The Adventure of a Lifetime

By Marioman989

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: A Friend in Need
Chapter 3: The Fight
Chapter 4: Wonderland
Chapter 5: Forest of Doom
Chapter 6: Back to Town
Chapter 7: Set Sail
Chapter 8: Skeletons!
Chapter 9: Treasure
Chapter 10: Meeting the Locals
Chapter 11: A Cold Situation
Chapter 12: Ludwig's Invention
Chapter 13: A New Beginning
Chapter 14: Ending

Chapter 1: The Beginning

As Mario would have guessed, a new day is coming. But not just any new day, this day is going to be different. This day marks the day of a lifetime, when Mario and Co. and Bowser and Co. go on an adventure that will literally change their whole lives. Well maybe... But who cares? ON with the show!!!

Luigi: So I heard.

Peach: Yes, and it is supposedly in the cold region of the Ice Kingdom.

Toadsworth: But Princess, you can't possibly make it there alive. There are things to consider, like frostbite, for example. Besides, all the creepy villains that are out there give me the goosebumps.

Peach: Oh come now, Toadsworth, you're always looking after me like I'm some kind of freak!

Toadsworth: Now Peach, you know I look after you because I care for you.

Peach: But sometimes that can be annoying. Like that time you put a camera in the bath...

Toadsworth: And I have a very good, logical explanation for that. But this Green Stone you're talking about, who know what it does?

Luigi: It belonged to my great grandfather. It has the power to raise the power of anything and possibly whoever holds it can have any wish.

Peach: Like the Star Rod?

Luigi: Yes, very much like that. I want it so I can keep it safe from evil. But there are things that could be difficult. We must travel to various places to retrieve information.

Toadsworth: Like what kind of information?

Luigi: Things like directions and codes. You see, the stone is hidden in a cold, damp palace. There is a safe code to retrieve it. I never got the code before my grandfather died.

Mario: Hey! He's mine too!

Luigi: Oh, put a sock in it. Anyway, there are certain people that know parts of the code since they were friends of my... um... our great grandfather. We can't let this spread to anyone, especially Bowser. UNDERSTOOD?!

Meanwhile, Iggy is outside listening to every word.

Iggy: King Dad, I bring good news.

Bowser: What is it. Did you finally get a job?

Iggy: Um, not exactly. Anyway, I overheard Luigi and everyone talking about a Green Stone that has the power to grant any wish.

Bowser: Oh well, I already tried to win with the Star Rod. Mario beat me.

Iggy: Well if we get the Stone first, then quickly make a wish to transform Mario into stone, it won't matter what happens.

Bowser: Yes, but there is always a catch.

Wendy: Come on, Dad! You never give up!

Ludwig: Yeah, except the time you were having trouble with the pickle jar and got so mad you threw it out the window and hit Iggy in the head while he was looking at plants.

Bowser: You're right. Let's hurry.

Iggy: But, here's the catch.

Bowser: I knew it.

Iggy: The Stone is at an Ice Palace. It is locked in a safe and you must have a combination to unlock it.

Bowser: But if it's ice, I can melt it.

Iggy: Well the safe is metal, the palace is ice.

Bowser: Well we could meet Mario there after he gets the codes, then blackmail him to give it to us.

Roy: Right on, Dad!

Larry: But how will we blackmail him?

Bowser: Um.. We'll think of it on the way. Into the Bowser Ship!

The Koopalings and Bowser all set off for the Ice Kingdom. Meanwhile, Peach, Luigi, Mario, and Toadsworth all plan their adventure.

Luigi: I say we start in Wonderland.

Mario: What is Wonderland?

Luigi: It's a beautiful land of sparkles and fun. I think a king named King Sparkle has a number to the safe. Hopefully there are no obstacles in our way.

Peach: Sounds good to me.

Toadsworth: Agreed.

Toad: LUIGI!!! I heard Bowser too is looking for the Stone!

Luigi: WHAT?!

Toad: I overheard Iggy saying he pverheard you talking about it. He told Bowser and now they are heading for the Ice Kingdom.

Peach: Then there's no time to lose. Hurry, I have a ride we can take.

At Peach's place...

Mario: A Heart Mobile.

Peach: Isn't it just lovely!

Luigi: Just forget about it. To Wonderland!

Chapter 2: A Friend in Need

As the Marios are on their way to Wonderland, they come across a Yoshi in need of help.

Yoshi: HELP ME!!!

Peach slams on the brakes and they come to a stop. Toadsworth goes flying out of the car.

Toadsworth: Ow my head.

Mario: What-a is it?

Yoshi: My girlfriend is trapped on that volcano. She studies volcanoes and was pulled in by a Giant Lava Piranha! HELP HER!!!

Luigi: Peach, you stay here with Toadsworth. Mario, you come with me!

