Contest 94
Picture by Blue Boo

Fawfuls Friend: Lakitu: Ha! My Iggy clones won't stand a chance against stealing Larry's doll!
Fawfuls Friend: Lakitu: Hey Larry! Wake up! I finally made that puppet show of three trick-or-treating Iggys
Fawfuls Friend: taking down your wall!

Yoshi kid: This proves you can't impersonate Santa.

Petey Piranha Fan: Bowser: A few steps more and it's dungeon for him!
Petey Piranha Fan: Lakitu: Look, I'll carry you to the top of the castle, I'll let you sack Bowser, I'll even give
Petey Piranha Fan: you a bomb, but I WON'T DO IT FOR LESS THAN A DOLLAR!!! **GOOD PRIZE**
Petey Piranha Fan: Bowser: (sleeping) But Mommy, I just attacked Mario five weeks ago! Zzzz...
Petey Piranha Fan: Lakitu: One down, three to go! Man, I LOVE being Bowser's guard!
Petey Piranha Fan: And Lakitu dropped them all to their doom for trying to kidnap Bowser.

Dylan: Unfortunately for the robbers, the only valuable thing Bowser had was a pencil.
Dylan: Apparently, the robbers skipped Morton's room as he talks in his sleep.

Kirbyfancobra: Wow, for an evil, bloodthirsty tyrant, Bowser's room is pretty small!
Kirbyfancobra: While the evil disco Koopas stole everything in Bowser's room, the spider just stole Roy's
Kirbyfancobra: Fighting Crown (tm).
Kirbyfancobra: While the smarter afro Koopas stole Bowser's stuff, the dumber one was playing on his new
Kirbyfancobra: Lakitu Swing (tm).

Gastlis: The Lakitu's plan, which was to have Ludwig's clones sabotoge Bowser's castle, failed when he
Gastlis: found out that Bowser's castle was actualy a giant piece of cardboard.

Dark Koopa: The strangest thing about this picture is the fact that none of them are Iggy.

Boolia: Bowser: Hey wait a minute, I just threw you out the window!!!

Justin: Thief that is falling: Remember me as a hero!

Goomrey: Popple's new rookies still need a bit more training...
Goomrey: Bowser Scrooge was visited by four ghosts that night.
Goomrey: Bowser: What the... You guys aren't Santa!

Koopus: While Bowser slept, the Larry-bot burglers stole his ceiling and back wall, revealing him sleeping in
Koopus: bed with his special "Ladybug King" plushie...

Drew: Bowser: *snore* I hope nobody is sneaking up on me 'cause if someone is I'll fry him. *snore* I hope
Drew: nobody is sneaking up on me 'cause if someone is I'll fry him...

Shadow Mario: Bowser: (Usually I'd be worried about me being either kidnapped or stolen from, but tonight
Shadow Mario: is perfectly safe!)
Shadow Mario: Lakitu: Remember the plan: we make as much noise as possible so Bowser will catch us. Got
Shadow Mario: it?
Shadow Mario: Criminal in Bowser's room: Now what were we getting again?

mathgrant: The new Hasbro board game: Don't Wake Bowser!
mathgrant: King Hoopster: HALT! For breaking into Bowser's room, you shall be punished! I shall... CLONE
mathgrant: YOU!!!
mathgrant: Lakitu: This is what you get for eating the moon!
mathgrant: Bowser's so good at balancing a ball on his nose that he can do it in his sleep - literally.
mathgrant: This is why Ludwig's clones shouldn't run around wearing Jimmy T's wigs and... um... some guy's
mathgrant: dark glasses.

EXOR: Bowser: Zzzz... *snore* Zzzzzzzz...
EXOR: Lakitu: Boy, this Koopa is really HEAVY!

Tatanga: Nobody knows, but Bowser actually has four other sons!

megaspy21: Bowser: (mumbling) I think that... some Koopas... want... abaloneysandwich.

Seth Carr: Advertiser: Here are the new Koopazz Robbers; they are guaranteed to steal everything in sight
Seth Carr: until King Dad wakes up or the sun comes sideways, and if not, YOUR MONEY BACK!
Seth Carr: It looks like the robber sliding down the castle wall doesn't know which way "up" is.
Seth Carr: Bowser: Egg.. zzz... Nog... zzz... Eggnog...
Seth Carr: Robber in castle: Hmm... I think I will take the Ladybug and not that $100,000,000,000.99 Roman
Seth Carr: artifact.
Seth Carr: Moon: Little do they know, I am Lemmy in disguise. King Dad must be saved!

