Contest 120
Picture by Latisha Banks

Trollish Beastfighter: Iggy: We agree on something! Yay! Let's celebrate this occasion!
Trollish Beastfighter: Larry: Psst, Lemmy, come here to learn how my "magic" telescope trick worked on
Trollish Beastfighter: Iggy.
Trollish Beastfighter: Iggy: I'm sorry my face is distorted. Your punishment, Larry, for taking my pillow is
Trollish Beastfighter: blinding by means of pressurized water rockets and humiliation from Lemmy.
Trollish Beastfighter: Iggy: With these two potions, I bring light!
Trollish Beastfighter: Larry: Get out of here or I might take a swipe at you!
Trollish Beastfighter: Larry: OH MAN! You won't believe how comfortable this giant icy blue tulip bulb pillow
Trollish Beastfighter: is!
Trollish Beastfighter: Larry: No, I don't want to dye my hair for the Identical Siblings' Party. **GOOD PRIZE**

MarioFanaticXV: Larry: I should steal Ludwig's hypno-watch more often!

MetaKnight: Lemmy, Iggy, and Larry: We finally beat Mario Party 6!!!

Freezy Toad: Iggy's experiment that blew up part of each Koopaling in this picture.
Freezy Toad: The reason Lemmy hates Iggy.
Freezy Toad: Iggy: Yay! Isn't this so fun, Lemmy and Larry, since we are all gonna die when the chemicals in
Freezy Toad: this thing I'm holding explode!

daisy_girl: Larry: Ooh, look at me, I'm Wendy!
daisy_girl: Lemmy: Hey Larry, why do YOU have colored eyes while I don't?
daisy_girl: Pillow: Lemmy, what are those strange red lines on your head?
daisy_girl: Little did Lemmy know that one of his spikes had a microscopic microphone that Wendy used to
daisy_girl: hear Larry mocking her.
daisy_girl: Wall: Lemmy, can you send Bowser Junior over here to paint me? I'm sick of white.

Mario: Iggy invents the bottle. TOO BAD IT ALREADY HAPPENED! ***FIRST PRIZE***
Mario: Iggy: Yo ho ho and a bottle of *hic*

Pokemaniac Joe: Iggy: It's the annual "Make Your Idiotic Brother Drink Chemicals Day"!!!
Pokemaniac Joe: Larry: This sure beats a midnight snack, eh, Jack?

Dylan: Larry: I'm not hiding anything underneath this pillow. Especially not your Ultra Koopa action figure.
Dylan: Announcer: Welcome to How to Blow Up! Today, Iggy will show you the wrong way to blow up. What's
Dylan: left of him will show you the right way.

crazy iggy fan: Iggy: Make your body happy, drink Koopafena!

Dark Storm: Iggy: We have finally stolen King Dad's stash of Koopa Cola!

Super Goomba: Iggy and Lemmy tried as hard as they could to get Larry to stand on the "X" outside the
Super Goomba: castle, but to no avail.

bombiel: Iggy: Let's spray Larry with seltzer.

MetalYoshi: Iggy: I'm not intoxi-HIC! incotsi-HIC! dicotsy-HIC! drunk.

MarioFanaticXV: Larry: Actually, Lemmy, what I said was "Iggy will not NOT not disagree to having April Fools
MarioFanaticXV: Day everyday!"

Mario: Larry just got himself two worthless slaves.
Mario: Little did Larry know that as soon as he fell asleep Iggy would pour the bottle of icy cold water on him.
Mario: Larry: It's not polite to point, Lemmy.
Mario: Actually, Larry shaved himself bald and there is a rooster behind his pillow.

Kooky von Koopa Cubed: Larry has tested some of Iggy's new soda, but little did he know that the soda
Kooky von Koopa Cubed: contained mutant potion.

Iggy_Koopa: Larry: How long do we have to pose for this painting, anyway?

Alexander von Koopa: Iggy: Psst... I found these in Ludwig's room labeled "Do not drink or you will explode".
Alexander von Koopa: Let's take just a sip or two and then sneak them back.

