Contest 46
Picture by Blue Boo

Todd: Bowser: (to Angry Sun) What do you mean it's a distraction?

darkmatt: Bowser: I think I'm not in Dark Land anymore.
darkmatt: Sting Camellion: Help me Bowser! Help me destroy those Angry Suns so I can save my snowman!
darkmatt: Most people prefer the wonderful taste of Frosty the Snowman big size snacks over the other
darkmatt: snacks, so Bowser says.
darkmatt: Smaller Angry Sun: I don't know which one's a snowman!

Jeff the Great: And as their eyes met and the music started playing, the moment seemed to last forever...
Jeff the Great: Just your normal, average, everyday day in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Jeff the Great: Larger Angry Sun: Jeez, Hank, you stink! You forget to take a shower this morning? **GOOD Jeff the Great: PRIZE**

Shadow Mario: Little does Bowser know that if you stare at that Transformer thingymabob, you'll get a laser
Shadow Mario: fired at your eye.

Dylan: Snowman: Lucky I have sunscreen on.
Dylan: Bowser has been watching too many Frosty the Snowman videos and thought he could bring his Dylan: snowman to life by putting a hat on it.
Dylan: Big Angry Sun: Now Junior, you have to avoid one thing in life. It's sunscreen.
Dylan: Both Angry Suns: I knew we would fail to catch that Snowmanmon! It looks like Team Sun is blasting
Dylan: off again!
Dylan: Bowser: I'm confused. Why is that question mark above my head? I'm not confused or anything.

Prince Larry: Bowser: What in the world is Sting Chameleon doing here and what's with that evil Snowman
Prince Larry: from Banjo-Kazooie AND two Angry Suns?! That's the last time I play video games for three
Prince Larry: days straight...

Lil Miss Game & Watch: Bowser: Wow, what a tiny tree!
Lil Miss Game & Watch: Bowser: Why do I suddenly have a migraine?

Chris: Bowser got hit.

A-chana: Snowman: Go, my minions, and destroy the world! ... I mean, I'm Frosty the Snowman, and
A-chana: something blah blah blah... **GOOD PRIZE**
A-chana: Bowser: Why are the suns heating only one spot, and why is that Rayquaza Pokemon wannabe
A-chana: aiming that laser at me? ... Crud.
A-chana: This is what happens when there's a lizard with a laser, an evil snowman, twice the Angry Suns, a
A-chana: clueless Bowser, and Blue Boo with access to all of these, sugar, and "paint",
A-chana: Bowser: How did I get bigger than the tree?!
A-chana: Small Angry Sun: Ok, what on Plit is zooming above me? Micro Angry Sun?
A-chana: Big Angry Sun: Run away from the Giant Question Mark of Doom!
A-chana: Tree: Now, WHY aren't I outlined?! And Lizard-freak's feet don't count!
A-chana: Super Dumb Thingies Clash wasn't the best fighting game to hit the house, mainly because there
A-chana: were only around six characters and their abilities stunk.

Dasher Koopa: What Bowser wanted for Christmas: Chaos.

Lunger: Bowser: Because of the monster in the tree, a snowman in Dark Land, two Suns, and a patch of Lunger: green in Winter, this is the weirdest day of my life.

james: Things just got a lot chillier.

Cosmic_H: Bowser: Am I having that dream again?

Zach: Bowser: Where'd my snowman go?

Boshee: That's funny, the snowman is winning the "all-out melt each other" battle! ***FIRST PRIZE***

Bobby: Bowser: Wow, a Megaman X Boss... YEOWCH!
Bobby: Robot: Mmm, I can taste that fried Koopa right now...

Zeus: Bowser: (hypnotized) Must... eat... pie...

Denny W. Koopa: Bowser: Look at the heveanly Suns above my head, and that Fryguy next to me! I HAVE
Denny W. Koopa: SCALES! COOL! Just like a Porcupo!

Lord Wilco: Bowser: Evidently there is something wrong here, but I'm brain dead so that's not my problem.

Star_Daniel: Angry Sun: I hate this snow! It makes me so mad I must kill!
Star_Daniel: Bowser: What have I done, Mr. Monster Guy?

Robb: The evil snowman grinned wickedly, for he had known Bowser's fate all along, and said nothing.

Samma: Snowman: Um... So what am I doing here?


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