Contest 101
Picture by Atticus

Parakarry123$: Goomba (3rd from right): I told that guy that if someone is going to jump out of the cake, he
Parakarry123$: has to put him in AFTER they bake the cake! **GOOD PRIZE**

Dark Koopa: Wow, the X-Nauts have really lowered their standards.

Dash: Goomba: How X-Nauts can sleep like that is a mystery to me.
Dash: Grass: GET OFF OF ME!
Dash: Standing X-Naut: Hey... Why aren't MY glasses like that?
Dash: X-Naut: He could have just been knocked out by those Goombas, which would prove he is pathetically
Dash: weak and be perfect for blackmail, but I think he's sunbathing.

Maguskoopa: Another X-Naut falls prey to the Goomba Syndicate.

Tayra: Talking Goomba: (to himself) Heh, everyone thinks we hurt him but it was really a tree.

abigailns: X-Naut: Ha, you got beaten by a Goomba girl!

Yoshi kid: 3rd Goomba: Take off the costume, Peach. Halloween was 13 captions ago.

Gastlis: Standing X-Naut: I told you, whether or not you hide in the bushes, the locals would find out that you
Gastlis: keep writing Atticus on the grass...

Jeff Koopa: Goomba: Never again call us mushrooms!

Joeeh: Goombas: Awesome... Floating eyebrows!

Blue Virus: Goomba: And THAT'S for taking our lunch money!

Super Luigi: And that's how this day became Got Pwnd By Insane Boggly-Eyed Goombas Day.

Philip Mekeel: Goomba: Don't you dare call us "stupid pieces of fungi" again, nimrod!

Popple: Standing X-Naut: Watch it, you idiot! You almost hit that blade of grass, and I was gonna go out with
Popple: her!!!

Seth: It's the newest game for the DS: X-Nauts and the Quest to Get Rid of the Atticus in the Ground.
Seth: Standing X-Naut: Whatever happened to Caption 100?
Seth: Something has Happened! The Goomba Trio has stolen your X-Naut as part of their
Seth: "Bowser-needs-more-members-for-his-army" tax!
Seth: X-Naut on ground: I'm actually being pulled along by an invisible thread.

Petey Piranha Fan: Goomba: That'll teach him not to fry Goombas with a magnifying glass!

MetaKnight: X-Naut: I've fallen and I can't get up!!!

Altairx: Goomba: These X-Nauts stink, the way they fall from the sky trying to squish us Goombas without
Altairx: being smart enough to have a parachute!

Eric: Wow, how dumb to be trampled by a weakling like those Goombas!

Star_Daniel: X-Naut #1: I knew I shouldn't have eaten that funny cake! Waaaaaahhuuooooooooooooooooh!
Star_Daniel: Goombas: Would you relax? Geez, you're really a pain in the neck!
Star_Daniel: X-Naut #2: Oh no! Sir Grodus is gonna kill me, yes, he sure will! I am no chef
Star_Daniel: aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!

Vivian: When Goombas attack.
Vivian: HIM!
Vivian: !: Wow, I'm in a caption! I'M A STAR!
Vivian: X-Naut 2: Oooooo, pretty lights.

Waluigi's Twin: Iggy: Darn, I thought this X-Naut disguise was foolproof!

Mecha Bowser 2.0: Dizzy X-Naut: Oooowwwww... This hurts...
Mecha Bowser 2.0: Dizzy X-Naut: Look... red... stars... so... beauty...
Mecha Bowser 2.0: Goombas: This is for tossing a Koopa shell at Lemmy's face!
Mecha Bowser 2.0: Surprised X-Naut: Wow, Goombas are stronger than they look.
Mecha Bowser 2.0: Exclamation Point: YIIIIPPEEEE, I AM IN A CAPTION!!!

EXOR: Narrator: Today on the "Most Stupid Videos of Mushroom Kingdom" we see what happens when an
EXOR: X-Naut try to capture some Goombas to make a Goomba Cake to sell on the Yoshi Mart for 45 gold
EXOR: coins.

Kootie Pie: Fainted X-Naut: Ooooowwwww... Boy, I hope nobody takes a photo of this and sells it to
Kootie Pie: Atticus...

Kooky Von Koopa: This is an X-Naut on a GOOD day.
Kooky Von Koopa: X-Naut 1: Guy, are you ok?
Kooky Von Koopa: X-Naut 2: I can't feel my legs...
Kooky Von Koopa: Goombas: All the time we spent in Roy's Karate School is finally worth it!

MetalWario: X-Naut: I finally get in a caption, only to get defeated by three Goombas?
MetalWario: "Super Smash Minion", only for GCN!
MetalWario: X-Naut: I... am... dizzy...
MetalWario: X-Naut: I can't feel my arms...

Dylan: X-Naut that isn't beat up: I am not going to ask.
Dylan: Although it looks like the Goombas beat the X-Naut up, he really just tripped over his shoelaces.
Dylan: X-Naut that isn't beaten up: Wow. If I just grab one of those stars, I'll be invincible!

Koopus: TEC's Virtual Training Test, #12,348: Escape from a trio of angry Goombas while wearing a pair of
Koopus: swirly eyeglasses...***FIRST PRIZE***
Koopus: Goomba #3: Never mess with a Goomba, X-boy!
Koopus: Goomba #3: And that's for makin' the X-Box!
Koopus: Small X-Naut: Daddy, were you supposed to get brutally and unmercilessly beat up by a bunch of
Koopus: angry-looking Goombas who look a lot smaller and weaker than you?

