Iggy tells Morton to shut his mouth or he will blast him.
The giant mechanical Blooper and the blue turtle show off their new Koopa
Kids stuffed toys.
Terry: Morton: Hey, we could use your large squid and take over Water Land.
Iggy: You want to trade that bean for my robo-squid?! I think not! But
throw that blue frog raft in the
Atticus: deal,
and then we're getting somewhere! **GOOD PRIZE**
Koopa: Morton: I wonder how many wedding cakes will fit in that metal
Blooper you've got there,
Panzer Koopa:
Only four can fit in mine! In fact, I'm sitting in one now. *squish*
Miss Game & Watch: Smile for the camera!
Lil Miss Game
& Watch: Morton: I'm smiling and happy and talking and that
makes me happy to talk and smile
Lil Miss Game
& Watch: and be happy and this is not a very good caption is
Lil Miss Game
& Watch: Come to Koopa Waters, the only water park in the Koopa
Lil Miss Game
& Watch: Morton: Come on Iggy, the water's not that scarAGGH!
Zeus: Robot: Ack, couldn't Ludwig make my mouth closeable? I keep swallowing flies!
Crazykoopa: Morton: So ya see... my robot is better than- hey! Why are you aiming at me?!
Game Guy: Morton: Sure, I don't mind a Pokemon battle. **GOOD PRIZE**
Da Real Kooky: Morton: So I sez to Maple, I sez...
Banjie: Morton: HEY! That thing ate my wedding cake!
Ara: Why in the world is Iggy talking
to Morton?!
Ara: I
think Morton's robot likes Iggy's robot...
Ara: Unknown
to the two Koopalings, a shark glides toward them in the water...
Ara: Thank
Ludwig for robots!
Ara: The
Koopalings are playing weapon-tag hide and seek and are looking for Wendy.
Ara: Iggy:
That's right! It's the all new Super Cleaner 2000, complete with four suckers
and four blowers!
Ara: (Batteries
not included.)
Introbulus: Iggy: Hey, Morton! Check out my giant flame-throwing Blooper robot!
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