Double Trouble
Nintendo Adventure Books 1

By Nintendo

[Written by Clyde Bosco]
[Typed by Lemmy Koopa]
[Pictures scanned by Wooster]

Chapter 48

The first thing he should do is find Luigi, Mario decides. If the trouble is serious, his brother's help could come in handy.

"If you're having a midnight snack, I hope you're not eating my cookies," Mario calls as he heads toward the kitchen.

When he enters, he finds his brother in the middle of the room. The taller, skinnier plumber is gazing blankly at the doorway.

"What's up, little brother?" Mario asks.

"Nothing," answers Luigi in an odd, soft voice. A television set by the sink is on, but nothing is playing, only a test pattern. Luigi is not cooking, or eaing, or even watching the TV. He's just standing there.

Mario frowns. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you," Luigi mumbles. He walks through the kitchen, heading for the shop. Then he slowly turns and beckons to Mario. "Now that you're here, there's something I'd liek to show you," he saus in a weird, flat voice. "Come see my new invention-a flying machine."

Marop pauses, wondering what to do.

Solve this puzzle to help decide what Mario should do next:

The box above Mario's head contains a secret message. If you can read it, it will give you a clue.

If you think Mario should go outside with Luigi, turn to page 71.
If you think Mario should leave him and head to the Mushroom Kingdom, turn to page 25.

Chapter 49

Mario steps onto the brick road that winds through the Mushroom Kingdom. Immediately, a bright blue turtle charges at him. Mario hops into the air. The small reptile scuttles underneath without touching him.

"Those Koopa Troopas aren't very bright," Mario says, watching the turtle scamper off.

Just then, he feels something bump into him and a sharp pain shoots through his leg. He looks down to find another turtle with its teeth dug into his ankle.

"Ouch! Where did you come from?" asks Mario, picking up the small blue turtle. It looks exactly like the one he just dodged.

Mario frowns at the turtle, but it doesn't answer. "Oh, never mind," he says. He drops it to the ground and shoves it out of the way.

"Things seem normal enough," he notes as he looks about the countryside. But after a minute he begins to change his mind.

The Mushroom Kingdom is made up of open meadows, rolling hills, and valleys. There's usually room for every creature there to go about its business undisturbed. But today, for some reason, the kingdom seems crowded. Beetles swarm about in such great numbers that a single flock entirely covers a grassy hill by the road. Orange Tweeter birds fight for space on a nearby brick ledge.

Mario watches two tiny masked creatures walk by. That's strange, too, he thinks. Shyguys almost always travel alone.

"I'd better get to the bottom of this," says Mario, gazing around. A few feet ahead, the road forks. One path zig-zags up to the royal palace. The other winds around some metal boxes and fades into the distance.

Mario must decide which path to take. He's sure he'll find trouble on either one.

If you think Mario should go to the palace, turn to page 79.
If you think Mario should explore the Mushroom Kingdom, turn to page 26.

Chapter 50

Mario frantically tries to pick the Micro-Goombas off his overalls, but there are just too many of them. When a new batch drops from the sky, the heroic plumber stumbles and falls. Soon he's buried under a blanket of baby mushrooms. Slowly, the sweet odor of Goomba gas sends Mario into a deep sleep.

Two big Para-Goombas swoop toward him. One pecks at an exposed part of Mario's arm.

"Icky, icky, blech!" the beast squawks.

The Para-Goombas decide they'd rather not eat the unconscious plumber after all. They fly off, taking their babies with them.

When Mario wakes, he can't remember a thing that just happened. The Goombas gas has made him forget everything. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and wanders back to the entrance of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Turn to page 102.

Chapter 51

Mario whirls the anchor over his head a few times. Then he lets it go. It soars up to the deck of the Doom Ship and hooks neatly into one of the wooden floorboards.

"Yeee-ha!" hollers Mario, as he swings up the rope. But when he lands feet first on the deck, he finds more than he expected.

Roy is there, scraping his dirty toenails against the ship's warped floorboards. And behind Roy, a tall, skinny plumber in green overalls is gagged and tied to the main mast. It's Luigi!

"Roy, it's illegal to steal people's brothers," says Mario. "Give Luigi back now, and I promise I'll only beat you to a pulp."

"Oh yeah? You and what army?" cries Roy. He stomps forward.

"Don't worry, I'll bring you flowers when you're in the hospital," Mario goes on.

"Oh, yeah?" The furious turtle's huge, yellow teeth are now inches from Mario's face. He swings his paw. Mario ducks.

