Wendy's Phonebooth

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From Iggy357

Why did the Koopalings get their worlds in Mario World? For instance, why did you get Choco Island in particular?

The worlds weren't as well themed as in Mario 3. Lemmy got Vanilla Dome, but after that a lot of the worlds were toss ups. Larry got Valley of Bowser because Bowser didn't want him to go to far. I demanded Choco Island because I wanted to eat the chocolate. Ludwig didn't mind getting the Twin Bridges because the area was kind of high tech. Iggy, Morton, and Roy didn't really have any special preferences so Bowser had to make a decision.

From Iggy357

What is Bowser's relationship with Tatanga?

None. I don't even know anything about Tatanga except that he kidnapped Daisy this one time.

From Iggy357

Why are Ludwig and Bowser the only Koopas that can blow fire? Is it something that comes with age or is it genetic?

Age is definitely a factor, but breathing fire is also a kind of magic power so not all Koopas will ever be able to do it.

From Iggy357

What are your future plans for Water Land?

I would like to turn the place into a giant theme park. Of course I'll be in charge of it and make lots of money, not to mention I'll have free use of all the rides. If there is any water left I guess I could have some Koopas fish and sell for my personal benefit.

From Iggy357

What are the names of your pets?

I have a cat named Treasure. That's my only pet, and I'm the only Koopaling who chose a cat. Dogs are flee-ridden creatures.

From Iggy357

What's your favorite minion?

My favorite minion is Big Bertha. She's a fish and I enjoy how she is able to kill Mario in one bite. That's kinda impressive considering Mario's size.

From Richard

How can Mario go down a warp pipe that has a Piranha Plant in it but not get eaten by it?

Warp pipes grant invulnerability because everything in it goes at an incredible high speed. Even if it didn't, Mario would be going so fast that the plant would almost certainly miss. It's not quite the same as invincibility because even if Mario hit the plant on the way it wouldn't die; neither of them would be hurt.

From Crazy Packers Fan

That big ape DK keeps appearing in all the Mario games. What relations does he have with the Koopas?

None. But he is related to Mario through Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr., and, through a hand of fate, King K. Rool, DK's nemisis, is one of Bowser's cousins.

From Crazy Packers Fan

What character in Mario Party 3 would you play as?

Yoshi... I think he's cute even if he is a goody goody. The only evil ones in there are Wario and Waluigi. Wario is just freaky, and Waluigi... well, he doesn't exist.

From Crazy Packers Fan

Is Peach Italian? If not, then why does she speak like those dumb plumbers?

Peach is not Italian, but she's just as dumb as those plumbers. I guess she wants to be like them or something.

From Golden Road

In many Mario games, when Mario hits a ? Block, a Mushroom comes out if he's small, or a Flower comes out if he's big. My question is, how does the ? Block know which item to give Mario? How does it know whether Mario is big or small?

The answer is simpler than you might think. As you probably know, Super Mario can break wooden blocks, while regular Mario cannot. This is because Super Mario is able to deliver a more forceful blow; regular Mario is too weak to destroy blocks. The item that the ? Block delivers is dependant upon how hard it is struck. If Mario were even stronger, perhaps an even better item would come out. Maybe not.

From Lakitu 2000

How do you and your siblings hire baddies? Do you pay them, brainwash them, or what? Or are they just loyal to all of you because they were born under your rule?

Actually, all of the ways you suggested are possibilities. Many were forced into the troop on pain of death, but some were brainwashed to want to join. There are some that fight simply because they are loyal to us. And a few get paid because they are strong and it has been determined that if they were forced to join, their decreased morale would lower their power, and that brainwashing them might jeopardize their power.

From Ludwig 222

How did the Koopalings get their lands in Yoshi's Safari?

No one was actually very excited by that adventure, except Bowser of course. Since no one would choose a land, it was done by picking straws.

From Ludwig 222

What are the lands of Yoshi's Safari from biggest to smallest?

It's hard to say. Unlike Ice Land and Water Land, the "lands" of Yoshi's Safari weren't really separated. All of the first seven are connected and form the Light Zone, and the other five form the Dark Zone. Since there are no clear boundaries, there are no clear sizes. The Light Zone is larger than the Dark Zone though.

From Ludwig 222

What are the capitals of the lands of Mario 3?

What, you don't have an atlas? Grass Land has Daizy City, Desert Land has Sand City, Water Land has Sea Shell City, Giant Land has Colossal City, Sky Land has Nimbus City, Ice Land has White Ice City, and Pipe Land has Metallic City.

