Too Hot to Handle

Submitted by Hip

(The episode opens to a tropical volcano island.)

Mario: (in his mind) Plumber's Log, Number 8-10. Lava Land, the island of Waki-Waki. The Great Fire God had promised to help us save the Mushroom Kingdom from King Koopa, and we were looking for some friendly natives who could lead us to him.

(Mario and Co hop across the water on wooden planks and reach the island. Some Mushroom natives, who wear leis and tropical shirts, see them, cheer, and walk over to them. One of the natives, Scooter, puts a lei on Princess.)

Scooter: Hi, Princess babe! I'm Scooter, leader of the Aloha people! Welcome to Waki-Waki, the island of paradise!

(A tremor surprises everyone, and they freak out.)

Mario: I hope someone's mixing up a mozzarella milkshake!

(People start running away.)

Scooter: No, it's an earthquake! Run for cover! The Fire God summoned again!

(An earthquake happens, and the ground starts breaking apart.)

Princess: Oh no! Waki-Waki's cracking up! Help!

(Princess is standing over a crack, which is getting bigger. She falls in and screams, but Mario catches her with a roped plunger and pulls her up.)

Mario: I got you, Princess!

Princess: Oh, thanks Mario! That was nearly the end of me!

(The volcano starts to shake.)

Luigi: Sufferin' spumoni! That Fire God's sure actin' strange!

(A binocular/periscope is watching the islanders from inside the top of the volcano. It then looks at Mario and Co. Koopa is in a room inside the volcano, watching the island at a control panel. With him is Fryguy, some Shy Guys, and Waki-Waki himself, a native who's stuffed in a large bottle.)

Koopa: Those pitiful plumbers are falling hook, line, and plunger for my plan to trap the princess!

Fry Guy: What should I do with the real Fire God?

Koopa: Keep him on ice until that miserable princess is mine! Then you can throw him into the lava machine!

Fry Guy: Hot stuff! I can't wait!

(Fry Guy presents Koopa with a microphone.)

Fry Guy: You ready for your broadcast, as the fake Fire God?

(Koopa takes the microphone.)

Koopa: I'm always ready for sneaky badness!

Koopa: (through the microphone) Attention, Aloha People! This is your Fire God! Princess Toadstool must be thrown into the volcano at sundown! Or the great volcano will explode and destroy your island!

(Koopa's voice comes out of a speaker on a statue of Waki-Waki. He then puts down the microphone and goes back to the control panel.)

Koopa: I love being rotten! *snicker*

(Koopa pulls a lever, which turns on a furnace-like machine in the next room.)

Fry Guy: The lava machine's ready for full destruction, your Koopaness!

Koopa: Then let's keep the heat on!

(Cut to outside the volcano, where everyone is looking up at the smoke that is coming out.)

Scooter: *gulp* You heard him, dudes! Our island's sunk unless we sacrifice the princess!

(The crowd talks amongst themselves.)

Mario: This is a trick! That's not your Fire God! It's King Koopa! I'd recognize that voice anywhere!

Scooter: Sorry, dude! But we gotta do what our Fire God tells us!

(Scooter grabs Mario.)

Scooter: Grab the babe! Throw the others into a pit!

(Two natives grab Luigi and Princess.)

Princess: Let go of me!

(Another native grabs Toad.)

Toad: Let go of me!

(The Marios and Toad are tossed into a pit.)

Mario: Cut it out!

(They hit the bottom.)

Toad: OW!

(Two natives tie up Princess.)

Princess: You're making a big mistake!

Scooter: Take her to the top of the volcano and throw her in!

(The two natives then carry Princess away.)

Mario: Come on! We gotta save the princess, before they cook her goose!

Toad: It's leapin' time, Luigi!

(Mario stands by a wall. Toad jumps onto his head, and Luigi gets onto Toad's. Mario jumps up, and Luigi grabs onto the top of the pit, with the others hanging on. Mario climbs up Toad and Luigi to the top and helps them up. They then run off to the volcano. Meanwhile, Koopa is watching them through the binocular/periscope again.)

Koopa: Curses! Here come those budinski plumbers again!

(Koopa turns around to the Shy Guys.)

Koopa: Koopa Pack, attack!

(The Shy Guys run off. Cut to the Marios and Toad, who are walking up the volcano.)

Mario: Hey!

(Mario sees an Ostro off to the side.)

Mario: Come on, we'll get there faster if we ride!

(Mario jumps on the Ostro.)

Mario: Giddy up, ostrich! Giddy up!

(Cut to the top of the volcano, where Scooter and another native are holding Princess.)

Scooter: Ready, Bingo?

(Scooter and Bingo begin to shake Princess back and forth.)