Mario: Comin... OH! A BUG!!!

Luigi: MARIO!!!

Mario: Coming.

The Mario Brothers start to climb the mountain. As they climb, they come across strange tribes that worship the Lava Piranha.

Mario: I'm scared.

Luigi: I know, I wonder how big it is?

Tribe Leader: Bigger than the mountain. He lives in a cave under the volcano that is twice the size of this mountain.

Mario: MAMAMIA!!!

Luigi: Oh fun.

Tribe Leader: I know, that's why we worship it. If it gets angry, it could destroy this whole land! We try to calm it. But you look like you're thirsty, have some tribal water.

Luigi: Thanks.

Mario: You're welcome.

Luigi: ???  Ok, let's continue on.

Mario and Luigi keep ascending and getting closer to the Piranha. Meanwhile, back with Peach and Toadsworth...

Peach: I'm worried about them.

Toadsworth: Got any 3s?

Peach: *sigh* Go fish. But really, aren't you a tad bit worried?

Toadsworth: Got any 7s?

Peach: Grrr... Game Freak! Go fish.

Back with the Mario Bros...

Luigi: Only a few more steps and we're there.

Mario: My legs hurt.

Luigi: But just think, we're doing this for a cause.

Mario: Oh mamamia.

The Brothers arrive at the top scared as can be. They see a staircase.

Luigi: This doesn't add up. Why would a Lava Piranha need a staircase?

Mario: Maybe it's not real.

Luigi: Precisely! But there is only one way to find out. Follow me.

They walk down the staircase and find the bottom.

Luigi: And what's really weird is that it's cold in here, not warm.

Mario: Maybe we are dead but we don't know it.

Luigi: ???  I don't think so. But look! A door.

The Marios enter the door and see Yoshina, the girlfriend, tied to a log.

Mario: Yoshina!!!

Luigi: How do you know her?

Mario: I met her on Yoshi's Island.

Luigi: Oh, that makes sense.

Yoshina: Hurry before he comes back!

Luigi: Who?

Yoshina: Lava Piranha!

Luigi: But he can't be real.

Yoshina: Then why do I have a burn mark on my back?

Mario: Nature?

Luigi: I'm so confused.

Lava Piranha: I can help you.

Luigi: YOU CAN TALK!!!

Lava Piranha: Yes, of course. I am the most literate and logical Piranha there is. I went to school for almost 26 years!

Mario: Wow. I can't even count that high.

Lava Piranha: Then you're stupid.

Mario: Well same goes to me... UG... I mean you.

Lava Piranha: Bwahahaha. Silly mortal, You don't stand a chance against me. Don't tell me you believe those stupid tribal people that I have a weakness.

Luigi: But why is the volcano so cold?

Lava Piranha: That's a good question, why do you always wear green?

Luigi: Um... I don't have a problem!!!

Yoshina: He told me it's because he has anger problems.

Lava Piranha: I do not!

Yoshina: Hahaha! Anyway, the cold air cools him down so he can focus.

Lava Piranha: You ignorant little fool!

Lava Piranha whacks Yoshina from the log into the lava.

Luigi: YOSHINA!!!

Mario: This doesn't really happen in an everyday life.

Lava Piranha: Yay! Out with her little mouth. Now to dispose of you people.

Luigi starts kicking the Piranha, but burns his foot. Mario is throwing fireballs at him, but it's no use.

Luigi: It's no use!

Mario: I... think... I'm...out.. .of... breath...

Lava Piranha: Gwahahahahahahaha!!! I told you you were no match for me. Now suffer... WHA!!!

Luigi: The water from the tribe should do it.

Luigi throws the water at Lava Piranha. He then melts and the lava starts to rise.

Mario: We must get out of here!

Luigi: I have an idea.

Luigi takes a big stone and they get on top. The lava makes it rise and they shoot out of the volcano over to Peach and Co.

Peach: Well?

Luigi: We defeated Lava Piranha, but... *sniff*

Mario: Yoshina is lava food!

Luigi: Mario!!! How rude!!!

Yoshi: WHAT?!

Luigi: Lava Piranha knocked her in the lava. So she isn't with us anymore.

Toadsworth: Nonsense!

Yoshina: Yeah! Nonsense!

Yoshi: WHA?! YOSHINA!!!

Yoshina: Oh Yoshi!

Luigi: How are you still alive?

Yoshina: Well once I was knocked into the lava, I used my tonuge to bring myself out at fiery speed. Yes, I did do it quick enough and made it out with only ten fire marks. The fire there isn't so hot, though. Weird, isn't it?

Luigi: Very.

Yoshi: You proved your braveness so we have decided to come along with you.

Peach: Really?

Yoshi: Yes. We figure if we're with you, we won't get in harm's way anymore.