From Ludwig 222

What are the capitals of the lands of Mario World?

There aren't really any capitals... the lands are too primitive and most of them are no good anyway.

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Why are you the only Koopaling who wears shoes?

Cuz I'm the only fashionable one!

From Dark Boshi

Do the Koopas really live on Plit or did Lemmy just make that up?

Oh yeah, Lemmy made that up. We really live on Mars. Duh!

From Dark Boshi

Why is it that whenever there's a Phonebooth update, it's always one more question and no more?

That's not always true, and I'm not responsible for how many questions I receive. I don't have plants among the tourists who are paid to send in questions when the lines are quiet.

From Dark Boshi

How does Lemmy designate the kind of music he puts on his pages?

Sometimes he picks a tune the theme or sound of which he thinks fits the theme of the page he is placing it on. Other times he just picks whatever tune he likes at the moment.

From Dark Boshi

How come almost everyone thinks Lemmy is Hip and Iggy is Hop, when it's probably the other way around?

I don't know, maybe because that's the way it is! I would think Lemmy is Hop too, but guess what, he's not. There's certain evidence in the cartoons, like in the episode where one of them has their wand stolen. Idiots.

From Ludwig89

Out of all your siblings who do you think has done the best job in an attempt to beat Mario?

I'm not sure whether you're asking who has shown the most effort or who has come the closest to being successful. If you're asking about effort, it's definitely Ludwig and the hours he puts into his inventions. If you're asking about who has come the closest, that's harder. I can't even say that I know of every attempt against Mario, but of all those that I do know, Roy came awfully close to scoring a knockout.

From Ludwig89

Who is more powerful, Bowser, Wart, Smithy, or King K. Rool?

This is a tough question since the only two I can compare directly are Bowser and Smithy. However, I'd have to say that Smithy is the strongest.

From Ludwig89

Is it true that Wario, Mario, Luigi, and Waluigi are all brothers?

Well Mario and Luigi are definitely brothers and Wario and Waluigi are definitely brothers. No Mushroomer wants to admit that the two sets are brothers, so I can't be sure. I'm pretty sure they are all brothers though.

From Crazy Packers Fan

Where do items in ? Blocks come from? Are they put there by someone or are they magically produced by the block itself?

Oh yeah, I go around every morning putting stuff in the blocks so that Mario can get them. Duh, they're magic! Next you're gonna ask if they float on their own or if they are somehow being propelled upwards...

From Terry

Which koopaling does Bowser like the most?

I can't be sure, but it had better be me! More likely it is Ludwig for all his inventions.

From Terry

If  Lemmy is the second oldest then why is he so small and young-looking?

Maybe all that sugar stunted his growth? Or it could have been Roy...

From Terry

Why does Roy wear shades?

To make him look cool, of course. He also can't admit that he needs  glasses.

From Terry

Why is Lemmy cross-eyed?

I think he got too dizzy learning how to ride his ball.

From Terry

In Super Mario World, Morton, Roy and Ludwig warp out of the room, then in the cut-scenes it says that Morton is just a memory, Mario put an end to Roy, and that Ludwig's days of composing koopa symphonies are over. What actually happened to them?

Unfortunately, they survived, of course. It's just a way of saying that Mario defeated them, but they're not dead.

From Terry

In the Super Mario World cartoon series, is Dome City the same as Vanilla Dome in the video game?

That's good thinking, but no. Dome City is the capital, it's not icy, and it gets the dome title for having dome-shaped houses, not for actually being in a dome.

From Hip

Who are the true rulers of each land? You keep saying that you and your brothers rule them, but in reality, you just took them over.

The kings in Mario 3, of course. They have names but I don't care what they are.

From Hip

What are color and size are Koopa eggs?

Koopa eggs are very variable, and some Koopas are born.

From Hip

Can Koopas, or anyone for that matter, use power-ups like Mario and Luigi? I know in one episode Bowser used a pendant, but that doesn't count.

Mushroomers can, probably very badly though. Koopas can't use power-ups through ordinary means, although apparently go-karts can, since they can become invincible even with Bowser is in it.

From Hip

Do you still like Milli Vanilli, even though they're frauds?

Not since they tricked me! Next chance I get I'll turn them into accountants forever!

From Terry

How did Roy and Morton get the ability to walk upside-down on the ceiling in Super Mario World?

They did it the same way your squirrels climb trees. They grew their claws long, then dug them into the walls and ceiling.

From Terry

Why was the cartoon series Super Mario World set in a cave while the game has nothing to with caves?

