Contest 158
Picture by Blue Boo

Master Lord Roy: Diddy: Say CHEESE!
Master Lord Roy: Peach: I'm sorry! I didn't mean to invite Bowser to your birthday party!
Master Lord Roy: Bowser: We do the hokey pokey!
Master Lord Roy: Looks like Mario is bad at writing Japanese kanji.
Master Lord Roy: Donkey Kong: No fair! I didn't get my picture taken.
Master Lord Roy: Donkey Kong: Drat! This Mario frame keeps falling off.

Eric the Koopa: Mario: Urgh... I hate writing Shroob language...

Dooplissguy: Diddy Kong: YO MAMA!!!

WendyRulez: Something that will NEVER happen.
WendyRulez: Frog: What am I doing here? I'm not in the Mario series!
WendyRulez: Little did Bowser and those traitors Mario and Donkey Kong Jr. know that Peach and Donkey
WendyRulez: Kong are master kung fu and escape artists.
WendyRulez: Mario and Donkey Kong Jr. got bored, so they decided to stab their friends in the back! WendyRulez: **GOOD PRIZE**
WendyRulez: Frog: I'm Frog, not Toad! Let me go!

Dylan: Diddy: Don't worry, Bowser. Being that I'm an ex-Rare character, I Stop N Swapped you some clones.

Mr.?: Bowser: Look at all my clones!
Mr.?: Donkey Kong: Diddy! Untie me now!

Yoshi tamer: Mario: Hey everyone! Guess what tomorrow is... Tomorrow!
Yoshi tamer: Peach: Mario drank so much coffee last night he thinks he's Spiderman.

Kammy: DK: Diddy, get back here and stop listening to music about Bowser.
Kammy: Mario: AAAH!!! More Bowsers! Run for your life!!!
Kammy: Bowser: Wait. Why do I have a question mark over my head?
Kammy: Bowser: We got Princess Peach, Donkey Kong, and some guy who I don't know, and Mario's running
Kammy: away. Let's party!
Kammy: Bowser: Where's Dixie? The party's nothing without Dixie playing the guitar.
Kammy: Donkey Kong: Diddy, you betrayed me?!
Kammy: Bowser: And the winner of the rock music contest is Diddy!
Kammy: Peach: I said we want Dixie, not Diddy. Can't you hear what I'm saying, Bowser?
Kammy: Bowser: Prepare to meet your doom. But first, you'll get to listen one last rock song.

Drew: Luigi (offscreen): Mario, Bowser, and Diddy! I told you not to drink the soy sauce.

Iggy_Koopa: What happens when Luigi goes on an adventure without Mario.

Rescue72: Bowser: When do we get to beat the candy out of them?

supercomputer276: DK: Hey, I'M supposed to be the life of the party!

Ravyn78: Bowser: Where did these clones of me come from and why is Mario climbing on the wall?
Ravyn78: Some birthday party this is.

Luke Bennett: And just when the situation couldn't get any worse, Diddy decides to video tape it. ***FIRST Luke Bennett: PRIZE***

Angelmist: Donkey Kong: leda leda leda le
Angelmist: Bowser: Diddy, you were only supposed to call my family in an emergency!

ben catchpole: Mario: If I told you once I told you a million times, this party with the Bowser clones is over!
ben catchpole: Mario: I already told you this party is over!

P.T. Piranha: Bowser furthest to the right: How come my sprite isn't from Super Mario Bros. 3? I want my
P.T. Piranha: sprite to be like that! Waaaah!
P.T. Piranha: Diddy: What's that? I can't hear you saying that the blood's rushing to your head over the
P.T. Piranha: sound of this really loud song.

Gastlis: Entering the idiocy contest, Mario declares himself a genius.

bob's revenge: Diddy Kong: Let us play... who wants to be hung!

Pyro Bundt: Donkey Kong: Uh, sorry, Diddy always needs his morning caffeine. Don't worry, it'll only last five
Pyro Bundt: hours.

Liz: Diddy: Yaay! I get three nice pinatas for my birthday, AND a sign in Japanese! Aw, you're the best, Mario!

Koopa Girl: Diddy: I'm taking pics of Bowser clones, my uncle tied up, Peach hangin' out, some random thing,
Koopa Girl: and Mario stuck on the flypaper bannar! My show and tell class'll love this!
Koopa Girl: Bowser: I gave this warning to Mario, so I'll give it to you, Diddy. STOP THROWING ME

Axis: Bowsers: Since when did Diddy become evil?

Bowser Junior: Later that night Mario learned the true meaning of Saint Patrick's Day.

hyperguy152: The Nintendo Revolution release party. **GOOD PRIZE**

Doshi: Bowser with ? mark: WHEN DID I LET MARIO INTO MY PARTY?!
Doshi: Mario: All I need to do is drop Donkey Kong. His massive weight will crush the Bowser clones.

Zinging Zug: DK: Diddy, if you do that, Bowsers will show up like they are right now, and everyone except
Zinging Zug: Mario will get tied up in a series of random events, and I'll just go rambling on and on just like I
Zinging Zug: am now, and I thought I was raised by monkeys, how can I know this much?

P.T. Piranha: Bowser on the bottom: Hey, the new guy's here!

Ham: DK: All right, all right! Get me out from these ropes and you can have the stupid stereo!

Static-Z: When Mario asked Peach what it was like to be tied up, she said she wasn't at all sympathetic when
Static-Z: the giant unreadable banner tried to eat him.
Static-Z: Bowser: I'll kill Ludwig for trying to make a Mario version of "Attack of the Clones"...
Static-Z: Mario: Ow ow ow ow! This stupid banner is pulling out my dentures!

Paraboo: Peach: Some party, huh?
Paraboo: DK: Diddy, give me that hyperactive nuclear radiactive moomoo bomb or else you get smacked!

Hooktail_rider: Bowser: Stop eating the banner, Mario!

Silver Knight: DK: Diddy, how could you?! Tying us up like this and forcing us to listen to... BRITTNEY
Silver Knight: SPEARS!

Tweeter: Donkey Kong: Great, really great! I finally appears in a caption and look what's happened!
Tweeter: Peach: Ok, no more pizza before bed!
Tweeter: Diddy Kong: I AM THE COOLEST!

Copykatt: Diddy and his army of Bowser clones take over the world.

Allen: Bowser: I step out of the house for one second, and you throw a wild party and clone me?!

and: Diddy has joined the dark side.

Steven: Bowser 4: Our base is been taken over, men. There's only one thing left to do. RETREAT!!!


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