Misadventures in Babysitting

Submitted by Hip

(The curtain rises on Grass Land and the title is shown.)

(Cut to the living room of a Real World home. The mom and dad are getting ready to go out, while their bratty son, Junior, is balancing vases on the floor.)

Mom: Now where is that babysitter?

Dad: Well, you don't think Junior's bad reputation could've scared him away?

Mom: Now don't be silly! Junior's a wonderful child!

(Junior is now trying to balance the vases on his head. They fall onto the floor and smash into pieces. Junior grabs the cat off the couch and places it on the pieces just as the mom checks to see what happened.)

Mom: Oh Kitty, how could you?

(They hear the warp pipe sound come from elsewhere in the house. It turns out the Mario Bros. are now in a dark, cramped space as Luigi falls on top of Mario.)

Mario: Ouch, that's my head!

Luigi: Mario, where are we?

Mario: Only one way to find out!

(Mario opens a door and crawls out of the cabinet under the kitchen sink, followed by Luigi.)

Luigi: Yo, Mario! I don't think we're in the Mushroom Kingdom anymore!

(Junior walks to the entrance of the kitchen and sees them. Mario points at a bridge out the window.)

Mario: You're right, cuz if that's not the Brooklyn Bridge, my name's not-

(The mom walks in the kitchen.)

Mom: Oh there you are! You must be the babysitters! I guess Junior let you in the side door, and I am so glad there are two of you, because Junior is quite a handful! Here's the phone number of our doctor, this one's for the theatre!

(She hands them a pad of paper while talking.)

Mario: But we're not-

Mom: Snacks are in the fridge, help yourself to lasagna!

(The mom show them what's in the fridge.)

Mario: Lasagna?!

Luigi: But we're not-

Mario: *shh* That lasagna looks good!

(They follow the mom to the foyer and she walks towards the door.)

Mom: We'll be back by 10:30, and could you please give Junior a bath? Have a nice evening, I know we will!

(She shuts the door behind her. The Marios look at Junior, who smiles back at them. The mom is now in the car with the dad.)

Mom (in a meaner voice): Quick, let's get out of here fast, before they change their minds!

(They drive off.)

Luigi: Sheesh! Well brother, I guess we're babysitters! What do we do first?

Junior: Hide and seek! Let's play hide and seek! And you geezers are it!

(The Bros. are in the living room, covering their eyes and counting.)

Mario and Luigi: 98-99-100!

(Meanwhile, Junior opens up the cabinet under the sink.)

Junior: Oh boy! They'll never think of looking for me in here!

(Junior crawls into the cabinet and continues into the pipe.)

Mario and Luigi: Ready or not, here we come!

(They start looking for Junior.)

(Junior comes out of a warp pipe somewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom and looks around.)

Junior: Wow! This place is awesome!

(Junior jumps down from the pipe and runs around. Three Boomerang Brothers see him and one of them throws a boomerang at Junior. Junior screams, jumps onto a rock, and catches the boomerang.)

Junior: Alright!

(He then throws the boomerang back at the Boomerang Brothers, but it hits a tree which falls on top of them.)

Junior: Yowza! This is the life! I hope those Mario Bros. never find me!

(Bully, Kooky, and Cheatsy are walking around nearby, and notice Junior.)

Kooky: Oh, look! That strange little fella! He's a Real Worlder!

(Junior notices them and jumps down from the rock.)

Junior: Hey, mondo bizarro, dudes! Who are you, and where am I?

Cheatsy: You're in the Mushroom Kingdom, kid! I'm Cheatsy Koopa!

Bully: I'm Bully Koopa!

Kooky: I'm Kooky von Koopa!

Cheatsy: And any enemy of the Mario Bros., is a friend of ours!

Junior: Say, just in case those dopey brothers follow me here, could you guys help me have some fun with them?

Cheatsy: Kid, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship!

(The Marios come out of the pipe.)

Luigi: Well, if Junior's here, he could be in big trouble!

Junior (from a distance): Mario! Luigi! Help!

(The Marios jump from the pipe and start running around.)

Luigi: Junior, where are you?

(Junior and the Koopa Kids are spying on the Marios from behind some bushes.)

Junior: Do you think I oughtta yell again?

Cheatsy: Na, you got 'em following us!

(A Ptooie approaches the Marios and spits spiked balls at them.)