Well, the game does have caves in it. But maybe your TV is set on a really dark color. When I watch the show, it looks like everyone is out in the open to me. They live in domes, but not caves.

From Terry

How did Ludwig and Bowser get the ability to breathe fire?

Geesh! They ate really spicy food just before Mario came. No, most Koopas eventually develop the ability to do so, it's just part of being a member of the species. Not all Koopas ever learn though, and we expect that Lemmy, for one, will not.

From Smash

Are there any species Koopas are cross-fertile with without the benefit of an accommodation spell?

If you had studied your biology, or listened to Ludwig long enough, you would know that saying yes to this question is impossible. If the species were cross-fertile, they'd be considered the same species, in reality.

Well, apparently Koopas can crossbreed with Yoshis (EWW!). I believe they could crossbreed with any of the minions, but some of the products might not survive let alone be fertile. I don't know if there are any others.

From Smash

If all the royal family suddenly disappeared, who would be next in line for succession then?

I don't like what you're getting at! If Bowser, Clawdia, and all us cute Koopalings died, then in theory it would go to Wart and his side of the family. I'm not sure who is after him. However, more likely it would be whoever killed all of us.

From Smash

Have there ever been any females ruling the Koopa Empire?

Yes, but they usually end up getting themselves murdered pretty quickly. For some reason, Koopas have also had a tendency to produce many more boys than girls as well.

From dcc@pobox.com

Can only powerful Koopas have spikes on their back?

Powerful Koopas get spikes, but anyone can buy them. A lot of other minions, though not strictly Koopas, also have spikes, like Spiny or Tubba Blubba.

From Golden Road

Wendy... why does it seem no one likes you, except for me, anyway? Why doesn't anyone else realize that you're the GREATEST Koopaling? What is everyone else thinking? Why don't you stuff the voting box to get you ahead of the losers?

I'm not sure where you're coming from, but everyone likes me! I bet all those guys are just too embarrassed to say so, and I do get a lot of the female votes.

From Alex

Why did General Guy help Bowser in Paper Mario? I mean, Shy Guys and Koopas look totally different. So, why would General Guy help Bowser?

I'd first like to say that many of our minions don't look like Koopas. In fact, very few do, except for the Koopa Troopas, Hammer Brothers, and a very few others. Anyway, Shy Guys are dubious members of the Koopa Clan as they tend to like to do things their own way. They teamed up with Bowser in Paper Mario because Bowser agreed to let them do things their own way, so long as they guarded the Star Spirit. General Guy enjoyed the challenge as well as the freedom. Now, if your question had been why did Bowser choose the Shy Guys to help, I wouldn't have an answer, but it was win/win for the Shy Guys.

From Koopatine

What is the Koopa homeland? It can't be Dark Land, it says that Bowser or Morton Sr. or whoever invaded it.

Typically Mario bias. Dark Land is our homeland, but they don't want anyone to know that we could possibly have legal rights to any land.

From Koopatine

What is the name of Bowser's grandparents? In the SMBSS episode "Butch Mario and the Luigi Kid" it says Bowser's grandfather's name is Poopa La Koopa, but the SMBSS series never was completely accurate.

I never knew any of my great grandparents so I'm not really sure of their names. I know none of my siblings are named for them, which is kind of odd and doesn't help me remember. I am almost certain, though, that none of them are named Poopa La Koopa.

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Wendy, why is it that you always give tantrums to get what you want?

Because it works, and then I do get what I want. So why not?

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Why has Bowser failed to beat Mario yet?

Bad luck, and stupid minions, but certainly not stupid kids.

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Why do you always hate Susan?

Why does everybody else seem to like her? She's very rude and bossy and shows everyone up somehow, but Bowser likes his niece more than his own children. It's not fair!

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Why do you all look so different in the Mario cartoons than in the video games and fan art?

Well the fan art is different because of artist interpretation or artistic ability (or lack thereof). We don't look quite right in the games because of poor graphics. We really look a lot like in the cartoons, but not quite because of some make-up and other stuff.

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Wendy, do you wish there were more girls in the Koopa family?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It might be nice to have sometime to talk too, but at the same time I enjoy the extra attention that I receive due to being the only girl. And I hate Susan a lot, and she's a girl, so maybe I'm better off without any sisters.

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Why do not like your brothers?

Well sometimes they can be useful, but most of the time they take attention away from me, and they always get the stuff I want, so then I have to steal it.

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Why is Ludwig so fat?

He eats a lot of sweets, and he doesn't work out, except for his mind. He's still good in battle though; he knows good techniques and the extra weight and come in handy. Oh yeah, and he also usually has an invention of his to help him.

