Contest 58
Picture by Blue Boo

Wooster: Top signs that you're using Chef Torte's computer: #3

Todd: Lemmy: It wasn't me, I swear, it was the, um, desk, yeah, it was the desk that did it...

mathgrant: Lemmy: Infernal computer...
mathgrant: Lemmy: Hey, my message board has a hot topic!
mathgrant: Lemmy: I hate it when my forum members start a flame war...

Mark P: Mega Mole: Finally, an eclipse in the comforts of your own home!
Mark P: Not only did Lemmy cause a fire, but he also made an exclamation mark appear over his head.
Mark P: What Lemmy does when he runs a computer business.
Mark P: Cover story on the Daily Mushroomer: Lemmy sets his computer on fire!
Mark P: Thus, the picture frame of Croco was cursed from now on.
Mark P: Lemmy: Behold, computer-which-was-set-ablaze-earlier! I have a lightsaber and I ain't afraid to use
Mark P: it!
Mark P: Croco's April Fools prank had worked out perfectly.
Mark P: Mega Mole: Hey, a barbecue! Is Lemmy roasting marshmallows?
Mark P: Little did Lemmy know that Morton was tampering around with the heater system again.
Mark P: Lemmy holds a popsicle on a day where his computer literally explodes.
Mark P: Croco: *from the window* And this is what I get for not paying my taxes?
Mark P: Lemmy grabbed the wrong wand, and *POOF* the computer's on fire.

Yoshi: Lemmy: What happened to my computer?!

Slimer49'r: On the day of the appocalypse, strange things will happen, like incredibly fat moles will wear
Slimer49'r: sunglasses, crocodiles and Boos will wear top hats, and a giant meteor will hit the earth in 2.5
Slimer49'r: seconds.
Slimer49'r: Lemmy: OH My GOD! My computer's broken!

Dupli-Puff: Lemmy: That's the last time I get someone to install a firewall on April Fools Day.
Dupli-Puff: Mega Mole and the Boo: APRIL FOOLS!
Dupli-Puff: Croco: I'll steal their money while they aren't looking.

Dylan: Lemmy: Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Blue Boo NEVER puts himself in a caption picture!
Dylan: Lemmy's word of advice for today: When you have a computer problem, never call Blue Boo's
Dylan: Computer Fixer Company Thingy...
Dylan: Mega Mole: I'm back from my trip to China! Looks like nothing much happened while I was gone!
Dylan: Lemmy: Yikes! How did my computer wind up outside?

Bobby: Lemmy: Are you sure that's just special effects?
Bobby: Sadly, the 4 Stooges didn't quite make the cut.
Bobby: Croco: Why are you people in my house?!
Bobby: Mega Mole: I knew we shouldn't have put that ugly statue outside.
Bobby: Blue Boo: I told you not to hold your wand while typing! Now look what you did!

Tabitha Yoshi: This is what happens when you buy a cheap computer.
Tabitha Yoshi: Lemmy's trying to use my computer again.

Miles "Thumbs" Power: Lemmy: Ok, Bowser, I'll let you win the next Caption Contest!
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Boo: Well, now you know, computers and beans don't mix.
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Lemmy: HELP, there's a large exclamation point over my head!
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Mega Mole: Man, this isn't China either. **GOOD PRIZE**
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Croco: The cool part isn't that I can make comnputers catch on fire just by looking at
Miles "Thumbs" Power: them, the cool part is I can do it all while disguised as a bad painting.

Star_Daniel: Looks like Lemmy shouldn't have attached all those files to Lemmy's Land!

Toddy Koopa: Mega Mole: You better sue your computer teacher.
Toddy Koopa: Lemmy: Good thing this is Roy's computer.

Matt and Houndie: This could be a sign that Lemmy needs a rest.

Larry_Ownz: Explanation Point: I'm really a painting, you know. WAIT... Then how can I say this to you?
Larry_Ownz: Mega Mole: HEY... This is not the Monty Mole Campfire Sing-A-Long Cave! Must've taken a
Larry_Ownz: wrong turn in Mexico.
Larry_Ownz: And so with Lemmy's computer on fire, he forgets about it and watches Blue Boo screech like a
Larry_Ownz: gorilla.
Larry_Ownz: Lemmy: That's the last time I use magic to solve my Internet problems.

Game Guy: And they STILL haven't figured out that Croco is the mole! **GOOD PRIZE**

Cosmic H: Lemmy: I never thought playing The Sims could be so dangerous!
Cosmic H: Mega Mole: We have gotta start stealing from rich people, Mario's computer is lame!

Fawful: Lemmy: (nervously) Heh... I must have gotten so mad that the emulator for Super Mario RPG didn't
Fawful: go all they way through, that I smashed the computer... heh heh...

Dark Koopa: Lemmy: I knew I shouldn't have installed an X-box game.

MetaKnight: Lemmy: Why do I think that someone like Luigi is spying on me?

Fun Guy Fungi: Unfortunately for Lemmy, his computer came down with the rare disease
Fun Guy Fungi: Blue-Boo-sabotaged-it-itis.

MarioFanaticXV: Croco: Rats! Just when I was about to steal Lemmy's Land!
MarioFanaticXV: Lemmy didn't have any idea that Ludwig was speaking literally when he said he would flame
MarioFanaticXV: Lemmy's computer with Emails.

Martin: Lemmy: I knew all those submissions would lead to something bad happening.

K.J. Koopa: Lemmy: And on all the days, it had to be update day!

Kirby 25: Lemmy Koopa: FIRE!!!

Boshee: Obviously, Lemmy and his computer feel similarly about some things, such as a 65-page
Boshee: submission. ***FIRST PRIZE***
Boshee: Lemmy: Last... level... Didn't... remember... to save...
Boshee: Advertiser: Your computer bursting out in flames right before you save your paper: another side
Boshee: effect of hunger. Hungry? Grab a Snickers.

dethwig: The gang managed to convince Lemmy what a firewall really was.

Vincent Thomas: Lemmy: That's the third one this week!

Joanie Koopa: Lemmy: Uh... what was I trying to upload again?

Introbulus: Lemmy: Oh no! My message board has flamers!
Introbulus: Lemmy: It's Solid Snake! Everyone attack!
Introbulus: Computer: Minor error. Stay calm. Do not... OH FOR THE LOVE OF DAD HELP ME!

Silver Knight: Lemmy: Geez, another firewall?
Silver Knight: Lemmy: Hmm, a felony. I'll bet that Blue Boo had something to do with it.
Silver Knight: Got fire extinguishers?

Double D: (earlier that day) Blue Ghost: Computer, show me how to hack into the Koopaling votes section,
Double D: or I will set you on fire and wreak havoc throughout the world!
Double D: Lemmy should have listened the first time the blue ghost told him his computer was on fire...

MarioFanaticXV: But alas! Lemmy's infamous (and unfamous!) hacking skills were no match for Ludwig and
MarioFanaticXV: his firewall!

Nermal: Lemmy: How am I going to do Koopaling votes now?
Nermal: Purple Dino: DARN IT [person with sunglasses], YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO STEAL HIS
Nermal: Blue Boo: Is that pie baking?

Koopland: *gasp* Blue Boo and Monster Mole shook the ground, painted my pal (Croco) purple, and burnt
Koopland: King Dad's computer with a hamburger! *girly scream*

cyclone16: "No, I won't pay the electric bill for this stupid piece of junk you guys call a computer!" screamed cyclone16: Lemmy.


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