Mario: Oh no, Ptooies! And they're spitting mad!

[Note, there's only one Ptooie, but Mario makes it seem like there's more.]

Junior: Wow, this is great!

(The Marios each pick up a stick.)

Mario: Quick, Luigi! Batter up!

(They hit the spiked balls back at the Ptooie and it runs off.)

(Junior and the Koopa Kids are now at the base of a volcano.)

Cheatsy: Now, if you can lure the Mario Bros. up here, we'll play a trick they'll never forget!

(The Marios run up towards the volcano and see Bully running around while holding Junior.)

Mario: Look, there's Junior!

Junior: Mario! Luigi! Save me! Help!

Mario: Bully Koopa's got him!

Luigi: Well, let's go!

(They run after Bully, who runs into the cave. Bully puts down Junior when he gets inside.)

Junior: This is great! I can hardly wait to see the look on their faces! *laugh*

(The Marios are at the entrance to the cave.)

Mario: They went in here, let's go!

(They run up to where they can see Junior and the Koopa Kids.)

Junior: Bye bye, babysitters!

(Junior runs off with the Koopa Kids and an avalanche of blocks fall between the Marios and Junior.)

Mario: Hey, what's going on here?

(Kooky rolls a boulder in front of the cave entrance.)

Kooky: Whoa! Whoa! We just caught ourself a pair of babysitting plumbers, that's what!

Luigi: Mario, we're in big trouble!

(Junior and the Koopa Kids laugh.)

Junior: That was so cool!

Kooky: Yeah! But the best is yet to come!

(Kooky is turning a valve on some pipes.)

Junior: Hey guys, this is just for fun, isn't it?

Kooky: Oh course it is, and I'm having a great time! *laugh*

(Kooky turns the valve some more, and a hatch opens up in the cavern the Mario are in. Lava pours out of the hatch and slowly floods the place.)

Junior: Kooky, what are you doing anyway?

Kooky: Filling the cave up with lava, silly! What does it look like?

Cheatsy: Look, kid! You've been real helpful! But the truth is, Junior, we really don't like you very much!

(While Cheatsy speaks, the Koopa Kids bring Junior over to a warp pipe outside the volcano.)

Bully: Which is why we're getting rid of you!

Kooky: Right now!

(They toss Junior into the pipe.)

Junior: HELP!

(Junior comes out of pipe in the Pipe Maze and lands in a pool of water. He climbs out.)

Junior: Some friends those Koopa Kids turned out to be!

(A Thwomp almost crushes Junior, but he runs out of the way just in time.)

Junior: Whoa!

(Junior runs off and dodges two more Thwomps.)

Junior: I got a bad feeling! I wanna be back in Brooklyn!

(Two Boo Diddlies float up behind Junior and scare him.)

Junior: Yaaa!

(A Boom Boom runs up towards Junior, but Junior jumps over him.)

Junior: What is going on?

(Junior walks up to a high ledge and looks around.)

Junior: Mario Bros.! Where are you?

(Cut to the volcano. The lava has risen quite a bit and the Marios are running out of platforms to jump to.)

Luigi: Whoa! Looks like it's a hot time in the old volcano tonight!

Mario: And If we don't get out of here fast, we're toast!

(Mario pulls out his toolbox and from it he pulls out a hammer and chisel. He uses them on a block in the wall and pushes it through the wall to reveal an exit. Luigi crawls through but gets stuck.)

Luigi: Hey, Mario! I'm stuck!

Mario: Not anymore!

(Mario pushes Luigi through the hole and crawls through himself. Luigi then places the block back into the hole to seal it up.)

Luigi: Whew, that was a close one!

(They hear the Koopa Kids laughing nearby.)

Cheatsy: Ha ha! Did you see the look on that brat's face, when we heaved him into the Pipe Maze?

Luigi: Oh no! Junior could be lost there forever!

Mario: I'd hate to have to tell that to his mom!

(The Marios jump into the pipe that goes to the Pipe Maze. They start running around.)

Luigi: Hey, watch out! Thwomp attack!

(They dodge the pair of Thwomps, only to be approached by the Boom Boom.

Mario: Let's show that big bad Boom Boom some of our patented Super Mario super moves!

Luigi: Let's do it!

(The Marios do cartwheels. Mario jumps into Luigi's hands and Luigi throws Mario into the air.)