"You missed," Mario says. "Would you like to try again, or do you want to surrender now?"

"Rrooaarr!" Roy hurls himself at Mario.

Play this game to find out what happens when Roy charges at Mario:

Choose one of the three shapes in the space above the word "START."

Read the number in the shape you chose and move that many spaces along the track. Repeat this when you reach a new space. Keep the same shape every time.

If you stop on a space where your shape has an X in it, follow the arrow and read the message it points to. The message will tell you where to turn next.

If you land on the [eight-armed shape], turn to page 8.
If you land on the [six-armed shape], turn to page 44.

Chapter 52

Mario walks on, glancing left and right at his reflection. Distracted by the presence of so many good-looking plumbers, he slams face-first into a wall of glass.

"Ouch," he mutters, rubbing his nose. "I wish Luigi were here. Then I could make him lead the way."

The mirrored path bends to the left. Winking at the plumber on his right, he turns left and walks ahead for a few feet. Again, he runs headlong into a clear glass wall. "Whoever cleans this glass can do my shop windows anytime," he says to himself.

Using his head as a compass, Mario moves through the maze for what seems like hours, but all he gets for his trouble is a colossal headache. At last he comes to a branch in the maze with two ways to go-left or right. The problem is, he isn't sure he hasn't been this way before.

"All right," he says. "I've had enough. There must be some way out of this place."

If Mario has the hammer, turn to page 73.
If you think Mario should go right, turn to page 60.
If you think Mario should go left, turn to page 16.

Chapter 53

A fiery streak zips past Mario's face, scorching his mustache. Then another Firesnake slices into his shoe.

"Ow! My toes!" cries Mario, backing away from the two fire-monsters. He stops when a searing pain in his foot tells him he has just stepped on a whole nest of them.

"Yeow!" he shouts. "I can't beat the heat-I'm heading back to the road!"

Mario hurries back the way he came. Looking over his shoulder, he sees a crowd of Firesnakes in the ravine below.

"That's just too hot to handle!" he pants.

*** If Mario had a Super Mushroom, he dropped it while running from the Firesnakes-it's gone! ***
Turn to page 81.

Chapter 54

"Sorry, little brother, I've got to reach Fort Koopa," says Mario. "I'm sure you can take care of your double by yourself."

"Wish me luck," says Luigi. He leans over the rail and gives his brother the secret plumber's handshake. Then he slides down a rope and drops to the ground.

Mario walks over to the steering wheel and inspects the buttons on the control panel. "Now, how do I make this crate go to Fort Koopa?"

He locates a large blue switch marked, "Return to Sender," and flips it on. Instantly, the Doom Ship lurches forward, cruising through the sky at top speed.

"That should do it," says Mario. He leans against a mast and lets the boat guide itself through the desert skies.

All of a sudden, a terrible odor wafts over the side of the ship. "I'd know that smell anywhere," says Mario, holding his nose. "We're at Fort Koopa."

He peers over the rail. Sure enough, he is now hovering over the sooty stone fortress that the Koopas use as their summer home.

He scrambles down a rope and walks up to the front gate. No one is there. Mario thinks about calling out "Yoo-hoo! Anyone home?" but he decides to let himself in quietly instead.

He sneaks through the hallways. There seems to be no one there but himself-and several hundred piles of soot.

"I've heard of dust bunnies before, but these must be dust buffaloes!" Mario says, kicking aside great piles of fuzz. He wanders through the filthy halls of Fort Koopa until he rounds a corner. Suddenly he runs smack into a large, leathery knee.

"Hi and goodbye!" a raspy voice snarls.

Mario is in the Koopa throne room-at the feet of King Bowser Koopa himself.

"Oops! Wrong address," Mario says. But it's too late for him to back out.

Turn to page 12.

Chapter 55

Snap! The vicious Chain Chomp sinks its teeth into Mario's big toe.

"Yeow!" he shouts. He falls off the wall and tumbles to the ground. The monster snaps again. It misses only because Mario is jumping up and down, holding his foot in pain.

"I'd better retreat while I still have feet!" wails Mario, hopping away from the wall.

The Chain Chomp continues snapping until Mario is well out of range. Then it settles down in its nest to snack on the tasty piece of leather from Mario's shoe.

Limping, Mario heads out of the ravine.

Turn to page 81.

Chapter 56

Thank goodness you're here," cries Princess Toadstool the moment Mario opens the royal double doors. She's dressed in a long pink evening gown and matching earrings. She's as beautiful as ever, Mario thinks. But her fingernails are bitten all the way to the quick. She looks really stressed out!

