Pit: Yellow Shy Guy: WATCH OUT!!! HE HAS RABIES!!!
Fried the hen: Red Shy Guy: Sorry, we
only take coins in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Fried the hen:
Shy Guy: I regret getting Knuckles arrested, now I'm forced to look after
the Master Emerald.
Block: Mario (off-screen): You know, the Super Mario Land series is
starting to get too weird for my liking. I'll just let Wario take it
Brick Block:
Brick Block:
Spear-Mask: Dude, come back! That's not Wario! He's too pretty to be him.
Brick Block:
Spear-Mask: Am I the only one here that caught the Beatles reference?
Brick Block:
I'm just going to take a nap right here. It's not like anything interesting
will happen today.
Brick Block:
Spear-Man: STOP! That frog is from an endangered species! And if we don't
leave now, we will be too!
Brick Block:
(Those losers have spent hours and hours searching in the sand for the
treasure, yet they never tried looking up. What a
Brick Block:
of morons.) ***FIRST PRIZE***
Kisa Koopa: The Yellow Shy Guy doesn't want the Red Shy Guy killing his favorite frog on a bomb.
flifit22: Yellow Spear Person: JOHNSON!
Don't do it! Just because that bomb killed your parents doesn't mean it's
worth dieing over!
flifit22: NOOO!!!
Quirky Quipster: Before becoming the
King of Nightmares, Wart's job was to sit on bombs and wait for them to
go off... Niiiice.
Quirky Quipster:
witnessing a session of frog gigging, this frog was NOT going to let himself
get caught!
Quirky Quipster:
Hand over them crystals 'er be blown teh Timbuktu; what'll it be, crystals
or BOMBS?!
Quirky Quipster:
Guy: Wait, why are we trying to takeover this island, can't you see it's
already owned by E-Man? I mean, his NAME'S
Quirky Quipster:
Yellow Spear Guy: OH NO! I forgot the vegetables! DON'T DO IT!
Flitchard: Wart:
I BEG them to let me be in another game, and they said I could! ... They
DIDN'T mention that a fat guy would be SQUASHING
Flitchard: me
every level!
polkamon: This is the lamest version of Survivor I've ever seen.
Yellow Spear Mask: Wait! Stop! That isn't a real frog!
E-Man: Frog
Switch: I am the great War- Errrr... Frog Switch!
E-Man: This
is how Spear Masks deactivate bombs.
E-Man: Red
Spear Mask: FROG MUST DIE!
E-Man: Yellow
Spear Mask: Here! Take my gems! Just don't hurt that poor frog!
Anamatronic Koopa: And since that day, the island has been somewhat smaller.
Iggy26: Mario (offscreen): No more ultimate cheese sammiches before bedtime.
MammaMia64: Yellow Creature: Come on! You know I'm nothing without my other spear!
Screamy: Yellow Guy: NO! I WANT THE FROG!
Emma: Red Thing:
I WANT THAT BOMB! Die you frog.
Emma: Frog:
Why don't you die?
Emma: Yellow
Thing: Ok! Ok! I think you did it, now let's grab these gems and the diamond
and go!
Emma: Bird
Thing: Huh... Zzzzz...
The Big D: Yellow
Spear Guy: Will you stop that?! We're meant to get the Blue Chaos Emerald!
The Big D: Red
The Big D: Frog:
Will you shut up?! I'm waiting to see if I can fly using this bomb!
Shadoo King: Yellow Shy Guy: Don't do that! I can attack them with the Crystals I stole from Final Fantasy! You don't have to kill yourself!
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