The Hatching of the Shreok 3
Master of Puppets

By Slimer49'r

Prologue: The Chosen One

Ten years ago...

It was raining, and streaks of lightning streaked across the sky over the barren streets of Nimbus Land. A cloaked figure ran, holding a small bundle. The figure was a female Nimbus. She was panicking, and sweat ran down her face. She went to a doorstep and set the bundle down. She rang the doorbell, and ran off. After a moment, two Koopas, a male and a female, opened the door, and saw the crying bundle. The male Koopa bent down on his knees, picked it up, and unrwapped it, revealing a small Nimbus baby wearing a shell. The creature squealed with delight, opened its mouth, and a long, stretchy tounge licked him. He brought it back up to his face and said, "What in DAD's name?" He felt something crumple in his hand and saw a note: "I know you might not understand, but please take care of our baby! Yes, he is a hybrid, but please! Find it in your hearts." The Koopa looked at the note, then back at the baby.


The Nimbus woman sat down in a bar, and waited for the bartender to come around. "A mug of hard liquor please. I need it tonight." He filled up a medium-sized mug with beer, and then gave it to the woman. She took off her hood. A woman at another table stared at her. "Diane?"


"What are you doing here?" they asked in unison.

Diane smiled to see her old friend. "Hiding. Since I gave birth to a hybrid, I'm an outcast," she said.

Marissa snickered. "You always were a firebrand."

Diane looked out the windows at the stars. They were shining beautifuly, like many Christmas decorations. She sighed. She was jealous of the stars. They were so free, out in the night sky. She wanted to be a star...

The doors burst open, and two soldiers came in. They grabbed her roughly and pushed her against the table, and cuffed her.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS? WHAT HAVE I DONE?" The soldiers remained silent. "LET ME GO YOU CHAUVINIST @#@$%#!!!" She was dragged out of the bar, and out into the night. She was thrown into the police car, and moaned as she felt bruises pain her. She banged against the bars of the car, as the siren wailed.

The car screeched to a hault in front of the Castle and she was put in front of a court room. "Diane Steinburg, we find you guilty of giving birth to a hybrid. Your sentance is death."

As they dragged me toward the gas chambers she screamed, "@##$@ YOU!!!"


In a dark palace, Lord Alkeron slammed his fist down on a table. "@$#! That Mario. He killed Smithy?"

One of his servants bowed. "Ah, but Master, the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom has been killed. And Mario is devastated."

Lord Alkeron pondered this for a moment. "True. But, I must make sure the pest dies." He got out of his chair, and went over to an archway where there was a green, eerie light. It was swirling around in a rather large bowl-shaped structure. Dead souls screamed as they spun. The dark lord smiled evily and reached his hand into the bowl structure and turned to his minion.

"This is the Diantze Caronina. It contains the tortured souls of the cursed people. Truly nauseating, Isn't it? Sometimes I like to fish the souls out and have them hope to be freed, only for me to toss them back." He swirled his hand around in the bowl, searching. "Of course, it also contains the souls of Demons..."

With that he pulled out a long, white, glowing object, and with a blinding flash of light, a creature stood before them. It was six feet tall, and scarecrow-like. It had a long, shiny scythe that dripped with blood. His smile was twisted and evil, and his eyes glowed red. He was wearing what appeared to be a burlap bag, but It was hard to tell. The creature bowed when it saw Lord Alkeron. "Ah, it is always a pleasure to see you, Sire, but did you have to sumon me when I was having so much fun?" The creature grinned and wiped the blood of his blade.

"There is time for that later, but now, I have a job for you.

"There is a man on this planet by the name of Mario. Do you think you could kill him for me? And everyone else he knows and loves?" he said.

The demon grinned. "It's what I do best, Sire." The creature then turned, and sunk into the ground as a shadow.

Lord Alkeron grinned. Mario, you will be mine. In good time, in good time...

Chapter One: Regrets and Second Thoughts


I'm Mario Mario. Sometimes the world can be a happy, smiling place. Sometimes you can be with your family, or the one you love, or just be enjoying a good day. But the world is not always such a nice place. I learned that the hard way. Death, Violence, Killing, Drugs. A couple of days ago the love of my life was killed. One of the things that made my life worth it, was taken away. And I was devastated. There are some times when life can seem unfair, and sometimes it is. People die, People are born. That's the way things work. But this was not supposed to happen. This was a nightmare.

"DADDY!" I turned around and saw my daughter staring at me. "Daddy, will you play with me?" she asked. I sighed.

"Sure, honey."

My daughter's name is Holly. Holly Mario. She is seven years old, and she is a beautiful tyke. Long pink hair that was in a style that was similar to my wives. She had sky blue eyes, and wore pink overalls with an orange shirt.

"Dyllan, you want to come too?" I asked. Dyllan grumbled. He was playing Gamecube.

"Meh. I'm trying to beat Paper Mario 2 here." He turned back to his game.

Dyllan was my son. Not a very nice boy. He was angry, and vengeful, and picked on children smallar then him. I don't know how he turned out this way, but it seemed like he thought me and Peach paid more attention to Holly. He was older, and always boasted because of it. He had long-ish blond hair, and green eyes. He wore black overalls and a white shirt.

My daughter and I went outside to play. I took the tennisball in my right hand. "Okay, Holly. You take the ball, and throw it, like... this!" I threw the tennisball, and she tried to catch it, but failed. "Ooh, that's okay, try again."

I took the ball and threw it again. This time, she caught it. She smiled. "I CAUGHT IT!" I grinned.

"Okay, now toss it back!" I said. She threw the ball and I caught it.

We played for a few hours. "Okay, It's getting late. It's dinnertime, I said. Then my daughter went inside.


