Contest 272
Picture by Atticus

Pirate-Guy: Mario: Take that, Luigi, for eating the last cookie!

zz1666: Announcer (offscreen): And Luigi gets the ball with Chargin' Chuck in full pursuit. Luigi might go all the way! He's at the zz1666: 40... the 30... the 20... the- Wait, golf carts aren't allowed on the field. And why is that fan trying to interfere with Luigi, who's
zz1666: just about to score a touchdown for the team?

Phantos67: Luigi: Peach has been possessed by the Shadow Queen again! She's going to kill us all!

Liggy: This is why Chargin' Chuck wasn't in a Mario Golf game.

warioman: Luigi: Just becuase I carved the football in the last Caption doesn't mean we're playing football.

Daisyplayer1: Mario: This oughta hit Bowser in the eye.
Daisyplayer1: Peach: Hold it right there, Mister. If you do anything to hurt Luigi, I'll behead you in my torture chamber... Wait a
Daisyplayer1: minute, do I really have a torture chamber?
Daisyplayer1: Mario: I'm going for the bulls-eye, baby!
Daisyplayer1: Luigi: Why does Princess Peach have to make my life so miserable?!
Daisyplayer1: Mario: This oughta give those Koopalings a timeout!
Daisyplayer1: Peach: This is for taking a long time to get those X-Mas lights back in Caption Contest 234!

Dynomite8: This is what happens when Luigi tries to play a "harmless prank".
Dynomite8: You are seeing a game of "extreme football".
Dynomite8: Well, they needed a way to get Luigi to exercise.
Dynomite8: Luigi: Okay! Okay! I'll take the garbage out!
Dynomite8: Luigi: Stop! I'm not Mr. L anymore!

shawn: Luigi: Aww come on, it's only a dollar!

Neon Koopa: Luigi: Why is sport constantly against me?!
Neon Koopa: Luigi: Stop chasing me! I don't want this ball! Take it, take it and leave me alone!

Shade Koopa: Luigi: Why have I got a rugby ball, why am I being chased by a Chargin' Chuck, and why does Peach have a golf
Shade Koopa: cart?!
Shade Koopa: Luigi: Hey Mario, I thought we were going to play golf, so why did you invite Chargin' Chuck and bring a stash of
Shade Koopa: bricks?!

Quirky Q-pa: Luigi: And just when my invisibility power runs out!
Quirky Q-pa: It hasn't taken me long to realize that Atticus HATES Luigi.
Quirky Q-pa: Chargin' Chuck: 'Scuse me! Have you seen a man with blue overalls, a cap with the 13th letter of the alphabet on it,
Quirky Q-pa: and a blond girlfriend? He stole my blue blocks and my golf cart. Wait... ABCDEFGHIJKML... SO IT WAS YOU! **GOOD Quirky Q-pa: PRIZE**

George 200: Luigi: This is what ya call a Chargin' Chuck!
George 200: The New Movie Is Out! Luigi: The Not-So-Great Chase!

Binary Guy: Mario: Run faster, Luigi! We need to get all the way to Liverpool if we are going to make it into the Summer Olympics!
Binary Guy: Peach: Good job, Mario! You solved all the blue sides of the Rubik's cube.
Binary Guy: Chargin' Chuck: I'm late for the baseball game!

J-bit: Mario:  Not a lovely couple, NOT A LOVELY COUPLE?!
J-bit: Mario: FOUR!

coltranepep: Luigi: Yah!!! Run away!
coltranepep: Mario: This is for ruining the New Year's Eve party!
coltranepep: Chargin' Chuck: Give me back that football!
coltranepep: Luigi: This is the worst birthday ever!

boy1214: Mario: Chargin' Chuck, we'll slow him down with purple blocks so you can tackle him.

TheRocket99: Luigi: Maybe I can get away if I distract them with that "Atticus" on the ground.
TheRocket99: Mario: Hmmm... Who was I aiming for again?
TheRocket99: Luigi still won't admit that he didn't make the football.
TheRocket99: Chargin' Chuck: I'll hold him down, you grab him!
TheRocket99: Peach: Mario, get down from there! Don't break your leg like that NASCAR driver did!

Bob: Luigi: Good thing I bought these new running shoes!
Bob: Peach and Mario: KILL!
Bob: Luigi: I knew I would regret saying "Hike"...

Shell Mario: Mario: Give me back the pigskin! I WANT TO MAKE BACON!

Jalvo the Slime: Luigi: The bad guys are coming, the bad guys are coming- *Whack* Oh...

vampireluigi: Peach: No Luigi, there is not a zit on my forehead. Now dance, monkey, dance!!! >:D
vampireluigi: Chargin' Chuck: FOR THE LAST TIME! IT'S A STONE, LUIGI!!! YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT!!!
vampireluigi: Mario: Ok Luigi, find Atticus and I'll save you.

Dragongirl: This is what happens when Bowser sings "Old McDonald" in a Luigi suit.
Dragongirl: Luigi isn't afraid of anything chasing him. He's just afraid of the Atticus.

Ravyn78: Luigi: (to Mario) You're supposed to throw the blocks at Chargin' Chuck, you blockhead! Not me!

Joshua: Mario: Drive this cart faster, Peach! I must hit Luigi with this stinky block!
Joshua: Luigi: Man, Mario and Peach take this game SERIOUSLY!

Psycho Brick Block: Mario: Luigi, you are supposed to die after touching a Chargin' Chuck's football! Stop running and accept
Psycho Brick Block: your death like a man!  ***FIRST PRIZE***
Psycho Brick Block: Luigi: THAT'S WHY I LIKE SOCCER MORE!!!

Shadow Matt: Okay, Peach is driving a golf cart, Luigi is running for his life, Mario has a dozen blocks, and Chargin' Chuck has
Shadow Matt: gone colorblind and is now chasing Luigi... Nope, looks like a normal day in the world of Super Mario World!

Your Twin the Fourth: This shows that golf, football, and Super Mario World don't mix.

Jadendafox: Mario: Hey, Peach! You don't have a driver's license!

Flitchard: Luigi's April Fools Day prank was not received well...

Dry Bones: Mario: Hey Chuck, stand still so I can bean you!

Dragongirl: Hey, golf carts and idiots like Mario aren't part of football!

Kkadwell: SMW Luigi (in 1990): Egad! I'm getting this sudden, inexplicable premonition that one day, me and my friends will ride
Kkadwell: golf carts tag team while throwing heavy items at each other!

polkamon: Mario: Hey, Chuck, don't you think that it's easier to tackle Luigi in this golf cart? **GOOD PRIZE**
polkamon: Luigi: OOOOOOHHHHH! Mario is holding a shiny purple block!


Brawler Koopa: Peach: Did the football from the last Caption turn back to normal?


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