"I was afraid you didn't get my messae," she says, fingering her gold and emerald necklace.

Mario gazes around the throne room. The place is a madhouse. There are two of almost everyone in the hall! Everyone is yelling at his or her double. Even one of the royal pool cleaners is looking in a mirror and yelling at her reflection. "I guess she got confused," Princess Toadstool says.

"Looks like you've got a major disaster on your hands, Princess," says Mario. "But what happened?"

"It all started two days ago, when the mailman showed up with bunches of flowers for everyone," explains Princess Toadstool. "Everyone took their flowrrs to their room. But Wooster dropped his, Toad's, and mine when I asked him to put them on the windowsill. Then the next morning when Wooster watered the king's flowers, they started crackling and shooting sparks. All the bouquets had strange-looking tiny cameras hidden in them!"

The princess's heels click on the throne room's marble floor as she paces anxiously. "As soon as we figured that out, we threw all the flowers away. But it was too late. Doubles of almost everyone began to appear. Since then, things have been getting more and more confusing. No one can remember whom they've spoken to, the royal refrigerator is empty from feeding all the extras, and swarms of monsters are overrunning the kingdom!"

Mario arches one bushy black eyebrow. "I smell a big, fat Koopa rat," he says.

"That's not even the worst part," warns the princess, adjusting her tiny crown....

Turn to page 53.

Chapter 57

Mario's plimber's pockets are chockful of useful stuff, but no magnifying glass.

"Time to look for Toad!" Mario declares. Promisin the princess he'll be back as soon as possible, he rushes out of the paace and heads off into the Mushroom Kingdom. As he skips down a hill, he trips over a large metal pipe-stump. "What's this?" he says, peering into the circular opening. Below him, a small, dimly lit chamber is filled with sparkling coins. It's also sprinkled with Shyguys.

"Yahoo!" shouts Mario, diving into the pit. He gathers as many coins as he can before climbing back out onto the grass.

"This is great," he says, counting his change. "Now I can buy Luigi that electric bowling ball he's been asking for." He drops the coins into one of his overalls pockets and continues his search for Toad.

Solve this puzzle to find out how many coins Mario collects:

Study this map carefully.

Cross out any three Shyguy pests.

Count up the total number of coins that Mario will be able to reach without touching any of the remaining Shyguys. Mario may follow more than one path to collect coins, but don't count any coin more than once!

If Msrio gathered 20 or more coins, turn to page 55.
If Mario gathered fewer than 20 coins, turn to page 21.

Chapter 58

"Here goes nothing," Mario mutters as he turns left and walks past several rows of mirrors. Then he goes right for a few feet. Then he turns back and goes left again. Finally he stops and shakes his head, feeling very confused. "Help!" he wails. "I'm lost!"

He takes off his cap and scratches his head. He paces around in circles for a few minutes. Then he walks on to the next dividing point and takes out the coin again. "Let's see. This time I'll go right if it's heads, and left if it's tails," Mario says. He flips the coin.

Flip a penny to decide where Mario should go next:

HEADS, turn to page 60.
TAILS, turn to page 16.

Chapter 59

A weedy-looking Piranha plant swings its bat. Mario jumps straight up into the air. "Strike one!" he yells.

But the play is better than a strike. Instead of hitting the plumber, the bat squelches into the pulpy flesh of another plant. The injured plant howls and swings back. Ska-Bump! Its bat smashes into a third one. The Piranha Patch soon becomes a field of furious green sluggers. The monster plants forget all about Mario as they bash each other.

"Psst! Toad. come on!" whispers Mario. Toad crawls out from his hiding place and he and Mario tiptoe out of the patch unnoticed.

"Shall we strike out for the palace, little buddy?" asks Mario once they're on safe ground. He jumps up and snatches a coin from a nearby ledge.

"You bet!" Toad says. As they make theit way home, he hands Mario a magnifying glass. "Here's what I was looking for."

Mario winks. "This'll be a hit."

Soon they're back in the throne room.

*** Mario collects one coin, and he now has the magnifying glass. ***
Turn to page 64.

Drip by Drip Scoreboard

Circle each object as you collect it.

Keep track of your coins here:

Now, use this chart to find out how good a plumber you are. Count up the total number of coins that Mario collected during his adventure. Score 10 points for each coin. Then look up your rating on the chart.

Did Mario rescue Luigi? Did he help fight Luigi's double? Did he get past the Firesnakes and the Chain Chomp? Read the book again, until you get the best possible score.

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