Flatbush Koopa

Submitted by Hip

(The episode opens to a parade in the Mushroom Kingdom.)

Mario: (in his mind) Plumber's Log, Number 12,247. It was a great day in the Mushroom Kingdom. We'd finally gotten rid of Koopa and his evil minions. The Mushroom people were free, and the princess was back in her castle. It was time for me and Luigi to go back home to Brooklyn.

(During the parade, Mushroom people are playing instruments, while others toss flowers and confetti. Mario and Co wave at everyone. After the parade, everyone is standing next to a pipe sticking out of a small hill.)

Toad: Thanks for scarin' off Koopa! You Mario Bros. are super!

(Princess gives the Marios each a kiss.)

Princess: I'm sure gonna miss you guys!

Mario: Don't cry, Princess! With this drainpipe open, we can visit any time we want!

Luigi: Yeah. Life without Koopa is gonna be as perfect as pasta!

Mario: Speaking of which, Luigi, let's go home to Mama's cookin'!

(The Marios jump into the pipe, while the crowd waves and cheers. Cut to a street in Brooklyn. A manhole cover flies open and the Marios jump out.)

Mario: Brooklyn, New York! U. S. of America! We made it, Luigi!

Luigi: Yeah, look!

(Luigi points to a young tree growing on a sidewalk.)

Luigi: The tree that grows in Brooklyn!

(A shot of the Brooklyn Bridge is shown.)

Luigi: The Brooklyn Bridge!

Mario: And out there in the harbor, holding up her torch-

(A shot of the statue is shown, only it has Koopa's face.)

Mario: The Statue of Kooperty!

Mario and Luigi: The Statue of Kooperty?

Luigi: What's that doin' here?

Voice: Stop, ya crook!

(The Marios turn around and see a Troopa, who's holding a sack with a dollar sign, running out from behind a corner with a cop chasing after him.)

Cop: Take off your dumb disguise and bring back that loot!

(The Troopa runs into the Marios, causing them to spin around.)

Mario: That was no disguise!

Luigi: That was a real Koopa Troopa!

(As the Troopa runs by a trashcan, a second Troopa sticks his foot out from behind it, tripping the cop. The two Troopas laugh and run off.)

Mario: We're talking a major disaster here, Luigi! It looks like Koopa and his bad guys are infecting Brooklyn!

Luigi: You mean it was all a trick? He left the princess' land to take over ours? Holy ravioli!

Luigi: (in Mario's voice) Yeah! This could be the worst badness he ever Koopatrated! Come on! We gotta find him and stop him!

(Mario signals for a cab. One pulls up and the Marios get in.)

Mario: Follow that Troopa!

(Cut to the Coney Island amusement park, where a lot of Troopas are hanging out.)

Mario: Look! The Koopa's goin' to Coney Island!

(Many of the Troopas are going on the rides.)

Luigi: And there's a bunch of Troopas already here!

(The Marios get out of the cab near the entrance, and the cabbie sticks his head out the window.)

Cabbie: Hey, what's that ugly, fat reptile doin' with the Coney Island sign?

(Koopa is standing on top of the entrance, and some Troopas remove the sign with the words "CONEY ISLAND" on it.)

Mario: It's Koopa!

(One of the Troopas uses a crane to lower a sign that says "KOOPA ISLAND" onto the entrance.)

Luigi: He's changin' Coney Island to Koopa Island!

Cabbie: That bum's got no figure in his schnozzola! Hey fatso, get back in the zoo!

Mario: Next thing we know, he'll be changing Brooklyn to Kooplyn!

Luigi: Nah! Not even stoopa Koopa'd be that mean!

Koopa: Listen up, Troopas! I want every sign ya can find changed from Brooklyn to Kooplyn!

Troopas: Yes, your royal nastiness!

Koopa: And when that's done, we're gonna squash the Kooplyn Bridge, capture the rest of New York, and make it New Koopa!

Cabbie: Koopa Island? Kooplyn Bridge? That slob's ruinin' civilization! I'm goin' for the cops! Close the door!

(The Marios close the door to the cab as Koopa spots them.)

Koopa: Ah, just as I planned! The Mario Bros. have arrived! Now I'll flatten them worse than I'll flatten Flatbush! Bring me those faucet freaks! Now!

