Contest 172
Picture by Giga Bowser X

Fried Rooster: Wendy: You idiot! I'm not a firework!
Fried Rooster: It seems Ludwig dyed his hair blue.
Fried Rooster: Roy: Iggy! I know you're in there!
Fried Rooster: Wario can't seem to shape his fireworks like his W symbol.
Fried Rooster: Wendy: Give me back my expensive moon earring!

Waluigi's Twin: You can tell they're running out of ideas for Survivor, can't you?

Giga Bowser X: Morton's dressed up as Santa Claus, Larry's dressed up as Cupid, but Wendy dressing up as
Giga Bowser X: fireworks is pure genius.
Giga Bowser X: Lemmy: I wonder what "LL" means.
Giga Bowser X: Roy: So THAT'S where the moon goes when the sun rises.
Giga Bowser X: Bush: I found a shell! SCORE!

Super Goomba: Roy: Bowser Jr, get out of your shell! We're supposed to be... Wait, what exactly are we
Super Goomba: doing?

MJ: This is why no one trusts Hollywood anymore.
MJ: Fishin' Lakitu: I wonder if anyone could even reach this?
MJ: Roy: Look out! That Lighty-LL red and yellow thingy is going to fall on you guys! I'm serious this time!

Dark Koopa: Seeing as how Roy used the last of the exclamation marks, Ludwig had to use a cannon ball to
Dark Koopa: show he saw something shocking.

Dooplissa the Duplighost: Roy: Uh... Ludwig? A cannonball is about to fall on your head.
Dooplissa the Duplighost: TRY TO TIE MYSELF ONTO THIS THING?!
Dooplissa the Duplighost: Larry: Ludwig won't know what hit him!
Dooplissa the Duplighost: Ghost Lakitu: I had nothing to do with this...

WendyRulez: Wendy: WAH! Peach and Bowser are kissing each other while we're dumped out in the cold!

YoshiForever: Ludwig: Larry, vhy you bring ze cannons vith you from your Airship?
YoshiForever: Roy: Haha, Wendy! I turned your shell blue! It's what you get for turning my shell pink!

Rhinox: Ludwig: Argh, someone move the moon out of the way, it's ruining my beautiful fireworks!
Rhinox: Lemmy and Iggy are so busy laughing of Wendy they have not noticed Morton dying their hair yellow.
Rhinox: Larry: It's a great deal, guys, you can throw pies in Wendy's ugly face and blast Roy to death, and you
Rhinox: only need to give your wands to us!
Rhinox: Wendy: Ludwig, I think that cannonball that hit your head damaged your brain!
Rhinox: Roy: Hey, that's a party, cool. Wait... why am I not invited to it?
Rhinox: What happens when the Koopalings are left alone somewhere for five seconds.
Rhinox: Apparently, the Koopalings invented a new game that includes battles, kidnapping, fireworks, and
Rhinox: some puzzle to make Roy angry.
Rhinox: That's the way Ludwig and Larry like to play dodgeball! ***FIRST PRIZE***
Rhinox: Wendy: Ludwig, you're the worst dentist ever!

Bowser Junior: Morton: Thanks a lot, Ludwig, you managed to break gravity. Now we have to hold up the
Bowser Junior: moon.

KirbyStar: Roy: Hey Ludwig! You pointed the cannon the wrong way! Now we have to deal with Wendy
KirbyStar: screaming really loudly!

Paperlemmy: Roy: It doesn't matter whay color shell you have, Junior, I'm still going to wail on you!

Angelette: Larry, Lemmy, and Ludwig think the fireworks stand for their names, but it actually stands for Little
Angelette: Losers.

Star Yoshi: Fishin' Boo: I can't believe the moon can't support itself!

Lil' Fuzzie: Lemmy's Land get recognition on the 4th of July.

drybones Bowser: This is a Koopa's version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

Todd: Fishin' Boo: You know, when it comes right down to it, you have to ask, "Why?"

