Toddler Terrors of Time Travel

Submitted by Hip

(The curtain rises on Grass Land and the title is shown.)

(The episode opens to an establishing shot Castle Koopa.)

Koopa: Oh, my aching head, ooh!

(Inside the throne room, Koopa is sitting on his throne and holding an ice pack with crowns on it. He takes off his crown, puts the ice pack on his head, and places his crown on top of it.)

Koopa: Ooh!

Kooky: It seems you get these headaches every time you get clobbered by the Mario Bros!

(Koopa puts another ice pack on top of the one he already has.)

Koopa: I could have taken over the Mushroom Kingdom years ago...

Kooky: If only those nincompoop plumbers hadn't fallen down that warp zone pipe in Brooklyn.

(A little flower pot with Toad inside runs along and sits in the corner. A periscope protrudes from it and listens in on the Koopa conversation. Kooky is pacing back and forth, trying to think of an evil scheme.)

Kooky: Maybe we can go back and change history, King Dad. All we need is a little, TIME TRAVEL!

(Koopa nods in agreement.)

(The scene changes to later, inside the doomship cockpit. Kooky is fiddling with a little box.)

Kooky: I've got to be careful, this is the only time travel tube I've got.

(Toad's flower periscope pokes its head round the corner and listens to more sinister scheming by the two Koopas.)

Koopa: I don't see how that silly little tube is going to get us back to Brooklyn and keep the Mario Bros. from ever leaving.

Kooky: I know what I'm doing.

(The periscope goes back into the flower pot. Toad pulls it off his head.)

Toad: Well it's a good thing I planted myself here. Wait 'til Mario and Luigi hear this!

(Toad runs off.)

(Later, the doomship is floating outside Castle Koopa and is being loaded with boxes by a team of Hammer Brothers. Mario, Luigi and Toad are standing behind the small crates, staring at one.)

Luigi: Hey, we can't all fit in there!

Mario: Sure we can.

(Mario picks up Luigi and throws him in the crate. He then picks up Toad and does the same. He steps in and puts the lid on. They are all cramped into a tiny space.)

Toad: Mario's always getting us into tight spots.

(The box starts moving because a Hammer Brother is carrying it.)

Hammer Brother: I must be getting tired, this crate is ten times as heavy as it was before.

(One Hammer Brother is carrying five boxes, but the one with Mario and Co inside can only carry the one. He takes it inside the doomship and into the cockpit as two Parabeetles fly out.)

Hammer Brother: Where should I put these supplies, your ultimate evilness?

Koopa: Toss 'em over there!

(The Hammer Brother carries the crate over to a corner and throws it down. Toad squeaks like he always does. Koopa hears it and goes over to the crate.)

Koopa: Did you hear something?

Mario (from inside the crate): Nope, just your imagination.

(Koopa starts to walk away but then realizes what just happened. He's about to open the box when sirens go off and there is a loud humming.)

Kooky: It's working!

(The time travel tube is glowing neon pink and making a loud noise.)

Kooky: I'll take us back to that Brooklyn drain just before noon when the Mario Bros. warped into the Mushroom Kingdom.

(The doomship takes off. Kooky is steering the ship but Koopa comes up and budges him off.)

Koopa: You're a slowpoke Kooky.

Kooky: But King Dad, it'll blow if you give it more juice!

(The doomship starts to shake around.)

Kooky: We're going out of control!

(The crate slides towards the time tube and knocks it into the air. Kooky catches it.)

Kooky: Whoa!

(The crate then slides the other way and smashes into the wall, breaking and spilling Mario, Luigi, and Toad out onto the floor.)

Koopa: Stowaways? I'll fix you!

Kooky: Forget them, help me! We're going too far back in time!

(The time tube shines a very bright light over the doomship.)

Koopa: Hit the brakes!

(The doomship glows and shakes and then stops.)

(Suddenly, Mario, Luigi, Koopa, Toad, and Kooky are all babies. Mario and Luigi still have moustaches while Koopa is sucking on a pacifier. Koopa spits it out and it bounces off a computer monitor and hits him in the nose.)

Koopa: Yow!

Luigi: Hey Mario!

(Luigi cries really loud.)

Mario: Don't be a baby, Luigi.

Luigi: Hey, but I am a baby. Those lunk-headed reptiles turned us into toddlers.

Kooky: Maybe I can get us back on course.

(Kooky fiddles with the time tube as the doomship flies over Brooklyn.)

Koopa: Are we heading back to the right year, Kooky?

(Before Kooky can answer, the doomship crashes into a vacant lot. Mario, Luigi, and Toad crawl outside.)

Toad: How come we're still babies?