We were on a boat, and traveling across the vista sea. Holly was very curious. "Where are we going, Daddy?" she asked.

"You'll see," I said.

The waves crashed upon the shore as we reached Oho Jee Island. (If that isn't the name, sue me. I haven't played SSS in a while.) We got off the boat and saw a huge temple in front of us. Both children stared in amazement. The wind seemed to stop blowing as if it too was staring at the beauty of the gigantic structure that stood before us.

We walked inside to see a large, glowing orb at the top of some steps. "Go on, Holly. Touch it. It won't hurt you." Holly whimpered and hid behind me. "Look, I'll go up with you, okay?" She nodded, less frightened.

We walked up the stairs, and she gingerly touched it. A flash of blue light and a roaring sound came from the orb. Holly screamed and ran down to the base of the stairs. A tall ice spirit came from within the orb. "Holly, step forward and obtain the power you were destined to have at birth," it said.

My daughter walked towards the creature. "Hold out your hand." She stuck out her hand, and the spirit touched his palm to hers. Holly was enveloped in a brilliant blue light, before returning to the ground.

"Hold your hand out, and think of flowing... smooth.... soft... visualize water, ice snow! These are at your command." Holly held out her hand, and to her surprise a burst of ice came out and froze on the ground.

She stared, mouth agape. I smiled at her. "Someday, me and your Uncle Luigi won't be able to protect Plit. That is when you two will have to takeover."

I patted her head, and we left the temple. Then we went to the other temple. Dyllan imediately ran up and touched the orb. The spirit appeared, and power was obtained. He shot rock out of his hands. He grinned. "^*(."

I frowned. "Hey, watch your language, Mister." Dyllan made a crude gesture at me and turned away.


I was walking through the graveyard, and came to Peach's grave. I bent down and placed a rose. "Hi, Peach. It's me. I gave you this."

I read the inscription on the tombstone. Princess Peach Toadstool- Mother, Wife, Friend. I remembered Peach. I remembered when we first met, how she would always laugh at my jokes, the way she always knew how to calm me down... and I cried again...

Chapter Two: Koopa Love


Hi. I'm Ludwig. Ludwig Von Koopa. My father is an evil tyrant bent on taking over the Mushroom Kingdom and marrying Peach, after losing Clawdia. Bowser was crushed when he heard that Peach had died. I could only imagine how Mario felt. My father wants us to be evil, but I don't care for it. Personally, I'd rather become a scientist and fight sickness. Mario really doesn't seem like that bad of a guy, he just is trying to protect the people he loved. How I would die to be with the one I loved...

You see, a month before, Bowser had been angry that Karma was living here in his castle, so he kicked her out to go live in the woods. Karma had always snuck back secretly to visit me. I was sitting in my room, staring at the ceiling, thinking about Karma. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen... My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my younger siblings chasing each other. Iggy ran past my room holding a magazine labeled GIRL KOOPAS. Roy chased angrily after him. "GIVE THAT BACK!" Roy bellowed.

I irritably shut my door, and flopped down on my bed. Since I was the eldest child, I had the most responsibility, and Bowser counted on me the most. He disapproved of me meeting with Karma, because she was a hybrid. Hybrids, although not illegal to be born anymore, are still hated greatly by many. One of those people, was my dad.

The curtains blew in the breeze and birds chirped. The sun glowed with great warmth, and I felt good in its presence. I heard King Dad calling me. "LUDWIG! GET DOWN HERE!" I groaned and got up, walking downstairs. Bowser growled. "Are you ready for combat training?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Give me what I usually get."

I stood inside the huge rectangular structure and waited. The walls glowed, and then everything disappeared. The sky turned blue and the ground appeared. Several Toads came charging at me with armor and spears. One tried stabbing me, but I grabbed its spear, snapped it in half, and stabbed it in the face. It fell to the ground, in pain, where I roasted it.

One came from behind me, and I rolled over it in my shell, crushing its bones. I clawed another one in the chest, ripping its armor and gutting the Mushroomer. I swung my tail and hit one soldier into another, making them both fall to the ground. Out from behind me a fireball whizzed past my face and I spun around to see Super Mario. I grit my teeth and charged. I tried to roast him, but he jumped over me and grabbed my tail, a Koopa's weak spot. Then he hurled me into a wall. He jumped over to me, and jumped on my stomach. The wind was knocked out of me, and I couldn't breathe. He hit me in the face, and I bit back tears as I spat blood. I gasped for air. "Turn... *wheeze...* IT OFF!"

The simulation turned off, and I panted as I was crawling out. Bowser seemed interested. "Hey, what happened to you? You look like you got your tail kicked." He grinned.

I growled. "Not like you would care, Father." Bowser raised an eyebrow.


It was night, and I was trying to get to sleep. I heard a knock on my window and looked. "Karma!" I threw open my window and saw her. She came in.

"Where's Bowser?" she asked.

"He's downstairs, sleeping." I blushed. "You look... really beautiful tonight," I said.

"Thanks," She replied. I leaned foward, and went to kiss her...

A while later, the door opened, I don't know how long we were sitting there, kissing, but I was scared when I saw who was at the door.

"LUDWIG! How could you... With this Yoshi scum? And a hybrid!!!" My fear turned to rage.



"MAYBE I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK IS BEST FOR ME!!!" I stood there panting. Karma gasped.

"Father, you're impossible," I said, before storming out of my room.

I panted, looking up at the night sky. It was beautiful, but I didn't know. I was too angry. I saw Karma come down and I said, "Karma, come with me. We can run away, we don't have to live here! Please..."

She looked sad for me. "I don't know..." My eyes locked on hers, and they pleaded for acceptance. She sighed. "Yes, I will go with you."

I smiled. I would never have to hear father's hissy fits ever again.

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