Scooter: A-one and a-two.

Bingo: Dude, uh, wait, wait, w-wait! Didn't the Great Fire God say to sacrifice her at sundown?

Scooter: You're right, dude! We don't wanna upset the big kahuna anymore than he already is! We better wait!

(Koopa spies on them through the binocular/periscope.)

Koopa: What are those idiots waiting for?

Fryguy: Sundown, your nastiness! Like you told 'em!

Koopa: Just because I said it doesn't mean I meant it!

(Cut to the Marios and Toad, who are riding up the volcano on the Ostro. Some Shy Guys who are waiting nearby throw Bob-ombs at them, but they all miss.)

Mario, Luigi, and Toad: YIKES!

Luigi: Lucky linguini! A pineapple patch!

(Luigi points to a pineapple patch up ahead.)

Mario: Let's fight fire with fruit!

(When they reach the patch, the Marios get off and start picking pineapples. Luigi throws one to Toad.)

Toad: A pineapple a day keeps the Shy Guys away!

(The Marios and Toad throw pineapples at the Shy Guys. Koopa is spying on them.)

Koopa: Here come the Mario Bros. to rescue Princess Toadstool and I've got two mush brains waiting for sundown! I'll fix those freaks!

(Koopa picks up the microphone.)

Koopa: (through the microphone) At the sound of the tone, the time will be: Sundown! *raspberry* On with the sacrifice!

(Cut to the top of the volcano.)

Scooter: Cool! Must be an early sundown! Time for your lava bath, Princess!

(Scooter and Bingo pick up Princess as the Marios and Toad approach them on the Ostro.)


Scooter: Sorry, dude! We take our orders from the Fire God!

(They toss Princess into the volcano and she screams. A Shy Guy who's standing on a ledge above the lava catches Princess and runs into a cave.)

Mario: It was all a trick! Koopa's got the princess!

(Cut to the control room, where Koopa's looking at Waki-Waki. Princess is there as well.)

Koopa: My favorite dish! Fire God under glass! And now to rid myself of the Mario Bros. once and for all! Prepare the lava machine!

Princess: You rotten reptile! You're disgusting!

Koopa: I know! *snicker* That's why I like me so much!

(Fry Guy pulls a lever and the volcano starts shaking. The song "Hot Hot Hot" starts up. The Marios and Toad run down the volcano as lava starts to flow down from the top. The three of them stop for a moment.)

Luigi: Yo, Mario! Got any ideas?

Mario: Yeah! Leap for your lives!

(The three of them run off again, with the lava right behind Toad.)

Toad: Bad news, Bros! It's about to get hot, hot, hot!

(The three of them run down and reach the statue. Mario grabs one of the statue's hands. His weight pulls down the arm and the mouth opens up, revealing a secret entrance.)

Mario: Hey!

(Mario climbs into the mouth, and Luigi and Toad follow and watch as the lava flows past. The song ends. Mario turns around and notices a staircase going down. Later, they are walking through a cavern full of pipes.)

Toad: What are those red-hot pipes doin' inside this volcano?

Mario: Smells like they're carrying that lava that was chasing us!

Luigi: I'll bet Koopa's behind this!

Mario: Come on! We'll trace these pipes down and find out!

(Cut to the control room.)

Koopa: Prepare the lava boat for my getaway with Princess Toadstool!

Fryguy: Yes, your royal nastiness!

(Fryguy goes over to some Shy Guys, who are standing next to a deflated inflatable raft.)

Fryguy: Inflate the fireproof lava boat!

(Two of the Shy Guys inflate the raft with bellows. The Marios and Toad enter the room with the lava machine.)

Mario: Hey, this must be the machine that makes the lava! Shh!

(The three of them hide behind a corner.)

Fryguy: The fireproof lava boat is ready to sail, your meanness!

Koopa: Now you're cookin', Fryguy! Once the princess and I are safely away, set the lava machine to bury the island!

(The Marios and Toad walk off.)

Mario: Toad! You gotta keep Koopa busy for a few minutes!

Luigi: What're we gonna do?

Mario: We gotta replumb Koopa's evil plan!

Toad: Leave it to me, guys! I'll keep Koopa hoppin'!

(Toad runs off. Mario lifts up a tile in the floor, revealing a compartment full of various tools.)

Mario: Good thing Koopa's workmen left these behind!

(Mario takes and puts on a pair of lava-proof gloves.)

Mario: Monkey wrench!

(Luigi hands Mario a monkey wrench from the compartment.)

Luigi: Monkey wrench!

Mario: Hacksaw!

(Luigi hands Mario a hacksaw.)

Luigi: Hacksaw!