Mario: The crash must have messed up the time tube.

(They all look up at a clock on the side of a building and gasp. It says 2:00.)

Mario: We don't have much time to get to the apartment where we fell down the drain!

Luigi: Well, as small as we are we'll have to find a shortcut.

(Koopa and Kooky poke their head out from beneath some doomship remnants.)

Koopa: After those diapered dodos!

(They start crawling after them and the song "Baby Chase" starts up. The Marios crawl down a sidewalk and the Koopas follow them. When they reach an intersection, Luigi gets on top of Mario, and Toad gets on top of Luigi in order to reach a crossing button. When Toad pushes it, the Don't Walk Sign flashes the image of a crawling baby. The crossing guard blows his whistle and all the traffic stops, creating a traffic jam, and the babies cross. The Marios and Toad crawl under a jump rope, but the Koopas get tangled in it. The Marios and Toad reach an alley. Mario gets onto a stroller, Luigi gets onto a wagon, and Toad gets onto a skateboard and they roll away. The Koopa get into a carriage with a sign that says "BAD BABIES ON BOARD", with the word BAD in different writing, and pursue the others. A wheel falls off of Luigi's wagon, so they pull into an alley, only to learn it's a dead end. The song ends.)

Koopa: Now we're going to get those little squirt plumbers cornered!

(They fail as an old lady leaves her building and starts babytalking with the Koopas.)

Mario: This is our chance, let's scoot.

Old Lady: I love cute babies, coochie coochie!

(She pulls the blanket back and sees their faces. She screams ands runs away. The Mario Bros. escape.)

Kooky: Ohh, the Mario Babies got away! Now what do we do?

Koopa: It's time to stop kidding around.

(Back at the doomship, Kooky is fiddling with the time tube and Koopa is sucking his thumb.)

Kooky: I think this might work, King Dada.

Koopa: It better, the only way we can beat those Marios is by getting grown up again.

(The time tube glows and they're back to their normal selves.)

Kooky: Alright!!! King Dad...

(Koopa realizes he's still sucking his thumb, so he stops.)

Kooky: You're back to your normal self!

Koopa: Now for the next part of my disgusting plan. *laugh*

(Meanwhile, the Marios and Toad reach the apartment.)

Luigi: This is the place we fell in the warp zone drain and went to the Mushroom Kingdom.

(The babies all crawl up to the door.)

Mario: The lady who lives here is a little dowdy. Let me do the talking.

(Mario knocks on the door several times and the lady opens it.)

Lady: Who's that knocking on my knee? Oh, goodness gracious, someone's abandoned three babies on my doorstep.

Mario: We're not abandoned, we're plumbers. You called for us, remember?

(The babies crawl inside but the lady runs in front and stands in the way.)

Lady: Please, plumbing's too dangerous for babies. I'll put you down for a nice nap.

(She picks them all up and carries them onto a bed. A van pulls up outside.)

Lady: Wonderful, here come the real plumbers. (reading the van) Koopa and Kid Costume Plumbers...

(Kooky and Koopa, dressed as plumbers, get out and walk towards the door.)

Kooky: If they think we're in costume, King Dad, they'll never guess we're not from the Real World. I told you I'm a genius.

(Koopa knocks on the door and when the lady opens it Koopa and Kooky raise their hats.)

Koopa: Costume plumbers at your service, ma'am. We make plumbing a party.

Luigi: Oh boy. If the Koopas mess with that drain we'll never get back to our grown-up selves and save the Mushroom Kingdom!

(In the bathroom, Koopa and Kooky are looking at the drain.)

Lady: Please fix my drain as quickly as possible, costume plumbers. I must bathe for my party tonight.

Koopa: Leave it to us, we'll fix everything!

(Koopa opens the door and pushes the lady out. Outside, Mario is on top of Toad and Luigi, who are on top of a railing. Mario is looking through the window.)

Mario: We can't let Koopa get away with this!

Toad: But what can we do?

(Luigi looks down through a basement window.)

Luigi: Hey, I've got a way to cut Koopa down to size!

(The babies crawl into the basement window and notice a mess of pipes.)

Luigi: Hey aye, aye-a these pipes are more tangled than a bowl of cheap spaghetti!

(Luigi points to a corner of a pipe.)

Luigi: Here's the bathtub drainpipe. Let's open her up.

(Mario tries to turn a monkey wrench but he can't.)

Mario: Come on you half pints! I need some baby power!

(Luigi and Toad give him a hand, but they go swinging out of control.)

Toad: Now what do we do?

(Mario notices a hose on the floor.)

Mario: We'll sneak up behind them and back flush 'em.

(Cut to the bathroom, where Koopa is shoving a towel down the drain.)

