Contest 38
Picture by Blue Boo

Boshee: Person on the right: Here you go, kids. Wait, why aren't you two wearing costumes?
Boshee: Larry: Aw, come on, Wendy! I was hoping to actually blow someone up with the bomb, instead of just
Boshee: threatening people with it.
Boshee: Person on the right: Here you go, kids. Hehe, I love your frog and pig costumes!
Boshee: Larry: That last house gave out twenty Mario and Luigi dolls to everyone, and now two stale
Boshee: marshmallows and some lipstick to both of us. Is it me, or are the treats getting stranger every
Boshee: year?
Boshee: Larry: Wendy, I know Kamek isn't wearing his glasses, but you still don't think he'll realize that it's
Boshee: us every time? ***FIRST PRIZE***

Philip Mekeel: Wendy: Ooh! You're giving me lipstick?! Why thanks, I'm all out anyway!
Philip Mekeel: Little does Wendy know, that isn't Lemmy dressed up as Frankenstein's monster, but a real Philip Mekeel: re-animated corpse.
Philip Mekeel: Lemmy and Wendy are treat-or-treating... IN NOVEMBER?!

Introbulus: Person: My, what a convincingly UGLY witch!
Introbulus: Koopa behind Wendy: Who am I supposed to be again?
Introbulus: Evil Ball: Ow! You have your claw in my eye!
Introbulus: Koopa on Ball: Is that Thing?!
Introbulus: Guy: Sorry, I can only give you some cosmetics.

Dylan: Lemmystein: You do realize that the door to the house we're trick-or-treating at right now is
Dylan: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 miles away. **GOOD PRIZE**
Dylan: Wendy Witch: We'll skip Susan's house tonight.
Dylan: "It's the Great Pumpkin, Lemmy Koopa" the movie never sold.
Dylan: Lemmystein: My ball is just in the background. I'm actually floating in midair.

Dasher Koopa: The newest candy since the deoderent lolipop: The Edible Lipstick!

Toddy Koopa: Guy with treats: You look just like the executioner and princess I saw here an hour ago!
Toddy Koopa: Wendy: If I die from this candy I'll kill you!

Lil Miss Game & Watch: Wendy was so excited about getting candy that she didn't notice the fist heading
Lil Miss Game & Watch: RIGHT FOR HER!

A-chana: It was either give Wendy the top-class make-up, or get squashed by FrankenLemmy and his A-chana: monster ball.

Bobby: Wendy attempts to get that lipstick.
Bobby: Lemmy realizes that the ball is a bomb.
Bobby: Didn't they realize that Halloween is next week?

Koopland: Guy giving Wendy candy: Where's Koopastein's monster?

masterzoza: Witch Person: Lipstick? Man, talk about cheap. I bet next year you'll be giving out APPLES!
masterzoza: **GOOD PRIZE**
masterzoza: Green Dude: Lipstick? No thanks, I'm a guy.
masterzoza: Green Dude: Lipstick? I don't want no stinkin' lipstick.
masterzoza: Witch Person: Do I look like I need lipstick? In your dreams, bud!
masterzoza: Witch Person:  Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!

Cosmic H: Lemmy: I've got news for you, Mister... this ain't makeup!

Megadan: Man: Here's your pois... I mean sweet candy!

Robb: Wendy: What do you mean, "Why didn't I put on a costume?"
Robb: We've secretly replaced Lemmy's clown ball with a super-death bomb; let's see if he can tell the
Robb: difference.
Robb: Lemmy was filled with fear as he realized that he and his sister had trick-or-treated at the dreaded
Robb: Avon Lady's house.

Yoshata: Lemmy: Aww! I wanted the makeup!
Yoshata: Lemmy: I need that makeup to cover up these ugly screws in my head, no thanks to an unfortunate
Yoshata: experiment by Ludwig...
Yoshata: Lemmy: I need that makeup to fake me back to normal color... How was I supposed to know that was
Yoshata: radioactive waste Wendy put in my shake?
Yoshata: Lemmy: Why isn't there any moon? ... Or stars?
Yoshata: It was today that Wendy robbed the entire planet of makeup, with Lemmy as her mutated assistant.

kerrminator: Lemmy: Great... beauty supplies.

Dr. Hannah: Wendy eventually found out that she didn't need a costume to scare Mushrooomers.

Jackie: Wendy: What's candy?


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