Contest 262
Picture by Atticus

makoop: Mario: Since when are Sumo Brothers and Goonies in Giant Land?
makoop: Sumo Brother on the Left: Um... Why am I drinking coffee?

Fireball: Mario: They're on coffee break... Now to tip-toe away...

Daisyplayer1: Sumo Bro #1: (to Sumo Bro #2) Are you sure my lucky foot is gonna stop Mario from raiding Ludwig's castle?
Daisyplayer1: Goonie: (to the Sumo Bros) Um, guys? I think Mario is coming to steal your sandwich.
Daisyplayer1: Sumo Bro #1: I don't know if I should still stomp Mario; my foot's kinda sore.
Daisyplayer1: Mario: I'm sc-c-c-cared of S-S-S-Sum-m-mo Bros.

Doopliss' Twin: Today's forecast says a 0% chance of lightning and a 0% percent chance of any flames coming out of the ground. ***FIRST Doopliss' Twin: PRIZE***

polkamon: Mario: So, while they are treating themselves to cranberry juice and fishbone sandwiches, I'll just sneak through the
polkamon: opening of this chess piece...
polkamon: Mario: Must... get... to the... Bikini Hut... before they find out that I want to go swimming...
polkamon: Creature in middle: So this is how to play an invisible guitar...
polkamon: Mario: Hey, if that guy can drink, I can probably find some crack in that thingy over there...
polkamon: Seagull: Great... One guy is drinking alcohol, the guy next to him is already drunk... and the other one is crazily just
polkamon: wearing that hat.
polkamon: Seagull: ... Why is that stupid trick-or-treater wearing a Mario costume?
polkamon: Mario: Wow. They are really bad at playing hide and seek, aren't they?
polkamon: Seagull: Yes, I am perfectly sure that it is safe to stand on this
polkamon: mugAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm falling! I'm falling!
polkamon: This is a scene in the play that Larry wrote titled "The Weirdoes of Mushroom Kingdom".

Jukilum: Guy on the left: Hey, isn't that the plumber we're supposed to take out? Well, we are on coffee break.
Jukilum: Guy on the right: I'm just going to close my eyes and pretend that Mario isn't there.

James issac koopa: Sumo Brother (left): You think thunder comes out of our shoes?

Ravyn78: Mario takes advantage of the Sumo Brother's coffee break to sneak by them.

Superstarsaga: Sumo Brother: I didn't know I had shoes.

Waluigi's Twin: Sumo Brother #1: You ever wonder how we can do stuff, like hold coffee cups, with only three finger... claw...
Waluigi's Twin: things?

Shell Mario: Mario probably would have made it by the Sumo Bros, but he took one of their sandwiches and attracted all the
Shell Mario: Goonies.
Shell Mario: Sumo Bro: QUITE! I'm meditating about Mario walking past us and a flock of Goonies taking my sandwich...
Shell Mario: Mario: Just a little more arm flapping and soon I'll fly up with my Goonie friends!
Shell Mario: Sumo Bro (with eyes closed): Oh... no! First Mario brings an invasive species of enemies to our turf, and then he takes
Shell Mario: my sandwich!!!
Shell Mario: Mario: I'm sneaking away because I don't want to hurt those enemies' feelings when I say I'm tired of Super Mario
Shell Mario: Bros. 2 and I'm ready to turn it in to Gamestop for New Super Mario Bros.
Shell Mario: Goonie: Guys, stop tempting me, cuz you DON'T WANT TO SEE ME WHEN I DRINK COFFEE!
Shell Mario: Mario: I've walked back and forth for hours and they still haven't noticed me! COME ON, GUYS, YOU'RE DRINKING
Shell Mario: COFFEE!

Psycho Pebble: Sumo Bro on the Left: Dude! Don't call me crazy! My foot does talk with me sometimes! And he's threatening you
Psycho Pebble: right now!
Psycho Pebble: Sumo Bro on the Right: Why do you have to be so stupid?! Five doesn't come after three! Six does!
Psycho Pebble: Mario just found the best way to get past enemies: make them count up to ten!
Psycho Pebble: Sumo Bro on the Right: Sorry, but I'm pretty sure that Shifting Sands Land is hotter than Dry Dry Desert! I've been
Psycho Pebble: there before and those burn marks on my feet pretty much confirm what I said!
Psycho Pebble: Sumo Bro on the Left: And this is the chewing gun that I've had ever since I was 5. And this is the first cockroach
Psycho Pebble: that I stepped on. And this is the autograph I got from Rawk Hawk. That day was awesome! And this is...
Psycho Pebble: Sumo Bro on the Right: You didn't step on Mario, you moron! That's Luigi on your shoes!
Psycho Pebble: Sumo Bro on the Left: According to this message under my shoe, I'm actually Chinese!
Psycho Pebble: Sumo Bro on the Right: I'm telling you! The capital of Japan is not Hong Kong! It's Paris, you moron!

