Contest 240
Picture by Koopa Girl

Butterfly Koopa: After beating Mario up for the 72nd time in a row, Luigi was considered a hero... and a maniac.

Daisyplayer1: Morton: I've got some good news and some bad news, guys; the bad news is that Luigi killed King Dad; the good
Daisyplayer1: news is that Luigi killed Mario too.
Daisyplayer1: Koopalings: DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!
Daisyplayer1: Mario knew that Luigi killed Bowser so he comitted suicide right when Luigi was about to kill him.


Shrugger Shroob: Ludwig: Told ya to hire Luigi.

Joseph Yoshi: Super Mario Wrestling! Coming to a purple wasteland near you!

Nintenbro0: Ludwig: Where is Roy? He's gonna miss out on the once in a lifetime game, Whack-a-Mario!
Nintenbro0: Bowser: Don't swing that thing so far backwards!

Chase: Koopalings: (Who knew Luigi had mental issues?)
Chase: Mario: Bow down to Luigi! He is the ultimate king! **GOOD PRIZE**
Chase: Luigi: Uh oh... Koopa Kid invasion!

Shell Mario: Morton: UGH, Lemmys hair is way too high!
Shell Mario: Luigi: I've waited so long to do this, so here I go! Mario... How do you like my hammer? I made it for you, Bro! ***FIRST Shell Mario: PRIZE***
Shell Mario: Mario: Sorry Luigi, I'm kind of busy searching for the happy star cookie a couple inches in front of me. I might be a
Shell Mario: while.
Shell Mario: I think Bowser might have had a little too much ''Koopa cola''.
Shell Mario: Mario: This is a dream, just a dream. I'm surrounded by Ninja Turtles, and Princess Peach is handing me the key to the
Shell Mario: Mushroom Kingdom.
Shell Mario: Ludwig: Uh, Larry, I don't think you are old enough to see Dad like this. So I will block your eyes with my hair.

Eric the Koopa: Luigi: Move over, Bowser; I'M THE REAL VILLAIN!!!

Douglas Carr: Koopalings: KING DAD! If you want to kill Mario, you'd better wake up because Luigi is doing it for you! **GOOD Douglas Carr: PRIZE**

Ravyn78: Mario: Okay Luigi, line it up right this time, because look what happened to Bowser!

Kirby4: Luigi: Hey Mario! Stay still, there's a fly on your nose...

danny koopa: Luigi: Haha, forget brotherly love! You ate my pasta and now YOU DIE!

Phantos67: Koopalings: Here we are, Mario; give us the money and we will kill 'em like you asked.
Phantos67: Luigi: Say your prayers, Mario.
Phantos67: Ludwig: This is going to be so sweet. First Luigi knocks out Dad, then Mario!
Phantos67: Morton: Mario, turn around I want to see your face when he wallops you.
Phantos67: Ludwig: Wow, the second bellyflop of the day. First Dad, then the fat guy.

Dallas: Ludwig: I told you 50 coins would do it.
Dallas: Mario: Ooh, a piece of candy. Ooh, a pice of candy
Dallas: Lemmy: Ok Luigi, knock him dead.
Dallas: Bowser: Ooh, a funny-looking cloud. It's purple!
Dallas: Luigi: This is SPARTAAA!!!

King Boo: Star: LUIGI! DON'T HURT ME!
King Boo: Bowser: I see trees of green...
King Boo: Bowser: I think I had too much to eat at that party.
King Boo: Lemmy: Why do we have swords sticking out of our heads?
King Boo: Larry: Me plus flammable oil equals... LUDWIG, DON'T SPIT A FIREBALL!
King Boo: Poles: We are family!

Waluigi's Twin: Ludwig: Vinish him! Vatality! ... I hate my voolish accent.

Goomba # 1: This is why the Koopas and Marios never get together for a game of X-Treme Death-Match.

Metal Sonic: The Koopalings watch as Luigi performs brain surgery on Mario. (Wait. Mario has a brain?)
Metal Sonic: Today's episode of What's Inside of Mario.
Metal Sonic: Never give Luigi high-caffeine soda and then give him a hammer.

baby mario: All these characters were obviously photo-shopped.
baby mario: Luigi: This will teach you to touch my doll collection!
baby mario: Roy is currently not present due to the lack of sibling sensibility in these photos.

koopaling: The day Mario finds a shiny nickel on the ground.


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