(The Troopas run after the Marios as the cab drives off.)

Luigi: Hey! Wait for us!

(The cab turns around and pulls up next to the Marios.)

Cabbie: Don't worry, guys! I'll be back with the cops in three minutes! And I'll expect a triple tip!

(The cab drives off, and Koopa pulls out his scepter.)

Koopa: Koopa scepter, do your trick! Turn that cabbie into bricks!

(Koopa zaps the cab with his wand, turning it and the cabbie into a pile of bricks.)

Luigi: We're in for it now, Mario!

Mario: Yeah. Now we'll never get a cab!

Luigi: You suppose Koopa can turn everybody in Brooklyn into bricks?

Koopa: That's the plan, plumb scum! You Mario Bros. ruined my evil schemes, so I'm gonna ruin the burg that you love best! Koopa Pack, attack!

(The Troopas run over to the Marios.)

Mario: Luigi! Jump for your life!

(Mario jumps on a few Troopas and bounces up to a roller coaster track. He throws a Troopa out of a roller coaster car and gets in.)

Luigi: Mario! Wait for me!

(Luigi bounces off of a few Troopas, jumps into the car with Mario, and they ride off down the track. Koopa pulls out a walkie-talkie.)

Koopa: Attention all Koopa units! The Mario Bros. are on the old roller coaster! Give 'em a ride they'll never forget!

Luigi: Hey, Mario! Is this a one-way roller coaster?

Mario: Why?

Luigi: Cuz either them or us is headin' the wrong way!

(Luigi points to car with a plow on the front, heading towards them on the same track. In the car are four Troopas, two of which have spears.)

Troopa: Now I know why they call this an amusement park! Nothin's more amusin' than mashin' Mario Bros! *laugh*

Mario: Hit the brakes!

Luigi: What brakes?

Mario: Put it in reverse gear!

Luigi: There isn't any! You got any more good suggestions?

Mario: Yeah. BAIL OUT!

(The Marios jump onto the track behind the car and run away from the Troopas' car, which breaks through theirs.)

Mario: This isn't my idea of a welcome home party!

Luigi: Yeah! The only good thing so far is, we got to ride the roller coaster without a ticket!

Koopa: Well, the Mario Bros. finally made it back to Brooklyn! Just in time for their own funeral! *laugh*

Luigi: If I'd have known Brooklyn was gonna be this scary, I'd have stayed with the princess and Toad!

Mario: Look at it this way, Luigi! At least they're safe in Mushroom Land!

(Cut to the Mushroom Kingdom, where Princess and Toad are having a picnic near the pipe.)

Princess: *sigh* It sure is peaceful now that my kingdom is safe!

Toad: Sure is!

(Toad takes a bite out of his sandwich.)

Princess: No Koopa to bother us!

Toad: No Troopas to fight off!

(Princess kicks a small rock next to the pipe.)

Princess: Are you as bored as I am, Toad?

Toad: Mondo bored! And I sure miss Mario and Luigi!

Princess: Come on! I've always wanted to see the Brooklyn kingdom!

(Princess and Toad jump into the pipe. Cut to Coney Island, where the Marios are still running from the Troopas on the roller coaster.)

Mario: Keep running! We can win this race!

Luigi: Not when Koopa cheats!

(Koopa and some Troopas, who are also holding spears, are standing on a platform up ahead.)

Koopa: End of the line, pipesqueaks!

Luigi: If we stop, the Troopa car will crush us!

Mario: If we keep running, those Troopa spears will stick us!

Luigi: So, whadda we do, Mario?

(Princess and Toad drive into the park in an open roof garbage truck.)

Toad: Mushroom power to the rescue!

(Princess crashes the truck into a support beam of the roller coaster. This causes the track to split in two, and the Marios fall down. The Troopas' car goes flying off the track and lands in the water. The Marios land in the garbage that's in the truck.)

Troopa: I knew I should've joined the Paratroopas! They get parachutes!

(Koopa and some Troopas walk over to the gap in the track.)

Toad: Now, Princess!

(Princess drives forward, sending Koopa and the Troopas flying through the roof of the merry-go-round, where they land on some horses. Toad gets out of the truck and the Marios stick their heads out of the garbage. Luigi holds up a fishbone, and Princess gets out of the truck as well.)