WendyRulez and Co: Sumo Brother: Hey look! There's a fat man over there wearing red clothes and overalls!
WendyRulez and Co: Sumo Brother: My girlfriend dumped me for hitting a birdie.

Neon Koopa: The reason the Sumo Bros. weren't attacking Mario is because of the killer maggots under the ground.

J-bit: Sumo: That must be the plumber going to fix our toilet problems at the castle.

Ms Toadstool: Goonie: If you guys would stop drinking so much beer, maybe you could focus and get Mario. I don't know too
Ms Toadstool: much about being an enemy, but it's obvious you guys are out of it!

Metaknight82: Sumo Bro on the left: One, two, three! Oh! My GOSH!!! I'm MISSING A FINGER!!!
Metaknight82: Baby Mario (not pictured): Where's Mario... Ah, there he is. That was a tough one!
Metaknight82: Since when is Mario as big as a castle?
Metaknight82: Sumo Bro on the left: Eeeeewwwwww!!! There is gum on my foot!
Metaknight82: Sumo Bro on the right: (Please kill me!!!)
Metaknight82: Goonie: My COFFEE!!!

Pirate-Guy: First Sumo Brother: Those shoes, like, totally hurt my feet! Did you notice how much we look like building builders?
Pirate-Guy: Sitting out on a big bar while on our lunch break…
Pirate-Guy: Second Sumo Brother: Um, I can see Mario but we're on our lunch break... We won't tell Bowser.

Your Twin the Fourth: Hopefully Mario doesn't know that bar is right above him, as he's allergic to coffee.

PaperDanie123: Bird: Do I smell an anchovy sandwich?

martinbros: Haven't I heard that these guys don't take breaks? It would serve them right if that seagull took that sandwich!

koopaling: Mario: I can't believe that guy didn't see the bird steal his lunch... *snort*
koopaling: Minion: Oh my gosh! FINGERS!!!
koopaling: Bird: You have to OPEN your eyes to look for Mario, Mushroom-head.**GOOD PRIZE**

luigiluvr: Sumo Bro on left: Have you noticed that our left hands only have THREE fingers instead of four?

Angelette: Left Sumo Bro: That cocoa I made has no marshmallows, no sugar, and most importantly, no chocolate.
Angelette: Goonie: Hey guys, I brought that meatless sandwich you wanted.

George 200: Sumo Bro on left: Hey! Isn't that Mario? ... Nah.

Shadow13: Guy on the right: Didn't I have a sandwich in this hand?

Dynomite8: Just when you thought it was safe to eat lunch...
Dynomite8: Sumo Bro on left: Look, if you want to pound one of us, I have a suggestion...

Brian N Koopa: “He's here, isn't he?"

Dynomite8: Sumo Bro: Maybe if we don't move, Mario won't see us. That goes for you too, seagull!

monkeychicken: Mario: Dun dun DUM DUM DUM DUM dun. Wow, that was close, I almost got pelted by a stream of fire.

astromatt3: Enemy on right: Dude, why do you keep poking your foot? It's bleeding, you know.
astromatt3: Enemy on left: Hey! How come you get two cups of coffee and I only get one?! It's not fair! Waaah!

Firestar: Left Sumo Bro: Oh no! Our castle shrunk!

HVB: Mario: Heh, I can't wait ‘til they realize I stole their pizza!

Dark Koopa: Sumo Bro 1: I've realized that I only have four fingers, how come Mario has five?
Dark Koopa: Sumo Bro 2: (Can't I drink my coffee in peace?)

Luigi for life: Mario is five miles ahead of Luigi in the "Save the Princess" olympic event.**GOOD PRIZE**

Quirky Q-pa: Mario: Koopas? On drugs?! No wonder it's so easy to beat the &$^%^%& out of them!

Princess Daisy: Sumo Bro 1: And then I told him I couldn't lie, I'm worried about my weight!

Silver Boom Boom: Mario: The Crave called, so I gotta get to the castle!

Mr.L's brother: Sumo Bro: You know that's not coffee, right?

boohooboo: Sumo Brother 1: ...And the plan that will let us destroy Mario was... Hey, is that cappucino?
boohooboo: Goonie: I shall use my AWESOME Ninja Goonie powers to steal this sandwich!
boohooboo: Mario: Runnnnnnnnnnnn! Goonies ten times my size are attacking!
boohooboo: Sumo Brother 1: Is this what you call a foot?
boohooboo: Sumo Brother 1: That's poison you are drinking, by the way.

Liggy: Sumo Bro on left: Hey, isn't the capacity limit for this only 30 pounds?

jerryle3: Even bad guys need lunch breaks.


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