Gabbie: First Goomba: Hey, man, let's get out of here before the smell of your feet makes even more
Gabbie: innocent people pass out! **GOOD PRIZE**
Gabbie: X-Naut on the ground: (to Goombas): I... just... wanted... a hug...
Gabbie: Tree: Haha! That'll show y'all to mess with me!!!
Gabbie: The Goombas wanted to let the X-Naut join in their game of tag, but he was still recovering from the
Gabbie: shock of being in a caption.
Gabbie: First Goomba: It's ok, guys, we can beat the next X-Naut. I just need my Atticus.
Gabbie: Middle Goomba: Arrg! I can't get my eyebrows to stay on my head!

General Cheep: X-Naut on ground: Like, NOT cool, man! I got mauled by walkin' gords!

BubsiBoy: Unconscious Guy: I'm fat, unconscious, thieved, and I have a weird face, plus everyone thinks I
BubsiBoy: smell like ten of the world's smelliest being (Bowser), but other than that I'm ok.

John Doe: Goomba 1: Oh, he so does NOT make a good bowling ball!

Poo the pyro-boo: Goomba: Now THIS is pathetic.

HarraAlaKing: Surprised X-Naut: Oh my DAD, they killed Kenny!

mathgrant: Goomba #1: Oh, man, that "balancing punctuation on your head" trick is soooooo lame. Let's
mathgrant: demand our money back!
mathgrant: Goomba #2: Bah! I can't make out what the word "Atticus" on the grass says!
mathgrant: Goomba #3: These aren't teeth. These are tears of sadness!
mathgrant: "u" in Atticus: You know, guys, without ME, you'd just be ATTICS!
mathgrant: Goomba #1: The Multiplication Guys of Math Kingdom are attacking us! We need to scram before
mathgrant: the Arctangent Guys and Derivative Guys catch up!
mathgrant: Goomba #3: Be quiet! My left and right eyes are having a staring contest.
mathgrant: Goomba #3: If I tmed my jump just right, I should be able to stomp the word Atticus!
mathgrant: Goomba #1: Those guys are so stupid... You can't play tic-tac-toe with X's and X's!

General Cheep: Goomba on left: He thinks he can just waltz up here and, and... uh, WALTZ!!!
General Cheep: The X-Nauts just learned that Goombas are NOT food items.

Aqua Fuzzie: Goomba: That will teach you to defeat us in Super Mario Bros. 3, X-boy!
Aqua Fuzzie: Watching X-Naut: He was beaten up by three Goombas?!

Double D: It was bad enough that the X-Nauts made fun of the Goombas, but when they tried to take the
Double D: Goombas' two stars and squiggly line, that was going too far.
Double D: X-Naut (five seconds ago): Oh, look! These brown mushrooms with eyes will be perfect for target
Double D: practice!
Double D: The X-Naut tried to decide whether to squash the Goombas, avenging his friend and earning
Double D: honor and respect, or... hey! Where's the banana?!

Kirby 25: The Goombas are fighting the X-Nauts. Unfortanately for the X-Nauts, one of them got defeated.
Kirby 25: X-Naut #1: These Goomba fools are going to pay unless it is one of Mario's dirty tricks, but still,
Kirby 25: they are going to pay!!!

Boolia: Standing X-Naut: What happened?
Boolia: Fainted X-Naut: Pretty stars.
Boolia: Goomba: We beat him up because he said since this is the 101st contest, we should act out 101
Boolia: Dalmations. What a lame idea.

Mouser 4700: And so, boys and girls, this is what happens when Goombas play too much Super Smash Bros.
Mouser 4700: Melee.
Mouser 4700: This a scene from a new TV show: Everybody Hates the X-Nauts.

MetalYoshi: This is a picture of a new game for the GCN made by Bowser called Kill the X-Nauts Using
MetalYoshi: Different Kinds of Minions". First you must use the Goombas, then the Bob-ombs, then the
MetalYoshi: Chain Chomps, then the Shy Guys...

Tommy Koopa: Goomba: No wonder Mario was able to beat them.
Tommy Koopa: Fallen X-Naut: Who knew Goombas could create invisible walls?

Archfiend Koopa: X-Naut on left: Goomba attack! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Philip Mekeel: X-Naut: I've fallen and I- Why should I even bother, it's not THAT funny...

Chaim Chomp: It's a scene from the new Paper Mario 3: The Fury of Goombas.

Jeff Koopa: Goomba: Ha! That stupid guy didn't know that three small guys can beat one big guy!

Drew: The X-Nauts really let themselves go!

Justin: X-Naut: Brother, what has happened to you?!
Justin: This is what happens when X-Nauts make fun of Goombas.
Justin: Middle Goomba: How come we can never do this to the Mario Bros?

chainchomp: Goomba 1: (to himself) I hope Bowser gives us a promotion.
chainchomp: Goomba 2: I think I got something on my foot.
chainchomp: Goomba 3: What does Atticus mean?

falco: Goomba: Yes! We finally killed him.

Nik: Goomba: Call me short again and I swear!

Hyper Guy: Goomba: I knew that guy wasn't edible!

supercomputer276: Beat-Up X-Naut: Ohh, pretty stars...

bowsersfavoritekoopa: Goomba: That's whatcha get for messin' with us, tubby.

Ben: To this day Lord Crump's brother learned to never make Goombas mad.

Wooster: Goomba: Man, some dentist. All I had was a stinkin' cavity, and he recited all of "Scary Movie"
Wooster: before his lungs gave out.

Extreme nintendo master: X-Naut: Oh my DAD!
Extreme nintendo master: Goomba Bros. Leader: What a loser!

Josh: X-Naut: NOOO! You drew swirls on his glasses! It's not FAIRRRRR!
Josh: X-Naut on the ground: Ugh. That's the last time I play Extreme Musical Chairs.
Josh: Goomba: Freak.


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