Contest 66
Picture by Blue Boo

Wooster: Jeff: Overcrowding at premiere movies has been cut down drastically thanks to obligitory
Wooster: lightsaber dules in addition to the $20.00 ticket.
Wooster: Darth Vader: Little do they know that I am really a sensitive and caring guy who just wants to
Wooster: dominate the universe from my secret theater headquarters.
Wooster: Mario: A-ha! Give it up Mister Door, I saw you blink!

mathgrant: On May 28, 2004, the ultra-bland game "Super Mario Senate" got its vastly under-anticipated
mathgrant: sequel, "Super Mario House".
mathgrant: Darth Vader: Exclamation mark above me, I am your father.
mathgrant: Earthbound Kid: Why is there a fake sun above us anyway?
mathgrant: Mario sneaks a peek at the kitchen of the new "Super Mario House" restaurant.
mathgrant: Mallow: The pressure on my head has suddenly increased by one million pounds!
mathgrant: Announcer: Watching bad movies, and continuing to look at bad pictures with bad captions and
mathgrant: bad running gags; still another side effect of hunger. Hungry? Grab a Snickers.

Slimer49'r: Little did Mario know that the nerd was actually Culex in disquise.

Kirbyfancobra: Mario: Hmm... Super Mario House! I remember that Funny! Heywaitasecond, Darth Vader's not
Kirbyfancobra: a videogame charactor! GET 'IM!!!
Kirbyfancobra: Mario: C'mon, open up! Iggy's gonna blast Peach to Da Moon if I don't steal him $1,000,000
Kirbyfancobra: worth of tacos!

Bobby: Darth Vader: Why are these guys doing that?
Bobby: Jeff: A lightsaber? Now why didn't I choose that instead of this stupid pair of glasses?!
Bobby: Mallow wasn't surprised by Mario standing on him or Jeff with that claw. He was surprised that the
Bobby: rejected game Super Mario House is a movie!

Dark Koopa: Darth Vader: Oh no! He can jump high! This highly deadly lightsaber is useless!!! ***FIRST
Dark Koopa:PRIZE***
Dark Koopa: Mario Star Wars 2: Attack of the Pasta.
Dark Koopa: Mario: How am I a-going to eat my pasta? Use the force? Oh, use-a the forks!
Dark Koopa: Mario: (looking at sign over door) Aww man, I can't-a read Italian!

Dylan: Mario never realized that he was spying on his own reflection.
Dylan: Mario: I don't like the looks of this. They're making a sequel to Mario RPG. **GOOD PRIZE**
Dylan: Claw Kid: (The new Mini Mario Toy. Buy them all, buy them all, buy them all.)
Dylan: Mario: Oh no! Bowser is forcing Lemmy to make him win the caption contest! He must be stopped!
Dylan: Hmm, Bowser had a good idea. I'll try that in next week's caption contest.

Dark Ludwig: Jeff: For the last time, get outta my house! Can't you see I'm trying to beam up in peace?!
Dark Ludwig: Darth Vador: You shall fall once and for... *gasp!* M-M-Mario House, the game I've wanted
Dark Ludwig: since forever! YOU shall fall!

Miles "Thumbs" Power: Darth Vader: I'm gonna ask one more time; where are your tickets?
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Mallow: Don't worry, Jeff, nothing can go wrong. What are you looking at?

Starwind Koopa: Darth Vader: Mario, I am your father.
Starwind Koopa: Mallow: Maybe with this hat, I can fool him into thinking I'm someone else!
Starwind Koopa: Mario: Ooh, shiny exclamation point...
Starwind Koopa: And now presenting the newest Mario game, Super Mario House!
Starwind Koopa: Darth Vader: Hey Mallow, you've got your hat on the wrong way!


Huge Iggy fan: Mallow: What do you mean Mario secretly tries to watch Super Mario House movie by
Huge Iggy fan: standing on me?
Huge Iggy fan: Boy: Mario is going to be SOOOOO dead when ''black guy with laser sword'' notices him.

Tyler: Darth Vader had been in the waiting room for three days and he still didn't get his copy of Mario
Tyler: House.
Tyler: Cloudy Guy: Do you see the game room?
Tyler: Another time Mario tried to break into the museum.
Tyler: Darth Vader: The British are coming!
Tyler: Mario forgot this was the Bombs-That-Blow-Up Museum even after Vader warned him.

