Contest 184
Picture by Latisha Banks

Fried Rooster: Ludwig: For the gazillionth time, I am not doing your homework!
Fried Rooster: Lemmy: Compliment my Bob-omb so that he doesn't explode.
Fried Rooster: Larry is eating paint, not jelly.
Fried Rooster: Larry: Help! I'm choking!
Fried Rooster: Ludwig: That ball is way too big to be a "ball in the cup".
Fried Rooster: Lemmy: Guess what? I'm cured! I don't have to walk on my ball anymore!
Fried Rooster: Lemmy thinks that Ludwig and Larry are conjoined twins.
Fried Rooster: Ludwig: Lemmy?! Stop writing on the floor! I'm telling King Dad on you!
Fried Rooster: Lemmy: Can I have jelly also?

WendyRulez and Co: Larry: PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY TIME! Where's the peanut butter?

lilblueyoshi: Little do they know, Larry's eating a growth potion.

Ravyn78: Ludwig: Phew. Lemmy, did you drop a bomb?

Lakitufo: Lemmy: Larry is so annoying when he eats! Here, attach this Bob-omb to the string and let him play
Lakitufo: with it. **GOOD PRIZE**

YoshiForever: Lemmy: Ludwig, you're mistaking me for Iggy again! Besides, it's not his fault that he won the
YoshiForever: lottery twice and you didn't win at all!
YoshiForever: Ludwig: Lemmy, vhat have you Tivoed zat's being bad influenze on Larry? Vhat? Zat's jelly. YoshiForever: Vell, you never know!

Jr. of Doom: Ludwig: I'm surrounded by idiots with mohawks...
Jr. of Doom: STUPID LEMMY! He dropped the addicting toy in Larry's Pirahna jelly...

Static-Z: Lemmy: Well, Ludwig, we were able to fool Larry by coloring that glue purple and labeling the jar
Static-Z: "Jelly". How about we try out my Bob-omb trick now?

Yoshi tamer: Lemmy: See Ludwig, it's true Larry can eat a whole lot of purple glue.

ServantOfNobility: Lemmy: Ludwig, I'll trade you this Bob-omb for your fishing pole!

Angelette: Larry: It's peanut butter jelly time!
Angelette: Lemmy: When I grow up, I'm gonna have my own theme park!
Angelette: Here, begins the new series of "The 3 Stooges". ***FIRST PRIZE***
Angelette: Ludwig: Lemmy, if you wanna hang out with us, get a new hairstyle.
Angelette: Ludwig: Now I think I know why all my inventions blow up.

Donkey Kong!: Larry and Ludwig were happy until Lemmy asked them to play dodgebomb.

Boolia: Larry: This jellyfish jelly is delicious!
Boolia: Lemmy: Hey Ludwig, have you met my Bob-omb friend, Bob?
Boolia: Ludwig: I'm surrounded by idiots!

MarioFan01: Ludwig: Lemmy, you do realize that the Bob-omb you are holding's fuse just lit, don't you?

Boxman: Lemmy: Ludwig, some day we will look back at this and laugh at Larry!

yellowkirby: Ludwig: So Lemmy's off his ball, and Larry's obsessed with jam, now what?
yellowkirby: Ludwig never knew he was on Candid Camera.

jumpman: Ludwig: Lemmy, if your bomb guy there destroys MY Fish Catcher 3000, WHO SHALL REPLACE IT?
jumpman: Lemmy: Hair! Want play! Can't play? WAAH!
jumpman: Lemmy: Larry, that's not jelly. It's paint.
jumpman: Lemmy: Ludwig, can I use this thing as a ball? Mine popped when I fell on it.
jumpman: Larry: This Gain-Age Soup I hid in the jelly jar tastes awful, but soon I'll be older than Kind Dad! Or
jumpman: even DAD!
jumpman: Lemmy: Ludwig, if I can't use this bomb guy as a ball, I'll scratch your hair off.
jumpman: Larry: I'd better eat this jelly, or else I'll probably put it on my plants again! **GOOD PRIZE**
jumpman: DESTROYS!
jumpman: Lemmy: Larry, your shell... HAHAHA! It's got a blue spine!

Metal Piranha: Lemmy: The dots on my arm things are on vacation.

Rhinox: Lemmy: Hey guys, did you see my purple hair gel? I put it inside a pot of jelly, but I can't find it.
Rhinox: Lemmy: Ludwig, can you tell me why I don't have a spike bracelet?
Rhinox: Ludwig: Stupid Lemmy, Bob-ombs have already been invented! And Larry, that's not jelly, that's my
Rhinox: bacteria farm!
Rhinox: Lemmy: Ludwig, look at my eyes. You're becoming drowsy and when I tell 3, you will sleep. 1, 2, 3.
Rhinox: Zzz...
Rhinox: Lemmy: Cool, I can spin my eyes like an idiot. WEEEEE...
Rhinox: Lemmy: Well, it was a long story, and I'm not lying. It all started when I found this Bob-omb laying on
Rhinox: the grass and I grabbed it. Suddenly, Darth Vader and his army of cowboy ninjas attacked me...

Boxman: Larry: This jelly-flavored toothpaste is real good! Do you want some, Ludwig?

Pat: Lemmy: I knew writing the word jelly on that can would get him to eat paint.

Todd: By a unanimous vote, the jelly indeed tasted better.


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