Mario: Super Mario!

(Mario jumps on the Boom Boom's head three times.)

Luigi: Hey, way to go, Mario!

(The Boo Diddlies tap Luigi on the shoulder, but Luigi turns around and gives the Boos a scary face and they fly off. Junior comes out from behind a pipe.)

Junior: Mario? Luigi? Is that you?

(They Marios run up to Junior. Junior gives Mario a hug.)

Junior: Mario!

(Cut to the base of the volcano. A pump has been set up, connecting the volcano to the pipe leading to the Pipe Maze.)

Kooky: Okay guys! I think it's time we heated things up in the Pipe Maze! *laugh*

Bully: Yeah, this oughta parboil those pain-in-the-tail plumbers, and their little Brooklyn brat!

(Kooky turns on the pump. The song "Without Gettin' Burned" starts up.)

Here's a lowdown
On how to be hot
Hear me hear me hear
And you'll hear a lot
Get down dirty
Use your brain
Flush the enemy
Down the drain
Ya gotta sizzle through
If you're gonna learn
How to keep cooking stew
Without (without without)
Gettin' burned (yes)
Every dude's gotta understand
A brother in the bush
Is worth two in the hand
A way to put 'em in their place
It's a common problem
Face to face
Ya gotta sizzle through
Fizzle without
Gettin' burned

(Lava starts filling up in the Pipe Maze and makes its way through the tunnels. A Thwomp jumps onto a higher ledge to avoid the lava, while the Boom Boom crawls into a pipe. The lava gets near the Marios and Juniors, who run away from it. Mario hits a block which contains a Super Leaf to gain Raccoon Power. Luigi also gets Raccoon Power from a Super Leaf in another block. They grab Junior and fly into the air just as the lava would've reached them. They escape through a pipe which takes them back to the volcano and land as the song ends.)

Junior: Fantastic, you guys are the greatest!

Luigi: Yeah, well, they don't call us Super for nothing!

Mario: They're gonna call us barbequed! It looks like the Koopa Kids super heated the volcano!

Luigi: Look out, it's gonna explode!

(Lava gushes out of the pipe at the top of the volcano. Some dust lands on Junior and Luigi brushes it off.)

Mario: Come on, Junior! We've gotta move fast and plug that leaking volcano!

(A minute later, a makeshift catapult of a tree trunk strapped to a tree stump been set up. The Marios push a boulder into the branches.)

Luigi: Hey, it's no use, Mario! We can't budge it!

Mario: Don't worry, Luigi! We've still got Raccoon Power!

(Mario tail whips the boulder onto the branches and jumps onto the boulder.)

Mario: That's it! Boulders away!

(Luigi releases the rope holding the tree down and the boulder goes flying towards the volcano. Mario steers the boulder into position with his tail.)

Mario: A little to the left, a little more, so let her rip!

(The boulder lands on top of the volcano and stops the eruption. Mario flies down to Luigi and Junior.)

Junior: Wow! That was unbelievable! Way to go, Mario!

Mario: For a first time plumber's helper, you aren't bad yourself!

(Luigi looks at his watch.)

Luigi: Uh oh! Junior's folks are gonna be home in 15 minutes!

Mario: Then we'd better boogie back to that warp zone, and get back to Brooklyn!

(The Marios, still with Raccoon Power and Junior crawl out of the cabinet back in Junior's kitchen.)

Junior: We're back in my kitchen! Amazing!

(The car pulls up in the garage.)

Mom: Junior! We're home!

Junior: Uh oh, if I don't get my bath, Mom will never let you babysit for me again!

(Luigi runs upstairs, followed by Mario and Junior.)

Junior: That is, if you ever wanted to!

(Mario brings Junior into the bathroom, where Luigi is filling the tub with water and bubble bath.)

Mario: Now hold your breath, Junior, cuz we're taking a dive!

(Mario tosses Junior into the tub with his clothes still on. The bubbles get all over the Marios and covers their raccoon ears and tails.)

Mom: Junior, where are you?

(She walks into the bathroom and Junior waves at her.)

Mom: *gasp* Why Junior, I don't believe it! You got Junior to take a bath! You think Friday you two would babysit again?

Junior: Oh boy, that would be super!

(The Marios put their heads in their hands. The curtain falls.)

The End

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