Mario: For Koopa!

Luigi: For Koopa!

(Luigi picks up a mallet and begins to bang on a pipe, while Mario cuts away at it with the hacksaw. Cut to the control room.)

Princess: You're not as smart as you think you are, Koopa!

Koopa: Oh no? My plan has been perfect!

(Toad runs in.)

Toad: That's what you think, stoopa Koopa!

(Toad runs by Koopa, knocking him over, and sticks his tongue out at him.)

Koopa: When I get my mitts on you, you're gonna be creamed, Mushroom!

Toad: Ya gotta catch me first, king-a-ling!

(Koopa gets up and chases Toad around the room.)

Princess: Watch out, Toad!

(Toad trips over a rock sticking out of the floor. Koopa jumps on top of him and holds him upside-down by one leg.)

Koopa: Gotcha! Prepare to fry in the lava machine, ya mangy Mushroom! *laugh*

(Fryguy enters.)

Fryguy: Hold it, your bossiness! I got a hot flash for ya!

Koopa: Haven't I told ya never to interrupt me when I'm gloating?

Fryguy: But we got trouble! The Marios have replumbed the lava machine and they stopped up the pipes!

Koopa: You mean I can't destroy the island? I hate those Marios! They always spoil my fun!

(Koopa grabs Princess with his other claw.)

Koopa: Well, I'll just hafta put the lava machine back in action! *laugh* While my two prisoners watch!

(Cut to the lava machine room, where steam is shooting out of the pipes.)

Mario: This is hard for a plumber to watch, Luigi!

Luigi: I know! Pluggin' up pipes goes against everythin' we stand for!

Mario: We had no choice! It was the only way we could stop Koopa and save the island!

Luigi: Mario! Here comes Koopa!

Mario: Quick! We'll hide in the lava boat!

(The Marios jump into the raft. Koopa, Fryguy, Princess, and Toad are at the other end of the room.)

Fryguy: See? Instead of the lava machine destroying the island, it's gonna destroy us!

(Lava starts to burst out of a pipe. Koopa then drops Toad.)

Koopa: At least you're still my prisoner, and we're escaping in the lava boat!

(Koopa carries Princess over to the raft.)

Luigi: Now what?

Mario: Koopa's gonna take a trip he didn't plan on!

(Mario tosses a lifesaver in front of Koopa, who gets his foot stuck in it. Mario pulls on the rope, which knocks Koopa over and causes Princess to go flying.)

Princess: Help!

(Princess lands in Luigi's arms.)

Luigi: Welcome aboard, Princess!

(The song "Hot Hot Hot" starts up again. Lava bursts out of the machine and starts flooding the room. Koopa screams and runs off with Fryguy. Toad is trapped in an area between the flowing lava. The lifesaver is thrown around his middle, and Mario pulls him over the lava and into the raft.)

Toad: Thanks, Mario! Now, let's hope this lava boat really works!

(The lava washes the raft away. Some of the lava touches the tip of Koopa's tail and singes it.)

Koopa: OW! OOH! OW! I'll get you for this, you meddling Marios! Time to Koop out!

(Koopa jumps into a tunnel shaped like a bird's head.)

Fryguy: Great. Koopa warps out and left me to face the heat!

(The raft is approaching a dead end.)

Princess: Oh no! The tunnel ends!

(The lava breaks out through the wall. The song ends. The raft then goes flying out of the volcano.)

Toad: Wee! This is a definite B-ticket ride!

(Luigi covers his eyes.)

Luigi: I can't look!

Mario: Holy ravioli!

(The raft lands on the ground and stops in front of the cheering natives.)

Mario: Open your eyes, Luigi! We made it!

(Luigi uncovers his eyes, looks around, and lets out a "whew". Later, Mario and Co are out of the raft.)

Scooter: I'm sorry, dudes! A bogus Fire God! How could I ever have been so stupid?

Toad: Look gang, they're smoke signals!

(Toad points to the volcano, where O-shaped smoke clouds are floating out.)

Luigi: I knew we were still in trouble!

(Up on the top of the volcano, Waki-Waki is making the smoke signals by wafting a bonfire with a rug.)

Scooter: Relax, Luigi! It's just the real Fire God telling us he's safe and sending us a message!

Princess: What's he saying?

Scooter: Our guests deserve a spaghetti luau!

(Later, everyone is gathered around Waki-Waki, who is cooking a pot of spaghetti. Fryguy, who's in a cage underneath the pot, is heating it. Waki-Waki serves a plate of spaghetti to Mario.)

Mario: Now I know why they call this paradise!

(Mario eats some spaghetti, and smoke flies out of his ears.)

The End

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