Contest 32
Picture by Latisha Banks

Boshee: Lemmy: Iggy, you have GOT to cut down on those burgers. You did notice that you weigh a couple Boshee: hundred pounds, right?
Boshee: Wendy: (to Iggy) Here's your order! Enjoy! (to herself) Heh heh... I love my new disposal system!
Boshee: Lemmy: (I'd warn Iggy about Wendy's burger, but this ice water she gave me glued my mouth shut.)

Introbulus: Iggy and Wendy: Hooray for cheese!
Introbulus: The first Burger King to open up on Plit was an occasion for great celebration, except for the
Introbulus: cows.
Introbulus: Distracted by his triple cheeseburger, Iggy didn't even notice when Wendy stole his shake.
Introbulus: Wendy: Who wants another DELICIOUS poiso... er, strawberry shake? **GOOD PRIZE**

masterzoza: Iggy: I bet you that I could fit this WHOLE burger in my mouth.
masterzoza: Lemmy: Are you gonna finish that?
masterzoza: Wendy: For me? Really? Then I assume you don't want this drink either?

Philip: Lemmy: Let me guess, Wendy, you couldn't get the job as a waitress, eh?

Dasher Koopa: Lemmy was shocked at how Iggy would now eat hamburgers, just because of Spongebob
Dasher Koopa: Squarepants.

Wooster: Iggy Piles Up: Episode 382,974 and a half.

Zeus: Lemmy: (Maybe if I keep pretending to drink, nobody will notice the gobstopper in my mouth.)

Nate guy: Introducing the Goomburger Jr., only $2.95 at your local McGreasies. **GOOD PRIZE**

Dylan: Lemmy: How come he got the McDonalds Big Kid's meal when I'm older than him?

Koopland: TV: Come to Koopa-Diner today, Koopas.

Lord Wilco: Alarm bells are ringing, Wendy is being pleasant.

Silly Koopa: Wendy: I have to watch my girlish figure, so I'll eat one french fry, a sip of soda, and maybe
Silly Koopa: even a tiny bite of hamburger!

Bobby: Where's the toy for McWendy's?
Bobby: Lemmy: Hey, I don't recall asking for a blended fry shake!

Philip Mekeel: Why does Iggy's hamburger have yellow lettuce?

SuperMarioClassics: Wendy: Who ordered the mushroom shake?

Punisher: Iggy: Now, THAT'S what you call a king burger!
Punisher: Wendy: Hahahaha. I just remember that I put a bug in Lemmy's drink and now he's drinking it!

Katie Penn: Lemmy: (Act natural, it's not like they know I wet the bed last night.)

Devious: As Iggy and Wendy were still in love with their dessert, the poison was already beginning to affect Devious: Lemmy.

Denny W. Koopa: Lemmy: (That koopaburger looks soooo good, I forgot Roy popped my ball.)
Denny W. Koopa: Wendy: The guy at the service counter said the FUNNIEST joke!!! He told me to get lost Denny W. Koopa: and go to Wendy's!!!

RaichuQueen: Lemmy is the only one who knows that Wendy is acting sweetly because a handsome hunk is RaichuQueen: due to arrive any minute now.

Joey McCollum: Lemmy: ... I probably should tell him that that's the new and improved "Laxative Cheese"
Joey McCollum: that Wendy put in his burger...

Yoshata: Lemmy: Grr... Wendy gave me Diet Coke again...
Yoshata: Lemmy: Grr... my shake's all watery...
Yoshata: Lemmy: Grr... I thought we were going to watch The Mummy Returns...
Yoshata: Lemmy: Iggy, do you HAVE to stick your tongue out every time you get something good?
Yoshata: Wendy: I got this food from Wendy's, guys! I also took over Wendy's and named it Wendy's! Heh, we
Yoshata: won't be doing it Dave's way anymore! ***FIRST PRIZE***
Yoshata: Wendy: You'll never know how much food King Dad got!
Yoshata: Iggy: Great burger, Wendy! I sure hope Roy doesn't take it...
Yoshata: Lemmy: I was beginning to wonder why Iggy was getting chubby... good thing I got Gatorade instead
Yoshata: of Coke!
Yoshata: Lemmy: Iggy, your burger only has four sesame seeds. Usually it's about 58 sesame seeds.
Yoshata: Lemmy: I wanted Del Taco... they have better shakes.

Jenny Koopa: Wendy: Hi! Sorry I'm late, but I saw these cute new shoes so I had to stop, but they weren't in Jenny Koopa: my size and blah blah blah blah BLAH blah (and keeps on talking).
Jenny Koopa: Iggy: (Cheeeeeeeese...)
Jenny Koopa: Lemmy: (I sooooo want to smack her right now...)

Lil Miss Game & Watch: Lemmy: I think these shakes are just a little too thick, Wendy.
Lil Miss Game & Watch: Iggy: Wow! A TacoBurger!


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