Contest 141
Picture by Atticus

MJ: Ludwig: Pretty impressive, Larry, but can you kick my binoculars over that wall?
MJ: Ludwig: The box says "THIS SIDE UP", so we just follow those instructions.
MJ: Larry: TEN-HUT!

MetalYoshi: Ludwig: Well, I WAS planning on using that to test the theory of Shroedinger's Cat... but why
MetalYoshi: contemplate quantum physics when you can have a lot of fun kicking a box around?

Boolia: Ludwig: What a lovely day, and a lovely box.
Boolia: Larry: I hope King Dad didn't know his licence was in that box.

Dark Koopa: Ludwig: Pretty good, Larry, but I'm pretty sure this isn't how boxing goes.

WendyRulez: Larry: Hurray! We've finally got rid of that endless-talking Morton!

Duplipuff: Apparently, Paper Mario's cardboard box power didn't really help him. **GOOD PRIZE**

MetaKnight: Larry: Let's hope for our sake it doesn't hit King Dad.

Super Goomba: Ludwig: Wow! I never knew my hair looked like this!
Super Goomba: Larry: Why are we cross-eyed?

King Doopliss: Larry: Fly, box! Fly!
King Doopliss: Ludwig: I don't think you can kick that box all the way to the moon. ***FIRST PRIZE***
King Doopliss: Goombario: Let me out of this crazy box!
King Doopliss: Ludwig: Nice kick, now just kick the Mario Brothers the same way.
King Doopliss: Box: Kick a soccer ball instead, you crazy Koopa!

Koopaling Josh: Little did they know, evil swirly clouds were approaching them, trying to steal Larry's Star
Koopaling Josh: Piece stuck to his foot.

Fwipp Deathspeeder: Ludwig: Wow Larry, with that force, you'll be ready for Mario Soccer in no time!
Fwipp Deathspeeder: Larry: Wow Ludwig, when you labeled that box "this side up" you really meant it!

Introbulus: Ludwig: Wow, nice kick, Larry! But I think the game's called Kick the "Can".

Dylan: Larry is apparantly trying to hitch a ride on the cardboard box.

Zena the dragon: Mario (in the box): CHEESE!!!
Zena the dragon: Ludwig: Nice one, Larry!

Ben c: Ludwig: With the baby bird in the box and us kicking it, the mother will be sure to attack us and then
Ben c: we will have fried bird meat, although I'm not sure what traps to use.

Paperlemmy: Larry: Wow, Ludwig, these square feet you gave everyone make it easier to kick boxes! Now if
Paperlemmy: we could just find a use for that.

Mr.?: Larry: This side up, this!

Tiff: Ludwig: Okay, who put that snake in my mouth?
Tiff: Larry's impression of the SMW Ludwig's Castle finishing cutscene didn't go so well when he had to
Tiff: improvise for Ludwig's castle.
Tiff: Ludwig: And now we witness the beautiful box-bird. Crikey, there it goes!
Tiff: Ludwig: Now that we've found the word "Atticus" on the ground, let's try to find another in the sky.
Tiff: Maybe another in King Dad's castle. Or maybe another in Peach's castle. Ah, how fun finding words is.

Koopaling Josh: Larry: Ludwig! You have a Pikachu tail!

Pyro Bundt: Ludwig: So this is what Earth people call "Kickboxing".
Pyro Bundt: Ludwig: My eyes hurt from looking into the binoculars cross-eyed.

supercomputer276: Ludwig (a few seconds before): I told you, these binoculors are really dual laser barrels.
supercomputer276: Now pull!

hyperguy152: Larry: Darn, it didn't explode!

Sonic527: Ludwig's greatest invention, to capture Toads with a paper box.

Denny W. Koopa: The aroma of Peach's new wedding cake caught the senses of Morton (in the box), to his
Denny W. Koopa: surprise.

Koopus: Ludwig: Now watch, Larry, it'll land right-side-up because the box is smart and can read the arrows.
Koopus: Ludwig: Omigosh! An unidentified flying object! I must capture it and dissect it to learn its
Koopus: other-worldly knowledge!
Koopus: Ludwig and Larry don't trust the Paratroopa Interkingdom Mail Service (PIMS) to deliver their
Koopus: package of highly-sensitive bombs.
Koopus: Ludwig: It's moments like these that make this parenting thing all worthwhile, eh Larry?

Trollish Beastfighter: Ludwig: Aha! This indeed proves that action results in equal and opposite reaction!
Trollish Beastfighter: Ludwig: That looks like a fun game! Who did you decide to package for torture today,
Trollish Beastfighter: anyway?

