Contest 241
Picture by Fried the Hen

Daisyplayer1: Nurse Peach: It's time for you to get a booster shot, Wario!
Daisyplayer1: Dr. Mario: WHAT?! I told Wario the basics of going on a diet and he still weighs 1,000 pounds?!

shawn: Dr. Mario: Uh oh, Peach, you're going to need the bigger needle. **GOOD PRIZE**
shawn: Dr. Mario: Hey wait a minute, Waldo isn't anywhere on here.
shawn: Dr. Mario: That's odd, it says here that Wario is due for the "suck and tuck", but he seems to already have had it!

baby mario: Dr. Mario: Why is Wario here? He doesn't have an appointment! Oh well. Nurse Peach, prepare an unnecessary
baby mario: vaccine shot to get him out of here.
baby mario: Wario: Waluigi was right. Mario does remove his cap. I guess I owe him 20 coins.
baby mario: Dr. Mario: Since when was Peach's hair that long?
baby mario: Wario: What are you doing with that needle? I came here to get my teeth cleaned!
baby mario: Peach: Whoops, I missed. Sorry about your nose, Wario. (Or was it already that ugly?) ***FIRST PRIZE***

Ryan "Blaze" Koopa: Mario: Wario! You're wearing brown shoes!

WendyRulez and Co: Peach: Hi Wario! Let's play a game! It's called "Inject The Needle Inside You Without Anesthesics"!
WendyRulez and Co: Mario: Who would have thought Princess Peach was a deranged doctor?

agentminky: Mario: Hey! I've-a got an exclamation mark above-a my head!
agentminky: Mario: The hills are alive, with the... look.. of spots?
agentminky: Wario: Hey! How come I don't get an outfit?
agentminky: Wario: Arrgh! Medicine! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
agentminky: Wario: Little do they know I'm wearing Pixie shoes! Mwahahaha.. Hey, what am I laughing about again?
agentminky: Peach: Welcome to the land of spotty hills, still water, and squirting medicine!
agentminky: Anonymous Voice: And for our last exhibit of the Doctor Mario Museum, we have Peach for some reason squirting an
agentminky: injection at Wario.

Mario Koopa: Dr. Mario: Man is this crossword puzzle hard! I mean... You're completely healthy, Wario!

Shell Mario: Mario: Oh my! Peach injected my exclamation mark!

King Boo: Dr. Mario: Uh... Is that a zit?
King Boo: Wario: I'm an elf! Do the elf jig!

Ravyn78: Dr. Mario: So much for Wario not being afraid of needles.

Phantos67: Peach: Time for your lethal injections, Wario!
Phantos67: Wario: Must... not... kill MARIO!

Douglas Carr: Dr. Peach! An all-new game for the Nintendo DS! Make Peach ignore Mario's rants about stealing his game and just
Douglas Carr: stab Wario to death with the INJECTOR!

Waluigi's Twin: Dr. Mario: According to these charts, you are too fat, lazy, selfish, and moronic. How did YOU get into Super
Waluigi's Twin: Smash Bros. Brawl?!

Joseph Yoshi: Peach: Thank you for choosing Dr. Mario Health! We know you have a lot of choices out there but- Oh wait, no you
Joseph Yoshi: don't.

Ninji: Wario: Hmmm... That ice cream looks weird... And why is Mario in a doctor's suit? Just gimme that ice cream!

Luigi_for_life: Wario: Where in the WORLD is Mario's hat?!
Luigi_for_life: Wario: Holy Garlic! Am I, the all-mighty Wario, gonna have my yearly flu shot?
Luigi_for_life: Dr. Mario: Legs 11! No wait, that's-a bingo...
Luigi_for_life: Peach: (To the tune of Holi-Holi-Day) Hooray, hooray, it's booster shot day! The needles go squirt, and the kids get
Luigi_for_life: hurt, booster shot daaaaay!!!
Luigi_for_life: Mario was sure that either he had shrunk, or Peach had grown, for Peach looked REALLY tall. Wario, on the other
Luigi_for_life: hand, was baffled by "that big, sharp, pointy thing".
Luigi_for_life: Peach: Don't worry, Wario, we'll get that balloon popped sooner than you can say "Garlic is Good!"

Metaknight82: Mario: Ok Peach, make the needle a little bigger.
Metaknight82: Mario: Wait a second, I'm the one getting the shot?! **GOOD PRIZE**
Metaknight82: Little do they know that Wario is actually a cardboard cutout.
Metaknight82: Peach: Check out my new water gun!

Anti Dude: Wario: Helloooo, Nurse!
Anti Dude: Dr. Mario: Okay Wario, let's see, you look fine... OH MY DAD! AHH!

Metal Sonic: Mario: Wait, this isn't the doctor's office!
Metal Sonic: Wario waits for liposuction.
Metal Sonic: Wario: I hope that ! falls on Mario's head!
Metal Sonic: Peach: Wario, hold still. This is only going to hurt like mad.
Metal Sonic: Mario: First we need to remove his duodenom, then his semoid colon, then operate on his ocular cavity, then his
Metal Sonic: cerebral cortex... Dang! What's wrong with him?!

Zoshi: Dr. Mario: Wow, Wario, you haven't had any of your rabies shots. Might as well give them to you now.
Zoshi: Peach: Wario, if you let me...
Zoshi: Wario: (If I keep this up, they'll be so distracted they won't notice Waluigi stealing everything...)

Amos Magikoopa: Peach: Wait... You meant flu shot? I thought you said Botox. Your face should soften out in a few hours.
Amos Magikoopa: Dr. Mario: Don't be alarmed! Sometimes our medicine has side affects of drowsiness, dizziness, muscle
Amos Magikoopa: spasms, temporary paralyzing side affects, insomnia, pain, uncontrollable sadness, extreme rage, and
Amos Magikoopa: blindness in the left eye.
Amos Magikoopa: Mario: OOPS! Looks like we actually gave you the flu instead of a flu shot... Oh, look at the time! Gotta go!
Amos Magikoopa: Dr. Mario: DON'T SQUIRT THAT! It kills the grass and could melt your feet into your shoes- Ooops. The
Amos Magikoopa: customer wasn't supposed to know that until AFTER the shot. Don't leave, Wario! All we want to do is scam
Amos Magikoopa: you... I mean give you a shot!

carpaccio: Dr. Mario: Oh! Wario, you need to-a go on  a diet! Don't-a panic, I will call LA Weight-a Loss or threaten Shigeru
carpaccio: Miyamoto with-a blackmail to get you skinny!

John 1831: Mario: Since when were Wario and Peach a lot bigger then me!? Mamamia!

mariorulez: Nurse Peach: Okay Wario, time for your glutton booster!
mariorulez: Dr. Mario: Wait one sec, nursie...
mariorulez: Wario: (Yay! I'll finally be in a Smash Bros. game!!! Happies! Oh my DAD, that needle sure is pointy... O.O)

Dark Blade: Dr. Mario: What?! Since when was Wario taller than me?

Lemmy Koopa: As Nintendo's official, though crooked, doctor, Dr. Mario was looking for an excuse to fail Wario for his physical Lemmy Koopa: and ban him from Brawl, yet was shocked to discover that Wario is actually in perfect health.


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