MarioFanaticXV: Fake Koopalings: Bowser, I am your third cousin's aunt's three-time-removed brother's
MarioFanaticXV: roommate... or in other words, NO RELATION!

Gabbie: Lakitu: Remember guys, I just want his nifty ladybug dream catcher!
Gabbie: Evil Iggy on the top right: I have a moon growing out of my head and you don't!
Gabbie: Commercial Announcer: Are you experiencing problems with gray hair, three replicas of yourself,
Gabbie: and the sudden desire to ransack your dad? Then our product is for you!

BEEZER: Lakitu: Our mission: turn on Bowser's nightlight before he has a bad dream.
BEEZER: Lakitu: This would be a lot easier if that stupid Mission Impossible music would stop playing!
BEEZER: The Koopas with afros and big pimples on their shells are attempting to steal Bowser's stuffed
BEEZER: ladybug...
BEEZER: Ladybug: (to the falling Iggy) Get out! I just vacuumed in here!

Jenner Yoshi: Lakitu: Quick guys, steal his... ceiling light that looks like an explosive device?

porygonlover322: And so, a new range of Koopalings steal from their own father.
porygonlover322: Lakitu: Somebody set us up the Koopa Theives!

Maguskoopa: The four inexperienced Koopa Cat Burglars make a pathetic attempt to steal Bowser's stuffed
Maguskoopa: Hoopster.

Crazykoopa: Gray Larry: (thinking) I wonder where the other half of King Dad's bedroom is...
Crazykoopa: Disguised Iggy: Ok, now to swipe King Dad's stuffed Hoopster and RULE THE WORLD!!!

JKoopa727: Gray Koopa: Now, we will begin the heist on Larry's toy he's been hiding. I'm lifting the covers... JKoopa727: The big toy is... Larry gained weight? That's a disappointment.
JKoopa727: Koopa held by Lakitu: N-n-no! Don't drop me too!
JKoopa727: Larry: What's strange about tonight? Wierd Koopas in my room. No. OH! The moon is bigger!

HarraAlaKing: Iggy has joined forces with the Russians to steal Bowser's secret stroodle stash.

Death Raider: Mission Impossible; Koopa style.
Death Raider: Morton: Hey guys, why are we trying to sneek into Dad's room dressed like gray Koopas with
Death Raider: fros?
Death Raider: Hoopster: Soon, I will have the Super Mushroom formula! HAHAHAHA!

ghettobananachris: Lakitu: Here's those Iggy Zombies you ordered, Bowser.

jessea: Iggy: Alright gang, rob his money!

GIGAS: Strange Koopa 2: Mmmm... Where's the chimney?
GIGAS: Strange Koopa 3: My life is complete now I have all Bowser's treasure!
GIGAS: Strange Koopa 4: HELP, I'M FALLING!!!
GIGAS: Bowser: Zzzzz... I'll kill you, Mario... Kiss me, Peach... Yoshi, don't eat my melon... Zzzzz...
GIGAS: Wario (offscreen): Boy, Bowser's architect must be lazy!

Waluigi's Twin: Hoopster: Mother wanted me to be a professional chemist, but no, I HAD TO BECOME

Gabbie: So the cloud had a pretty rough day because not only did it have to carry Lakitu and all four Iggys,
Gabbie: but Bowser too (bed included)!
Gabbie: Iggy on the bottom right: (to Iggy on the bottom left) That's not what I meant by fall-out!
Gabbie: Iggy on strings: Look out, a giant Pacman's about to fall on you!

Justin: Bowser: (mumbling): Curse you, Mario... Curse you, Yoshi... Luigi? Who's that?
Justin: Hoopster: I hope Popple's former Rookie is a heavy sleeper.

Parakarry123$: Falling Burglar: This sack's too heavy! Aw, there isn't even anything in it, anyway.

Miles "Thumbs" Power: Larry: This seems like a lot of work just to get some potato chips...


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