Koopa: Get some more stuff to plug this drain!

(Kooky rushes off and comes back with a handful of toiletries which he throws into the tub.)

Kooky: We'll make sure those shrimpy Mario Babies never warp through this pipe!

(Kooky rushes out of the bathroom. The lady is standing outside.)

Lady: Um, ahem. How are you doing in there, costume plumbers?

Koopa (from inside the bathroom): Ah, shut your trap.

Lady: Gracious, how rude! I thought you made plumbing a party!

(Kooky runs back carrying two lamps and a stool.)

Kooky: We are, Lady, this is a fun game called stuff your furniture down the drain!!!

(Kooky runs inside the bathroom and closes the door. Cut to the basement, where some hoses have been hooked up to some pipes.)

Mario: Ok, time to stop playing patty cake. Turn on the water.

Luigi: Hey, now we'll really put the pressure on those phony Koopa plumbers!

(Luigi and Toad turn on some faucets and water flows through. In the bathroom, water is trying to escape up through the drain.)

Koopa: Kooky, help me! Our clog is unclogging!

(Water starts spraying out of the kitchen sink and various appliances.)

Lady: (scream) What are they doing to my house?

(She runs into the living room, picks up the phone, and dials 911.)

Lady: I'd better get help!

(Water sprays out of the headpiece in the lady's face.)

(Kooky is outside and looking into the basement, where he can see the babies.)

Kooky: Oh, so that's our problem!

(The water stops.)

Mario: The Koopas cut off the water!

(The Koopas enter the basement.)

Koopa: Well, what do we have here? Some bratty Brooklyn bambinos?

Mario: Quick, crawl after me!

(Mario crawls into a big brown pipe, followed by Luigi and Toad. Koopa and Kooky pull it up. Mario's head pops out of one side and Luigi's out of the other side.)

Luigi: Hey, oh, what do you think you're doing?

Koopa: Sealing your fate!

(The Koopas stick large corks into both ends of the pipe and toss it onto a table.)

Kooky: Now the Super Mario Bros. will never get to the Mushroom Kingdom!

(Koopa and Kooky walk away laughing. Toad pokes his head out of the main pipe that they didn't pull up.)

Mario and Luigi: Help, let us out!

(Toad crawls out of a hose leading outside.)

Toad: Yow! Phew, am I drained.

(Cut to the crash site. The doomship takes off and Toad runs underneath it.)

Toad: Ahhhhh!

(Toad jumps up at the last second and crawls onboard.)

Koopa: With the Mario Bros. permanently stuck in Brooklyn as permanent babies, I can finally capture the princess and enslave her people.

Kooky: My time travel thing is working great!

(Toad's flower pot periscope grabs the time tube and pulls it away unnoticed. Toad, now fully grown, props it up on one of the portholes in the doomship.)

Toad: If I can just focus this time tube beam on the basement window...

(Toad fiddles with a couple of switches and a beam shoots into the lady's basement window, making the Mario Bros. break out of the pipe, restored to their grownup selves.)

Luigi: Hey, I'm a full-sized hunk again! What happened?

Mario: Beats me, but we've only got 30 seconds to unclog that drain!

(Mario and Luigi run off upstairs. They sit in the tub throwing stuff out, with the lady standing by the door and watching.)

Luigi: This just about does it.

(Mario pulls out a big blue hairball with his plumber snake.)

Mario: And here's the hairy clog that started it all.

Lady: Finally, real plumbers. Why don't you stay for my party?

Mario: Thanks, but we've got a date with Princess.)

(They both jump into the tub and warp down the drain.

(Back in the Mushroom Kingdom, Koopa is holding up a charter to the princess and holding her arm. Kooky is holding Toad down.)

Koopa: If you know what's good for ya, you'll sign over your kingdom now!

Kooky: Better do what King Dad says, Princess. The Super Mario Bros. are stuck in the past!

Mario: Don't count on it, Koopas!

(The Mario Bros. leap out of a warp pipe with Raccoon power. Princess and Toad run over to them.)

Luigi: We unclogged the past!

Mario: And now we are going to clog you out of the Mushroom Kingdom. Hairball!

Koopa: Drats, this is even worse than the first time the Mario Bros. got here! Time to Koopa out, Kooky!

(Koopa jumps into a pipe. Luigi stands behind Kooky and bats him into the warp with his tail.)

Princess: Good going, guys. That'll teach Koopa. Never mess with history!

Mario: Or with us.

Luigi: Yeah, maybe next time old Koopa will pick on someone his own size! Heh heh!

(Mario and Luigi give each other a brotherly hug and thumbs up. The curtain falls.)

The End

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