Contest 294
Picture by Fried the Hen

flitchard: Iggy: Yeah, yeah! Just WAIT'LL my Mega Shroom kicks in!
flitchard: Susan: Let's see... POW Block, Stopwatch, vegetables... WHERE'S THAT DARN LUIGI SUIT?!
flitchard: Hammer Bro: WOW! This Ludwig suit makes me look ten times tougher!

Golden Podoboo: Wendy: I lost the bet. Ludwig only has one leg and Lemmy's hair can actually fit in that suit. Now I have to wear
Golden Podoboo: this ugly Frog Suit!
Golden Podoboo: Wendy: First the frog stole my bow, and now it's eating me.

Mirai: If you think Larry's scared already then obviously you haven't seen the look on his face when he sees Susan.
Mirai: Wendy: It's not fair! Susan's replacing me!
Mirai: Roy: Yum! Hammers! HEY! Why're you giving them to Larry?
Mirai: Luigi: Let's see... The frog ate 9/10 of Lemmy's hair, half of Ludwig's hair... So THAT'S why Wendy and Roy have no hair!

Dynomite8: Somehow, I don't think "Super Koopa Bros. 3" is going to be as popular.

Pete: I can tell you that someone here does not belong.
Pete: Wendy: Hmmph. Why did I have to choose the most ridiculous costume? Eww. I smell garlic breath...
Pete: Roy: This photo had BETTER not be going in the yearbook! We'd be laughingstocks!
Pete: Larry: I didn't mean that comment about your helmet hair! Please don't forcefeed me those hammers!
Pete: Susan: Hmm. Let me see. P...O...W... Puh-owe. P-ow... OH, I get it! POW! Yay! I built a word!

Daisyplayer1: Wendy: I'm surrounded by idiots.
Daisyplayer1: Susan: No fair! How come everyone gets to play SMB3 while I'm stuck with SMB2?
Daisyplayer1: Weegee: Hey froggy, PAY ATTENTION TO WEEGEE!
Daisyplayer1: Morton: It's-a me! Morton!
Daisyplayer1: Larry: No, not the Hammer Bros, anybody but them!
Daisyplayer1: Even the Koopalings aren't paying attention to Weegee.
Daisyplayer1: Roy: RAWR! I'm gonna get ya, Larry!
Daisyplayer1: Iggy doesn't know that Morton's gonna set his wristband on fire.
Daisyplayer1: Susan: You guys better play SMB2 with me or I'll POW you!
Daisyplayer1: Aww, Lemmy's so cute in a Tanooki Suit.
Daisyplayer1: Iggy: YEAH! GIMME THOSE HAMMERS!
Daisyplayer1: Lemmy: I've got a weird feeling that Larry's gonna knock me down.
Daisyplayer1: Wendy: Why is it that I always get the stupid costumes?
Daisyplayer1: Susan: Now it's time to ruin the Koopalings' fun! Mua ha ha ha!
Daisyplayer1: Weegee: (to Wendy) You should be happy that you're in the water, now pay attention to Weegee or else!

badyoyo: Susan: Face it guys, there's no way we're ever going to be in another game.

Doopliss' twin: Iggy: Guys, we are breaking the laws or reality... or we are breaking the rules that Nintendo forced upon us. On
Doopliss' twin: second thought, have a ball!

RoseKOOPA: Lemmy: Look at me! I'm trying to do the Weegee stare too!**GOOD PRIZE**
RoseKOOPA: Weegee: I'ma gonna get joo'.
RoseKOOPA: Iggy: Curse you, young wippersnappers! I want a power-up too!

Luigi007: Lemmy: HOORAY! Super Lemmy Bros. 3!!!

Hammer 101: In about 3 seconds, all you will see is a bow and an empty Frog Suit.

zz1666: And so, it seems the Koopalings' attempt at putting on a play of SMB3 failed when Susan showed up with items from
zz1666: SMB2.

Neon Koopa: Roy: YOU MUST DIE!!!
Neon Koopa: Morton: My hair's gone!
Neon Koopa: Susan: Hehehe... If I combine these two items, I shall have myself a time bomb!!! Not that I would use it... I need a
Neon Koopa: hobby...
Neon Koopa: Wendy: I refuse to talk to Luigi as the backwards L on his hat deeply offends me for some reason!
Neon Koopa: **GOOD PRIZE**

Shade Koopa: Wendy: LUIGI!!! Your hat is like so totally backwards and... OMD!!! My costume is like so completely cross-eyed!!!

Angelette: Iggy: Behold! Since I have no suit or items to use, I will pull them down with my mind!
Angelette: Lemmy is concentrating to turn into a statue.

Douglas Carr: The Koopalings' costume party wasn't a huge success.

polkamon: Morton: No, Iggy, I am not going to believe you when you say I should look up in the sky if I want to see the enemy!

Fawful koopa: Wendy: I need a new boyfriend.

Slike373: It was a normal picnic for the Koopalings. Throwing of blunt objects, fire... No one ever expected something to happen to
Slike373: Wendy.
Slike373: Weegee: Stay here while I wring out my *zap*!
Slike373: Susan: I SAID TIME UP! Now either pay again, or leave before I hit this block!***FIRST PRIZE***
Slike373: Iggy: And you see, Morton, convection is why heat rises! Not metaphorically, of course, since if it were that, Roy and
Slike373: Larry would be at rock bottom.
Slike373: After a horrifying creature with a green hat possessed Larry, Roy, and Lemmy's souls, it was all up to Ludwig to stop
Slike373: them.
Slike373: Susan: Ludwig, if you don't stop throwing hammers at Larry, your time is up. Get it? It's a pun! But seriously, stop.
Slike373: Iggy: I won the bet, Morton! I told you Ludwig wouldn't recognize Larry with raccoon ears!

Brick Block: Bowser: I guess I should stop playing Super Mario Bros. hacks before I lose the remaining 12 percent of my sanity
Brick Block: and start seeing Iggy flashing rainbow colors...

J-bit: Weegee: Do you like lemonade?
J-bit: Mario might not have anyone to kill if this keeps up.

WendyRulez and Co: Using Mario power-ups, the Koopalings are finally ready to end the Mario Bros' games! There's just one
WendyRulez and Co: problem... They can't find Luigi!


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