Tommy Koopa: Mario: Mallow, I don't think this is Yoshi Theater.

Silver Knight: Star Wars Episode 6: Attack of the Sprites.
Silver Knight: That kid from Earthbound: Um, en-garde?
Silver Knight: Mario: (looking in the window) Who's that gorgeous-looking hunk?

Maguskoopa: Guys, can you tell me where to find a lightsaber?

Purple Koopa: The number one use for a Mallow is... a stepping stool!

Double D: Lemmy (off-screen): Hey Iggy! Look at this new RPG hack on the internet, featuring Darth Vader
Double D: and an anonymous guy!
Double D: Mario: I don'care that Darth Vader is going to slice you to bits and some guy is going to hit you
Double D: with a wrench; hold still so I can see!
Double D: Mario: Woah! This movie is really neat! Darth Vader and some guy from another dimension find
Double D: plotholes and come to Plit! **GOOD PRIZE**
Double D: Mallow: Oh my gosh! That caption is horrible!

Cheeseboy: The hardest part of the videogame Super Mario House: getting to the bathroom!
Cheeseboy: Darth Vader: Mario... I am your... TOILET SEAT!!!
Cheeseboy: Mario: Mallow... YOU'RE THE WORST PARTY MEMBER EVER!!!
Cheeseboy: Mechanic: Err... Which one do I have to fix, the man in black, or the toilet?
Cheeseboy: Mallow (Goomba): I knew I should've got the Popple costume!!!

Gamechamp: Security Guard: Hey! Only stars can see the premiere! Not you!

Lil Miss Game & Watch: Mario: Yep, it's an exclamation point all right.
Lil Miss Game & Watch: Darth Vader: Ahh! Scary!

Darkmatt: Mallow: Yeah, that's definitely going to win 1st prize at the science fair.
Darkmatt: Jeff: Uhhh, you might not wanna look behind you, there's a giant Bob-omb ove... ohh, too late.
Darkmatt: Darth Vader: This is the WORST Death Star ripoff I've ever seen! And good god you even made a
Darkmatt: giant Anakin Skywalker! Oh well, might as well die trying. EN GARDE!
Darkmatt: Mallow was shocked to finally find out that the rest of the SMRPG cast wasn't playing hide and
Darkmatt: seek...
Darkmatt: Jeff: Look, I couldn't find a metal version of these "Axem Rangers", so I just got Darth Vader
Darkmatt: instead.

Jacklyn Howton: Darth Vader: ... I should just walk away very slowly...

MarioFanaticXV: Mario: WHAT?! They're having a Star Wars convention... they said it was a Trekkies
MarioFanaticXV: convention!!!

Starfire: Mario: What? All I'm doing is watching a litter of puppies being born! PUSH!

jab: Mario: Mallow, keep a lookout for the theater security, alright?

Toa of Lint: Off with your heads!!!

Taco God of the Delta Quadrant: Respawned by Brain Boy, Mario's newest character, Darth Vader chopped
Taco God of the Delta Quadrant: futilely at the hovering exclamation point over him as Mario escaped
Taco God of the Delta Quadrant: past Invincighoul.

Alexander von Koopa: Darth Vader: Look, I don't care where you were, just get in line, buddy!

fuge: Mario: That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen!

Beautiful Boo: Darth Vader: Hey look, a marshmallow!

Joanie Koopa: Darth Vader soon gave up his life on the Dark Side to become a security guard at the First
Joanie Koopa: National Mushroom Bank.
Joanie Koopa: Vader: HEY! You aren't employees!
Joanie Koopa: What would YOU do for a 1-Up?

videogamerpat: Darth Vader: Mario, I am your father's mother's sister's cousin's former roommate...

Punisher: Mallow: Oh my God, it's Arron Carter!

MetaKnight: Mario: Mallow, I am your father!

Luigi_Ownz: Vader: Mallow...I am your father!
Luigi_Ownz: Mario: Worst. Movie. Ever.
Luigi_Ownz: Jeff: Sorry, but the power is going out in five seconds. You'll need this.


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