: Fairy: Are we REALLY going to hit your net on the head of a Yoshi, just to see what it does? Remember
Seth: kids, don't try this at home (unless you have insurance).
Seth: Fairy: First the mailman, now this...
Seth: Wendy: Let's give up, we'll never be able to catch that ice cream truck!
Seth: Fairy: Hey, is it my fault you stumbled across a portal into Hyrule and stepped into it?
Seth: Wendy: I don't think Larry understands the concept of bug-catching...
Seth: Fairy: The first time I've ever gotten into a caption, and you're already trying to spoil it!
Seth: Yoshi: Come on, catch him, I haven't eaten all day!
Seth: Larry: Hey, it's a living.

Lil Miss Game and Watch: And then, Yoshi ate everything- EVERYTHING!
Lil Miss Game and Watch: Larry: I'm gonna catch you, whatever you are!
Lil Miss Game and Watch: Wendy: Shut up Morton, he'll know we're here!
Lil Miss Game and Watch: Yoshi: I ate something spicy; I need to air out my tongue.

Introbulus: Morton: Ah, youth! Sweet, ignorant, stupid youth...
Introbulus: Red Yoshi: *PHBBT!* I catch fireflies bigger than that!
Introbulus: Wendy: Why am I here?
Introbulus: Larry: I'm so glad no one knows about my secret pastime of catching baby Fuzzies! **GOOD
Introbulus: PRIZE**
Introbulus: As Larry blissfully enjoys his secret pastime, several of his so-called "friends" behind the bushes
Introbulus: begin making plots for blackmail in their heads.

Mark P: Announcer: The Bug Hunter! Coming soon to the Koopa Researcher Channel on Koopa TV!
Mark P: The Bug Exterminator has arrived!
Mark P: Yoshi: Yoshi thought Larry hate bugs!
Mark P: Wendy: Come to think of it, Larry's been obsessed with bugs lately.
Mark P: Morton: Swatting flies? I don't think so!
Mark P: The Food Chain: Yoshis eat Koopas, Koopas catch bugs.
Mark P: Things that go talk in the night: Morton, of course!

Sami: The fly is really a mini-bomb that explodes on contact.

Videogamerpat: Fairy: HEY! LISTEN! HEY! LISTEN! HEY! LISTEN!!! ***FIRST PRIZE***

Taylor: Yoshi: Hey, who paused the game? I was gonna eat that fly!

Denny W. Koopa: Morton: Hey! Yoshi has one of my strands of hair for his head, and the firefly has one for
Denny W. Koopa: his head and used one as a tail!
Denny W. Koopa: Yoshi, Morton, and Wendy: WOW! Larry's foot makes ecolocation!
Denny W. Koopa: NOOOO! Larry! You're gonna step on the LB!

Crazykoopa: Red Yoshi: Mmm.... that's the tastiest net I've ever seen... I bet it's blueberry...

Robb: Larry and Annette.

Clayton: What happens when Larry plays too much Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time.
Clayton: Morton: Why is Larry chasing, pursuing, trying to catch, stalking, that fly, bug, insect, small creature
Clayton: with an exoskeleton?
Clayton: Yoshi: Yoshi think Koopa and bug go good gether on plate!

GameQube: Larry: I am aware that a red Yoshi is after this butterfly, but has he ever heard of butterflies in GameQube: the stomach?
GameQube: Morton: I'm smiling evilly because Larry is so stupid that the object he is chasing is non-Mario GameQube: related- it's Sparx from Spyro: Enter the Dragon.
GameQube: Yoshi: This looks like more fun than MP4's Butterfly Blitz minigame. **GOOD PRIZE**

Lord Wilco: Morton, Wendy, and Yoshi watch as Larry attempts to keep the merry custardpuff away from his
Lord Wilco: garden.

Kirby Warrior: Yoshi: Yum! a Koopa!

Wooster: Larry, having captured the rare specimen of FireFly, had removed a important part of the food
Wooster: chain and inadvertantly brought an end to all life on Plit.

RaichuQueen: Larry is gonna get much more than he bargains for...

Larry: (to himself) Isn't this great, playing outside, the fresh air, sunshine, and no one around...

Ludwiggy Koopa: And so the red Yoshi learned your face really does stick that way.

Ludwig 222: After he caught the butterfly, Larry did not know it would explode in his face.

Zeus: Wendy: Argh, Morton! Why did you make us hide in a nettle bush?!

Rob: Kodak moments, share moments, share life...


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