Yoshina: Yeah, and I won't get hurt again, hopefully.

Mario: Let's-a go!

Toadsworth: Everyone in!

So everyone is in the car and they continue their drive to Wonderland. On the way, Luigi tells Yoshina and Yoshi about what they're doing. Of course, now with a bigger party, nothing stands in their way. But what is Bowser up to? Is he anywhere near Mario and Co? Find out in this next chapter.

Chapter 3: The Fight

Ludwig: Are you sure you know where we are going, Dad?

Bowser: Yes, I know my way. You think I'm blind?! I gave Morton the map and he's telling me where to drive.

Wendy: Don't tell me you gave Morton the map! DAD!!!

Larry: I think he's holding it backwards.

Morton: I am not. See, that's Kingdom Mushroom.

Larry: Aha! See, you are holding it backwards!

Ludwig: And his brain is backwards too!

Bowser: I raised you better.

Everyone: Sorry!!!

Bowser: WOW!!! I can't believe it. Is it just me, or is that Mario right below us?

Morton: Good gravy!!! Hit the deck!

Roy: Shut up, Morton!

Bowser: Why don't we drop in for a visit, shall we?

Bowser drives his Koopa Cruiser down toward Mario and Co.

Toadsworth: LOOK OUT!!!

Bowser: Bwahahaha... What the?

The Koopa Cruiser starts to malfunction. It lands right next to the Heart Mobile and pops the tire.

Mario: Mamamia!!!

Peach: Can't steer...

Luigi: Oh my!

Yoshi and Yoshina: Oh no! We're gonna crash!

Ludwig: Where's a lab when you need one?

A giant explosion is heard, but everyone is all right.

Bowser: Oh my ankle. Who pushed the self-destruct button?

Morton: It's not my fault you put the button in the form of wedding cake.

Bowser: Wedding cake? Who would do that?

Ludwig: Well I made wedding cake for the trip and gave it to Wendy.

Wendy: Ooops... Um, sorry?

Bowser: If you weren't my daughter, I would burn you to a crisp!

Larry: Why did  you put a self-destrut button anyway?

Bowser: Well if Mario stole the Cruiser, I could blow it up. See, I have a switch too!

Peach: This is all your fault!!! You broke my heart.... Car.

Toadsworth: It's not best to get in a fight with them, Peach.

Peach: Shut up, old Toad.

Toadsworth: Old Toad? How could you, Peach?

Peach: Now you see here, Bowser, that car cost me 80,000 coins. I demand you give me 80,000 coins now or you'll spend your life in a restraining home.

Bowser: Woah, Peach! Calm down!


Peach and Bowser get into a fight. Meanwhile Mario, Luigi, Toadsworth, Yoshi, Yoshina, and the Koopalings are playing Go Fish.

Lemmy: We should do this more often.

Mario: I know we hate each other, but just this once let's be nice.

Morton: Luigi, got any 5s?

Luigi: Darn. Yes, I do.

Morton: YES! I WIN!

Mario: Cheater.

Larry: What did you call him?

Mario: Cheater to you too.

Iggy: Now see here...


Koopalings: GET HIM!

Everyone gets into a fight. Peach is slapping Bowser like crazy, Lemmy is firing his Freeze Gun, Iggy is throwing plant pots at Luigi. It's madness! Just then towtrucks come and take away both cars.

Peach: NO!!! I want my car back!

Bowser: ME too!

Luigi: Listen people, why don't we be nice now and try to get through our tough situations? Maybe we can find a car place somewhere.

Everyone: Agreed.

Toadsworth: Wait, Iggy, do you have a Piranha Plant seed?

Iggy: Yes, one more, why?

Toadsworth: Give me it.

Iggy gives Toadsworth the seed. Toadsworth plants it in the spot of fertile soil by the road. The plant grows into a giant Piranha Plant.

Toadsworth: Maybe we can ride it.

Mario: Does it bite?

Iggy: No, mine are friendly. But the thing is, this one is a double ride. With enough water, it should split into two Piranha Plants the same size.

Luigi: Mario, do you still have that water from the tribe?

Mario: Let-a me see. Yes I do-a.

Luigi dumps it on the Piranha Plant. Then it splits into two.

Peach: Yes! Now we each get one!

Bowser: We're heading to Ice Kingdom.

Luigi: So we've heard.

Bowser: What?! You know what we are up to?

Luigi: Yes, and you'll never get it before us!

Bowser and Co. and Mario and Co. get on their Plants. Then Bowser takes off to Ice Kingdom and the Marios take off to Wonderland.

Peach: We'd better hurry if we want to stop Bowser.

Mario: Can't this Piranha Plant go any faster?

Then the Piranha Plant moves faster, up to 80 miles per hour!

Mario: Now that's more like it!

Thank you for reading this part.
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