Ludwig von Koopa: Roy: Iggy, you come out now! It's just a Fishin' Boo with a 3-Up Moon that will kill you if
Ludwig von Koopa: you touch it! Too bad we aren't Mario!
Ludwig von Koopa: Fishin' Boo: Nobody will know I reversed the affect of the 3-Up Moon!
Ludwig von Koopa: MWAHHAHAHAHAH! Oops, I dropped the fuse on Wendy. Oh well!
Ludwig von Koopa: It looks like the Koopalings are making a plan to defeat the Marios... or maybe they're
Ludwig von Koopa: wondering what makeup to wear to look like a Barbie doll.

YoshiForever: Ludwig: Ve are ready to fight Mario and his mega tanks, super bombs, and thousands of
YoshiForever: armed reinforcements vith our cannon and orange zingymacnugget.
YoshiForever: Larry: Ludwig, I wish Latisha Banks had taken her turn. Then we wouldn't have to do this.
YoshiForever: Wendy: You tied me to the Poltergust 3000! It's bad enough that you stole it from Professor E.
YoshiForever: Gadd, but this!

Parakoopa: Roy: I thought we were playing Tiddlywinks!
Parakoopa: Wendy: AHHHH!!! Purple does NOT go with gray!
Parakoopa: Cloud Ghost: I hate it when Twila goes on strike...
Parakoopa: Green Bush: For the last time, I am NOT your clubhouse!
Parakoopa: Roy: Get out before I pummel you, stupid blue Koopa! That's MY secret security bunker! **GOOD Parakoopa: PRIZE**
Parakoopa: Larry: Hi Mr. Camera!
Parakoopa: Morton: Poking your head is fun!

Lil' Blue: Ludwig: Remember, all ve have to do is get hit in ze head vith ze cannonball and get sucked up by
Lil' Blue: ze vacuum. Vready?

Koopa Girl: Ludwig: Roy is a video game hero! He will save Wendy! The horror!
Koopa Girl: Lemmy: Ludwig, I'm right. There is a Lemmy's Land constellation. Give me 30 coins.

Lakitufo: Morton: Uh... I think a firework knocked Wendy out of her shell.

Sean: Roy: No! No! NO! Can't you morons get it right? The fishing pole should be orange, NOT RED!

Dasina-chan: Giga Bowser X, you messed up on the picture! Roy, seeing how dumb he is, should NOT have
Dasina-chan: an exclamation point by his head, but instead a question mark.

Kammy: Larry: What kind of fireworks is this?
Kammy: Ludwig: What makes you think these cannonballs can produce fireworks?
Kammy: Lemmy: (to Fishin' Boo) I told you to bring me a mooncake. That's not what I mean!
Kammy: Roy: Since when did Morton lay eggs?
Kammy: Iggy: You idiot, do you even know how to make fireworks that form a heart shape?

Stormy: Koopalings: Ooh... What a pretty blade of grass.

Bowser 5000: Because Wendy chose to be tortured instead of taking Iggy to the movies, Roy got her shell.

Petey Piranha Fan: Iggy: Eww, sprite mixing. Get it away.

Korren Koopa: Wendy: I shall now use my most powerful spell... MEET YOUR PAST TIME, SIBLINGS!
Korren Koopa: Whoops, I shouldn't have put that cannon there...

shadow6000: Ludwig: Wendy, are you ready to be launched as the second round of fireworks?

yoshi the blue: Roy: Now, I'm all into murder, but isn't relative killing going a bit too far?

Sean: Roy: My doomsday plan has everything! A cannon, a penguin fishing for the moon on a cloud, some
Sean: red and yellow lights in the sky, and most importantly... OH NO! I FORGOT THE BATHROOM!!!

Yoshi tamer: As you can see, Roy's birthday party went terribly wrong.

Ravyn78: Roy: Hey Iggy, you lost your blue shell!!!
Ravyn78: After the finale of the Lemmy's Land Fireworks, Lemmy, Iggy and Morton are going to change Larry
Ravyn78: and Ludwig into Yoshis.


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