Dark lord koopa: Larry: Hey guys, I'm Wendy O. and I order all you inferior Koopas to get me root beer while I
Dark lord koopa: lie on my pillow and convince Bowser to buy me a cellphone!

Freezy Toad: Iggy: Yay! We're all gonna blow up!

Ian: Iggy: I've made the most greatest drink ever- boiled water!


Petey Piranha Fan: DEATH POTION ONTO HIM!!! Did I just say that out loud?

Jeffrey: Lemmy and Iggy: Arrgh! Really bad body odor!
Jeffrey: Lemmy: How come I don't have spikes on my bracelets?
Jeffrey: Larry: Bubbles!
Jeffrey: Lemmy: Sorry, Larry. This is a family website. I had to cover up the pint in your hand. UNDER AGE
Jeffrey: Larry: Arrgh! I've got fizz in my eye!
Jeffrey: Lemmy: Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! Ha ha! I need a hobby...
Jeffrey: A meeting of the I Have Blue in My Hair (tm) society
Jeffrey: Iggy: Must... reach... beer... in... Larry's... hand.

Pyro Bundt: Chuckola Cola now comes in Extra Sugar, Extra Fat, and All-of-the-above, perfect for Lemmy's
Pyro Bundt: stupid parties.
Pyro Bundt: Larry: Talk to the Anti-Stupidity Shield.
Pyro Bundt: Larry: Sorry, I don't speak Blah-a-nese.
Pyro Bundt: Iggy: I can see cleeeeearly nooow my braain is goone!**GOOD PRIZE**

Slashing NightWolf: Larry: Yes you can have this pillow, but only if you steal me one of Iggy's special gassy
Slashing NightWolf: blue sodas.
Slashing NightWolf: Lemmy: So we have a deal.Your pillow for a section on my site.

Icel: A1 Steak Sauce. Yeah, it's that important.

Joshua: Iggy: Finally, I made the potion that will give me better eyesight and red lines on my head so I will be
Joshua: the same as Lemmy!
Joshua: Iggy: Mmmmm, I always loved Ludwig's blue potions... I could never quite figure out what those nice
Joshua: pictures of skulls and crossbones mean, though...
Joshua: Oh my, due to Iggy's blue potion, Larry's hand is now rapidly growing to the size of a watermellon!
Joshua: Well, it's Thursday night again... TRUTH OR DARE!
Joshua: Only Larry and Iggy have "bracelets" around their arms because they already drank some of
Joshua: Ludwig's vile liquid.

Axemblack97: Iggy: Hey guys, let's have a party. Have some soda.

Lemmy's Evil Counterpart: Lemmy, being the only one realizing that it wasn't soda, failed to keep his
Lemmy's Evil Counterpart: pointing and laughing under control.

Double D: Lemmy: Haha! Good one! Hey, and remember when we actually drank the soda instead of telling
Double D: jokes? That was hilarious!
Double D: Bowser becomes very unhappy when he can tell what soda the Koopalings were drinking by
Double D: looking at his pillows.
Double D: Iggy: (Ya know, these wands Lemmy said to shake almost feel like soda bottles.)

Bam: ...Now Iggy's getting drunk over Ludwig's chemicals.

Boshee: Larry (to Lemmy): Ten minutes, and he still believes that it was alcoholic! Pay up!
Boshee: Larry: I'll take what's behind hair number two.
Boshee: Larry: I'll take the one that you didn't make from my water pillow.
Boshee: Larry: Yeah, I can't believe we had to blow up that fully stocked unattended Pepsi truck that was in
Boshee: the way of the Pepsi vending machine. Talk about inconvenient.

Lovable_angel90: If you drink too much soda pop, you'll POP!!!

Kirbyfancobra: Iggy: Ow! Quit poking me, you guys!
Kirbyfancobra: If you think Lemmy should grab the drinks and run, turn to page 74.

MaskedSheik: The Potion Goes Mostly in the Ocean, one of the many scenes from My Fair Koopa that didn't
MaskedSheik: go too well with the critics.
MaskedSheik: Larry gives Iggy the rare turn-into-Piranha-Plant potion found in Caption 89; Lemmy wants
MaskedSheik: some, too.

Dark Mario12: Iggy: Let's party all night long!


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