Captain Caption: Larry: YEAH, I LOVE TO PLAY "KICK THE BOX"!
Captain Caption: Ludwig: Looks like somebody wrote "Atticus" on the gound... AGAIN!
Captain Caption: Box: FOR THE LAST TIME, I'M NOT A BALL!

lemmy koopa 2: Ludwig and Larry are testing the box's mass, but they forget it has words that say
lemmy koopa 2: "BOWSER'S, NOT YOURS".

Koopiana Jones: Larry: This is what I always wanted to do to Roy but didn't have the strength to do it!
Koopiana Jones: Ludwig: Thanks for the binoculars, but you can have the box back.
Koopiana Jones: Little did the Koopalings know, Mario was in the box waiting to ambush them.
Koopiana Jones: While Larry and Ludwig were seeing how far a kicked box would go, an army of green jello
Koopiana Jones: was attacking their castle!

Vitani: Apparantly, Ludwig has invented a new entertaining sport with Larry, see who can kick the box the
Vitani: highest!
Vitani: Ludwig: Bye-bye boxie, see you later!

Jeffrey: A misunderstanding of the phrase "This way up".
Jeffrey: After seeing DK whack the ball with his fist in Mario Baseball, the residents of the Mushroom
Jeffrey: Kingdom were under pressure to find an alternative to the standard equipment to over-innovate the Jeffrey: next Mario Golf.
Jeffrey: Error in picture; The Koopas live in DARK Land.
Jeffrey: Why would a box fire long needles at a star on a Koopaling's foot?

Abigailns: Larry: My imagination plus a cardboard box equals instant BOREDOM!

Chris "Wario": Ludwig: Thanks for finally getting rid of Morton for me. Do you think the garbage collectors
Chris "Wario": will pick up that box?

Dasina-chan: Morton (from in box): WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Oh no! My star fell off!

Kkadwell: Neither of them actually believed that kicking an empty cardboard box into the air would give it the
Kkadwell: same properties as a coin-filled ? Block, but with their allowances still revoked, it was worth a try.
Kkadwell: **GOOD PRIZE**

Trollish Beastfighter: Ludwig: THAT'S IT! I've come to the conclusion that everything is looking up.

MarioFanaticXV: Ludwig: It's even more fun to do when they're marked "Fragile"!

Rookie Koopa: It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Larry's best kick ever!

Koopiana Jones: Ludwig: This football game would be better if there were more people and a real football.
Koopiana Jones: Mario (in the box): I WAS JUST RETURNING YOUR DAD'S WALLET! SHEESH!

Tommy Koopa: Larry: Ludwig, the box ninjas are back!

Goomrey: Larry: No matter how many times I kick it, the box never spills its contents.

Magikoopa189: Larry: I didn't know kicking Bowser's shell box could be so fun!

Master_Lord_Roy: Ludwig: So that's what came out of Kirby's warp star.
Master_Lord_Roy: Larry prefers writing "Atticus" rather than drawing a simple target.
Master_Lord_Roy: Ludwig: Boxes cannot ride on warp stars. Brilliant discovery!

Mr. Messed with: Larry and Ludwig's secret shame- finally revealed!

Flame Chocobo: Iggy (in the box): Aw come on! Don't I get a say in this?

Commander Josh: Ludwig: And now children, here is a Larry, which has a stupid habit of kicking cardboard
Commander Josh: boxes.

99Krusher: Ludwig: You do realize that's not a football... right?

KoolKoopaKid: Ludwig: Good job, Larry, although you missed it twenty tries before!

Dry Bones: Ludwig and Larry: Look at Mario's stuffed animal collection go!!!

Captain Caption: Ludwig: Atticus, did you graffiti the floor again?
Captain Caption: Box: I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky!

Double D: Ludwig: I have deduced that this box, when kicked with Morton in it, will fly far enough away that
Double D: we will never see him again.
Double D: Ludwig and Larry have finally devised a way to send packages without paying for postage.
Double D: Ludwig's newest coordination challenge: kick a box ten yards while balancing a star on your foot.
Double D: Ludwig: Finally, I can turn in my homework without going to school!
Double D: Ludwig: Hey, it's going down! The law of gravity really is true!
Double D: Step 1: Kick box; Step 2: Run away and watch box; Step 3: Laugh evilly when Bob-omb inside box
Double D: explodes in Bowser's bathroom.
Double D: Iggy (inside box): Are you sure this is what the cool kids are riding these days?


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