Toad: Sorry, dudes! We just found you guys! And this was the only rescue we could think of!

Mario: What're you doing in Brooklyn?

Princess: Life isn't the same without you guys!

Toad: That's for sure!

Mario: Well, you better get back to the Mushroom Kingdom! With Koopa here in Brooklyn, things are really stinky!

(Luigi nods.)

Princess: We're staying, Mario! You saved my homeland from Koopa! Now Toad and I will help you save yours!

(Toad nods.)

Koopa: That's what you think, ya miserable Mushroom monarch!

(Koopa appears on top of the merry-go-round, and the Marios jump down from the truck.)

Princess and Toad: Koopa!

Koopa: You and Brooklyn have seen your last days!

(Koopa jumps down from the merry-go-round.)

Luigi: Whaddaya suppose he means by that?

(Cut to the Brooklyn Bridge, where Koopa, the Troopas, and some Bob-ombs have gathered.)

Koopa: Okay, Troopas! Here's the new Koopa plan!

(An Albatoss flies past the bridge.)

Koopa: First, you Bob-ombs are gonna blow up this Brooklyn Bridge!

(The Troopas and Bob-ombs cheer.)

Koopa: The princess and the Mario Bros. will be trapped, and we can take step two!

Troopa: Turn every citizen of Brooklyn into bricks!

(The Troopas cheer again.)

Koopa: Hold your applause! I know it's a genius idea, but I have them all the time!

Troopa: And then what happens, your royal repulsiveness?

Koopa: I crown myself the King of Kooplyn, and I make all the laws! No plumbers! No pasta! No princesses! And, Brooklyn accents are not allowed!

(The Troopas and Bob-ombs cheer. Mario and Co poke their heads out of nearby trashcans.)

Princess: It's a good thing we found Koopa before he got away with all that!

Mario: Don't worry, Princess! He won't get away with anything! Come on, Luigi!

(The four of them get out of the trashcans. The Marios run one way, while Princess and Toad go the other. Koopa tosses two Bob-ombs off the bridge, which blow up near a support column and Koopa and the Troopas cheer. Two more Bob-ombs jump off and blow up part of the support column, causing a few of the support cables to snap. A group of cops run onto the bridge, and Koopa uses his scepter to turn them all into bricks. The Troopas pick up the bricks and throw them towards the Marios, who have to catch the bricks and put them down carefully. The Troopas throw so many bricks that the Marios' arms are soon full.)

Mario: Mamamia!

(Koopa puts down his scepter and picks up a Bob-omb. Toad runs over to Koopa, grabs the scepter, runs off, and Koopa growls. Toad jumps over a Troopa and throws the scepter over to Princess, who uses it to turn the bricks back into cops, one of whom falls over onto Luigi. The cops then chase after the Troopas. Koopa lights a Bob-omb and throws it towards the cops, but Mario catches it.)

Mario: Come on! The only way we can save Brooklyn is to make Koopa chase us back to the Mushroom Kingdom!

(Toad holds up the scepter.)

Toad: Hey, Koopa! If ya want your scepter, come and get it!

(Mario and Co run off with the Bob-omb and the scepter. Koopa growls, beats his chest, and runs after them. Mario and Co are now off the bridge and running through the streets, with Koopa in pursuit.)

Luigi: Mario! Let go of that Bob-omb!

Mario: It's not time, Luigi!

(Mario and Co reach the manhole, jump in, and Koopa follows. Cut to the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario and Co jump out of the pipe.)

Luigi: Mario! Let go of that Bob-omb!

Mario: It's still not time!

(Koopa flies out of the pipe.)

Mario: Okay, Luigi! It's time!

(Mario throws the Bob-omb into the pipe, and it blows up.)

Koopa: Hey! What's the big idea?

Mario: You're stuck back in the Mushroom Kingdom, Koopa stoopa! And Brooklyn is safe!

Luigi and Princess: Way to go, Mario!

(Luigi, Princess and Toad cheer.)

Koopa: Ya forgot one thing, plumber! You're stuck with me!

(Koopa runs up to Toad and steals back his scepter. Mario and Co run off and Koopa chases after them, trying to zap them with his scepter.)

Mario: I guess someday, even Super Mario can't think of everything!

(Koopa continues trying to zap them, while Mario jumps and shouts, trying to avoid getting hit.)

The End

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