Contest 302
Picture by Fried the Hen

Razor Koopa: Lemmy: Wendy! You're so ugly the rabbit didn't want to pop out of my hat!
Razor Koopa: Roy: Wendy, since when did you have hair?
Razor Koopa: Lemmy and Wendy are staging a magic show and Roy is collecting the money he plans to steal, but Wendy is so
Razor Koopa: ugly that there's no business.

flitchard: Lemmy: Now, Roy, if you'd let ME make your cookies disappear, I could have brought them BACK! ***FIRST PRIZE***

nsmbwii: This is what happened when Bowser said "GET A LIFE!"

Pinoy Guy: Roy: Hey, I saw that dress first, I want to wear it!
Pinoy Guy: Lemmy: This act is stupid.  One of my assistants is a fat, ugly girl, and the other one is Wendy!
Pinoy Guy: Wendy: Look, I figured out how to wink!

zz1666: Lemmy: ... Ah come on, I get Roy to appear instead of my ball.

Sly Guy: Roy and Wendy want to do their act before Lemmy.
Sly Guy: Lemmy and Roy don't want Wendy to wave to the audience during their act.

Daisyplayer1: Roy: Hello? I got a bunny ear here! **GOOD PRIZE**
Daisyplayer1: Wendy: Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy! My hair is growing again!!! Take THAT, Susan!
Daisyplayer1: Lemmy: Roy, what did you put in my hat?
Daisyplayer1: Wendy: Hey everybody, look at me!
Daisyplayer1: Roy: Man, this show is boooooring! I knew I shouldn't have volunteered in this dumb magic show, and played
Daisyplayer1: Super Smash Bros. Brawl instead.
Daisyplayer1: Lemmy: (to Roy) Great, first you killed the rabbit, and NOW you're making everyone pay attention to Wendy instead
Daisyplayer1: of me!

Bandy Andy: Lemmy: What the @#@# am I doing in this suit next to the ugliest model I have ever seen?
Bandy Andy: Wendy: Stare at me, Lemmy. You know you want to. Stare at the hat, Roy. You know that Cheerios are in it.

ShadowKoopa93: Introducing the Koopaling Magic Kit, coming to a store in another dimension!

Joshua: Lemmy: When I asked for a lovely assistant...
Joshua: Roy: ... You're going to need a bigger hat. And a sharper sawblade.

Magikoopa189: Iggy: Wendy! You weren't supposed to come out of the hat! Where's the rabbit?

LEMMY_ROCKS432: Lemmy: Wendy, now is NOT the time for the people to see how "pretty" you look!
LEMMY_ROCKS432: Wendy: I don't care if you can do magic tricks, Lemmy.
LEMMY_ROCKS432: Roy: Lemmy, where do I put this plate?
LEMMY_ROCKS432: Lemmy: Oh my DAD, Wendy has hair!!!

sixerfan: Wendy: Guys, can you please make my right eye reappear?

antiriku: Roy: Hey, Lemmy, Morton ate your cake!

Angelette: Lemmy: No fair! I pulled Roy out of a hat but Wendy gets all the attention just because she finally grew hair! **GOOD
Angelette: PRIZE**

polkamon: Lemmy: Look, Roy, I know it's very hard for you to put fruit in a blender and push a button, but I want my smoothie polkamon: NOW!

Luigi007: Lemmy: What the? You're not a rabbit, you're a Roy!!! Who went to the movies?!


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