WendyRulez and Co: Larry: Who made me
look like a little girl in this picture?
WendyRulez and
Co: Little did the Koopalings know that the bench they were sitting
on was covered with superglue…
Larry: Hello!
I'm bored.
Jr: Meep?
Ah, another day with my brothers.
Ravyn78: Larry: Why are we babysitting Bowser Jr. again?
Dark Doopliss: Bowser Jr: Wendy doesn't have hair?!
Metal Sonic: Bowser Jr: (My hand sure
tastes good!)
Metal Sonic:
I told Larry and Dad to stay away from my youth machine. Did they listen?
Metal Sonic:
smiles evilly after secretly signing Ludwig up for a babysitting service.
Red luma: 4 weirdos sitting on a wall
ChaChaCha: Bowser Jr: Did you fart, Ludwig?
Bowser Jr. is stunned at seeing Ludwig looking at his sister that way.
Jukilum: The
group looks in awe at Larry's lady lips.
Ryan "Blaze" Koopa: Wendy likes candy, Larry likes vegetables, Ludwig likes chocolate, but Bowser Junior likes his finger.
zz1666: Bowser Jr: Ahhh! An ugly, pink sea monster is about to attack! Ahhh!
ServantOfNobility: Larry: Hah! I knew it! I changed my hairstyle and nobody even noticed!**GOOD PRIZE**
Bowser Jr: Wait a minute... Are these guys brothers or brothers-in-law?
Zoshi: Bowser
Jr: Do you mind? GET YOUR FOOT OFF ME!
Zoshi: Ludwig:
Bowser Jr, stand still, he's almost done with the picture. Just a few more
Nintenbro0: Baby Bowser: Wy Wugwid got teef an me don't?
Snift: Bowser Jr: Is this susposed to be some sorta contest to write
something funny in a caption? Because that would be very lame...
Spiky Snift:
Hair: (to Larry) Do it now; strike them down while they're not looking!
Spiky Snift:
I am ssoooo baked right now...
Spiky Snift:
Thanks a lot, Ludwig, if it wasn't for you we'd all be at home right now
instead of being on a log floating towards that Spiky
Twin: Larry: Well, Junior, it's just a jump to the left.... And then
a step to the right! With your hands on your hips, you bring your
Waluigi's Twin:
in tight! But it's the pelvic thruuuust, that really drives you insay-ay-ane!
They're doing the Time Warp again!
Jr: You want me to do what with your foot, now?
DaisyGirl: Wendy:
The Naughty Bench is pretty nice.
DaisyGirl: Jr:
Mister Foot, could you please scoot over?
DaisyGirl: Jr:
I'm not gonna sit on that leg. No. Way.
DaisyGirl: Ludwig:
Come on, Jr! You can sit on my knee.
DaisyGirl: Lemmy
(in background): I can't believe Larry left our "We Don't Like Jr" team!!!**GOOD
DaisyGirl: Jr:
Ludwig, you need a trim on your toenails.
Spikey Snifit: This is the cover for the newest hit band in the Mushroom Kingdom: The Buzzy BEATles. Har har... Meh.
Ludwig: Maybe if vee ignore him he vill go away.
shawn: Jr:
I got a booboo on my finger.
Shell Mario: Bowser Jr: This is the last time I try to paint my punching bag!
Noe Campos: Larry: I'd like to see the Brady Bunch get along like this.
Yoshi: Bowser Jr: Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the...
Extreme Yoshi:
and Ludwig were sneaking up on Larry to grab the coins from his feet, as
Bowser Jr. made the real distraction of
Extreme Yoshi:
he got a splinter.
hunter: Larry: Woah! When did Bowser Jr. join the Koopalings?
Jet the Hawk: Junior: Ludwig, have you seen King Dad anywhere? And where is my brush?
Bradley123: Ludwig: Bowser Jr, if you don't stop sucking you thumb you'll end up with teeth like mine.
rayc cooley: Ludwig: Why are they all staring at us?
Daisy Hood and co: Ludwig: I wish I never showed my big tooth in the family portrait.
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