Contest 330
Picture by Atticus

Shadow Matt: Mario: Strange, it's usally Goombas blocking the pipes. Didn't expect my lost pets.

Dynomite8: Toad: Where's the Holy Hand Grenade?!
Dynomite8: Luigi: It's going to take forever to find out which one has the minigame key.
Dynomite8: Mario: I think ST Link missed a few...

gaminggenius: Toad: THERE'S A RABBIT IN MY PANTS!!!
gaminggenius: Mario: I knew we should have brought the extra large wrench.

Stink: Mario: I don't know if these are dust bunnies or bunny-shaped living hairballs.

Alex: Mario: Sprinkles, there you are!
Alex: Toad: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Not bunnies! They're my only weakness!
Alex: What Mario didn't know was that the bunny he was about to exterminate was Dr.Octagonupus.

Kenn: Luigi: Well, this is what happens when Toad leaves the lid to my quickly multiplying rabbits' cage open...

MrSaturn13: Mario: LUIGI! I thought I said you could have only ONE space bunny, now look what's happened!
MrSaturn13: Toad: ALIEN RABBITS!!!
MrSaturn13: Bunny that is hopping: Look, everyone, a vegetable! Let's eat it!
MrSaturn13: Bunny that's being held by Mario: What are YOU looking at?
MrSaturn13: Waluigi (hiding in a pipe): I'm scared of Captions with animals!

GoombaBandit: Why Mario stopped being a plumber.

Sam: Mario: Luigi! I found Snuffles. Now if we can find all of his children...

Palomb15: Luigi: Okay, we are never letting Bugs Bunny and his girlfriend Lola in here!

Mariorulez14: Mario: Hey! You're not a Rabbid!

kamek49: Mario: Silly rabbit! Trix are for kids!

chaoie: Toad: They're everywhere!

The Game Prince: Rabbit: The one with the key that opens the door happens to be in the garden.

Silver Boom Boom: Nintendo's rendition of "Watership Down" proved to be unsuccessful due to a Toad that was screaming and
Silver Boom Boom: running in circles during most of the scenes.
Silver Boom Boom: Mario: (If he doesn't have the castle key, I swear I will take another Power Star from him.)
Silver Boom Boom: Mario: (to MIPS) So you're telling me that if I am stupid enough to hit myself over the head with this metal pipe
Silver Boom Boom: I'm holding, you'll give me the Star? I'LL DO IT!
Silver Boom Boom: The director for the new "Mario & Luigi: MIPS' Bunny Army of DOOOOM" thought that it was a good idea for
Silver Boom Boom: Toad to just act as he would in real life.
Silver Boom Boom: Floor: STOP JUMPING ON ME! I'M IN PAIN!!!
Silver Boom Boom: Bunnies in Flashlight Light: YAY! WE'RE FINALLY FREED FROM THIS PIPE AND- Oh, it's just Luigi.
Silver Boom Boom: Toad: I already TOLD you, MIPS! I did NOT steal your iPad!
Silver Boom Boom: Mario's magic act did not go well when he pulled MIPS from a warp pipe.
Silver Boom Boom: Mario: (to MIPS) If you don't give us the castle key, that means no cake, and if there's no cake, then I will beat Silver Boom Boom: the living Power Stars out of you. Capiche?
Silver Boom Boom: Mario: Hello, bunny! For the 213746102374612836th time, do YOU have the castle key?
Silver Boom Boom: MIPS: (to Mario) I'll give you the Castle Key if you can answer this question: What Mario enemy is found in
Silver Boom Boom: every Videogamerpat caption? I'll even give you a hint- it's NOT a banana.

Wacky Koopa: Toad: You guys just had to go for their keys, didn't you?

Noah: Bunnies!!! I didn't know this is what they meant by a hairy situation.

gaminggenius: Luigi: Hmmmm... Their pupils seem to be dilating fine…

Brick Block: Mario's idea of hipnotizing rabbits to do the hard work for him didn't go as planned.
Brick Block: Mario: So, this is what happened to my birthday presents for the princess. Maybe I should start giving her hamsters
Brick Block: for a change.

Mudkip Koopa: Mario: This is really the problem that we had to come over immediately for, Toad? **GOOD PRIZE**
Mudkip Koopa: Toad: You've doomed us all! I was using those bunnies to block the pipes so that the deadly gas wouldn't come
Mudkip Koopa: out!

Kkadwell: In the Mushroom Kingdom, where small animals serve as fodder for big plants, finding your basement sewer full of
Kkadwell: bunnies is not a good omen. ***FIRST PRIZE***
Kkadwell: The REAL reason the Great Eastern blew up... a game of Mario's Time Machine gone wrong.
Kkadwell: After firing Scratch and Grounder, Dr. Robotnik thought he would never see a henchman as incompetent as they had
Kkadwell: been... but when he put his new assistants in charge of his roboticization machine, he had to admit that he'd been
Kkadwell: mistaken.

Petey Piranha Fan: The Mario Brothers' skillful strategy of fixing the palace pipes was brutally interrupted by the arrival of the EPA.
Petey Piranha Fan: Toad: I didn't know MBP stood for Move the Bunny Population when I hired you! PRINCESS! **GOOD PRIZE**
Petey Piranha Fan: Mario: And thus the Mario Brothers managed to fix the plumbing and the pest control issue all in one... though
Petey Piranha Fan: Peach may have some issues with bunnies in her bathtub for a while.

JJ Bandit: The Mario Bros. discovered the secret behind the Easter Bunny, and Toad knew he would never celebrate the holiday
JJ Bandit: again.

Larry the Tennis Master: Luigi: Hey! Yellow things! Seen a bunch of rabbits that are clogging up the pipes?
Larry the Tennis Master: Mario: Hey rabbit! Did you find the coin I dropped in the sewers?
Larry the Tennis Master: Toad: OH NO! STEAM! THERE'S A BOMB!!!

AJ Koopa: Mario: Where's the minigame, you stupid bunny?
AJ Koopa: Mario: Nope,  this bunny doen't have the Atticus.

gander108: Bowser’s plan to clog up the Mario Bros’ pipes by filling them with rabbit pellets.
gander108: No Luigi, I seriously doubt this is a man.
gander108: PEACH! Have you been flushing turnips down the toilet again?

stink: Bunny: What does M.B.P. stand for?
stink: Bunny: It's-a me! Bunny-o!


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