Contest 276
Picture by Koopa Girl

Pete: Iggy: Why do I have the sinking feeling that all our presents are cardboard boxes?
Pete: Ludwig: Wendy, you cannot expect me to finish Mozart's 8th Symphony with only nine keys.
Pete: Morton: When I said rock candy, Roy, I didn't mean a rock from outside!
Pete: Larry: Ludwig, are you sure Santa can visit more than one dimension in a night? ***FIRST PRIZE***

Brick Block: Wendy: How much coal do you think we'll get this year? **GOOD PRIZE**
Brick Block: Wendy: What's wrong with everyone?! Did they forget that we actually celebrate Hanukkah?!
Brick Block: Wendy: What do you think King Dad will give to us this year? Clubs or knives?
Brick Block: Wendy: I hate Christmas! I always get hairbrushes and shampoos!

get in my belly: Iggy: How come every time Mario touches the star, he becomes invincible? **GOOD PRIZE**

Your Twin the Fourth: Larry: Come on, wall! Move! So we can finish this thing!

polkamon: Lemmy: Hey, everybody, check out my new fireplace-themed ball, now shaped like a square!
polkamon: Larry: Gee, what is that stuff outside? Is DAD letting dandruff fall out of his hair?
polkamon: Morton: I am NOT letting Wendy cook us rice dipped in muddy water EVER AGAIN!!!

Daisyplayer1: Lemmy: Hee hee hee. Just wait until Roy and Morton see this mistletoe above them, they'll have to kiss each other!
Daisyplayer1: Now if only I can get the mistletoe above them...
Daisyplayer1: Iggy: ... Must keep it steady now...
Daisyplayer1: Ludwig: Why don't they just let the old "Peanuts" gag die?
Daisyplayer1: Roy and Morton: BLEH, FRUITCAKE!
Daisyplayer1: Larry must be sooooo good at walking on presents.

Jalvo the Slime: Morton: You said this tasted like wedding cake, not sweat socks!!!
Jalvo the Slime: Lemmy: This is the ultimate idea of all time! I should've done this last year!!!

Mariorulez: Poison fruitcake, Wendy asking Ludwig for advice, Lemmy making Roy and Morton cry, and Iggy and Larry deckin' teh
Mariorulez: hallz... Stupid holidays.

Doopliss' twin: Please tell me I'm not the only one who notices the resemblence to the Peanuts cartoon, PLEASE?!

flitchard: Wendy: Does this bow make my bow look big?
flitchard: Lemmy: Heh, heh, heh! I've successfully hit Roy and Morton with Poison Mushrooms! Who's the shortest now?!
flitchard: Ludwig: Vhy does Vendy keep calling me Schroeder?!
flitchard: Larry: Roy superglued me to the wall again...
flitchard: Gift Tag: WARNING! Do NOT stand on this box to put the star on the tree!

Shade Koopa: Lemmy: Hey Roy! Morton! Where'd ya go?

Neon Koopa: Iggy always hated Christmas so he attached a label adressed to some unknown relation (called Bob) who lived in a
Neon Koopa: far away land that is not on any official maps of Plit...
Neon Koopa: Roy and Morton: WAAAH! Lemmy stole the cherry off of our Christmas pudding!
Neon Koopa: Ludwig: OH MY DAD, GET AWAY FROM MY PIANO!!!
Neon Koopa: Lemmy: Ha ha, I've proved Iggy wrong! You can go fishing in the living room!
Neon Koopa: Wendy: No! Don't play me Beethoven! Play Human, by The Killers!
Neon Koopa: Larry: Dear Lord! So King Dad wasn't lying about his bad dandruff! It's a good thing he went outside!
Neon Koopa: Lemmy: Mwa ha haa! I'm stealing all the ribbons!

Super Goomba: Larry: Must... spy... on... whoever's... OUTSIDE!!!
Super Goomba: Lemmy: Ha! Once I catch that bow with my mistletoe fishing rod, the world shall be mine!!!

warioman: Ludwig: This is the worst Charlie Brown play ever.
warioman: Ludwig: I just played Jingle Bells three different times: In normal form, in organ form, and in toy piano form.
warioman: Ludwig: I wish Santa would bring me a real piano.
warioman: Wendy: You do know that those black keys are painted on, right?

George 200: Bowser (offscreen): Huh. What's with the tree? It's small, green, and worst of all, Wendy is talking to Ludwig?!

Pirate-Guy: Wendy: Ludwig, I was wondering, how do you play on your piano so well even if there's only nine notes?

Shell Mario: Everything was normal in the castle until Bowser came in doing the Snoopy dance.
Shell Mario: Roy: PLEW! It tastes like a rock!

Anthony S. Koopa: A perfect creation of Charlie Brown!
Anthony S. Koopa: Wendy: What in the world is wrong with them?
Anthony S. Koopa: Lemmy: Look who's under the misletoe!

James Issac Koopa: Morton: NOOOOOO!!! THIS IS NOT WEDDING CAKE!!!

Dynomite8: Wendy: Hey Ludwig, do you think you and I will get married someday?
Dynomite8: Morton: Until I get my two front teeth, I won't be able to eat this!
Dynomite8: A crazed Lemmy + a portable mistletoe = "Kodak Moments".

birby6: Bowser: This family photo always brings back memories!
birby6: Roy and Morton: Why did this food have to have onions in it?! WHY?!
birby6: That isn't snow Larry is seeing, they're splattered white bugs!
birby6: Ludwig: Why are we imitating the Peanuts?
birby6: Ludwig: Do you have a feeling that someone is watching us and waiting to put a mistletoe above our heads?

shawn: Larry: Umm, guys, I don't think Jr's looking too good out there.

Amber Koopa: Iggy: Wendy and Ludwig better go do something else, or we'll run into some copyright issues...

the game prince: Roy: Oh, man! That's Bowser's cooking, I tell you! Nobody eats fruitcake anymore, not to mention cooked
the game prince: fruitcake!
the game prince: Wendy: Ludwig, I don't get why you continue to play even when you know that the chocolate cake over there is
the game prince: distracting you!

warioman: Morton: Yuck! This is worse than Caption 227.

Waluigi's Twin: Larry: Some fat guy in a sled being pulled by reindeer just got pulled over by the Koopatrols... That's a bad thing,
Waluigi's Twin: isn't it?

Dragongirl: Iggy thinks the tree topper is a Starman, Larry's measuring the size of his head, Lemmy's playing with Playful, who is
Dragongirl: invisible, Wendy is slowly making the piano break, Ludwig is staring in horror at the invisible Jonas Brother, and
Dragongirl: Morton and Roy are sneezing on bread. All symptoms of playing "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer".

MarioFanaticXV: Wendy: And you're supposed to be the smart one? Of course he isn't here for the Chibi picture; how much more
MarioFanaticXV: Chibi could Junior get?!"

Iggy von lemmy: Lemmy: I'll catch Santa with this mistletoe now.


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