From DavJLewis@aol.com

If Roy is so tough, why does he have a pink shell?

I'm not really sure. One time he said that he wanted to look weak, so then he'd get an advantage over an opponent who didn't try their best against him, but I doubt that would actually work anyway. He must have a secret reason then... hmm...

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Does Ludwig ever cut his hair?

Not that I've ever seen. He doesn't comb it either. He's lucky he doesn't have lice or something. Well, no, here on Plit we actually get Micro-Goombas stuck in our hair instead.

From DavJLewis@aol.com

Who's the ugliest out of you and your siblings?

You dare to even include me in your question?! Hmph! Well, Morton is definitely the ugliest Koopaling. Some thing that star thing on his face is cool, but it's really just stupid. Roy also looks stupid, but at least he shows some pink.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

What are you guys' favorite foods to eat? What fast food restaurants do you like?

Contrary to the stories in Lemmy's Land, there is no McDonalds in the Mushroom Kingdom, so any restuarant I would name would mean nothing to you, but of course we do enjoy certain restaurants. As for the food around the castle, well, I'm afraid it's often unrecognizable. Sorry I couldn't give a more definite answer.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Are you thinking of adding a section or a Scribble about fashion tips?

Lemmy does not allow us siblings to contribute to Lemmy's Land (matter of self-interest, or something like that), and we're only allowed one section each. Roy managed to swindle his way into having two sections in one, although I hear that he and Lemmy are discussing closing the Ballfield.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

If any humans were nice to you or your siblings, would you be friends with them?

Only if I eventually intended to doublecross them.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Who's Larry's favorite siblings?

Larry? It's hard to say, because he's kind of a loner... goes with the spying business. I think he gets along pretty well with Iggy.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

What would you do to get rid of Susan B. Koopa?

You name it, and I'd almost certainly do it.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Even though Susan is annoying, is she mean to you guys? Like, if you would not  hang out with her or talk to her, she wouldn't whine or complain to your dad, right?

Well, she isn't really mean, but she passes herself off as being incredibly annoying by being better than each of us in some ability or, in Larry's case, being an unwanted lover. The thorn in the foot comes from the fact that Bowser loves her. She probably wouldn't complain to him, but if he were to see her in anything less than a perfectly happy condition, whether she tries to show her unhappiness to him or not, he'll go ballistic.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

What are your favorite shows to watch, if you have any?

Most of what's on TV is stupid... well, except for the fashion shows, of course!

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Hey Wendy, what are your favorite subjects?

I guess if I had to choose a favorite subject, it would be history.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Do you think Morton could be mean as Roy? Who does Morton actually get along with?

No way, Morton's not actually mean, just annoying. But he's more annoying that Roy is mean. Because of that, he doesn't get along with anyone, except, perhaps, Susan.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Does anyone ever listen to what Morton has to say?

Only if we're strapped down or are somehow forced to.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

If you had to go to a special, nice place, what place would that be and why?

Any place without any siblings around would be nice enough. I also like tropical islands.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Does Morton actually like Susan or does he hate her just like you and the others hate her also?

To be honest, I don't think he even knows whether he likes her or not. They kinda get along sometimes, but it's an odd relationship.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

What do you think of religion? Who among your siblings is in to religion, if any?

There's nothing wrong with religion, as long as I don't have to sacrifice any of my time or luxeries for it. Unfortunately, Dad makes us do all kinds of nasty things, like go to the Holy Bachelor Pad Wednesday evening, and sometimes we have to fast, and sometimes other bad things too. Because of this, I don't think any of my siblings likes religion.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Ludwig is the smartest, but are you or any of your siblings the second smartest?

Uh, that's really a stupid question. No, Ludwig is the smartest, and the next best comes in as third smartest. Duh, of course someone is second smartest. It's probably Lemmy or Larry.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Do you know if Larry is interested in girls yet?

He sure isn't interested in Susan, but who would be? I don't think he is.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

Does Susan come to your place like 24/7 if she wants to play with you guys? Does she also call a lot at your place? I heard she's so annoying.

Well no, she's not here 24/7, but her appearances are so traumatizing that it kind of feels like it. Whenever she calls she speaks to Bowser, which is good because I have much more interesting people to talk to on the phone than Susan.

From Dark Knight

You said that Bowser has 7 spikes, but in SSBM he has 15 spikes. What gives?

I lied. Yup, every answer I've given is a lie. Well, not really. Bowser had some fake spikes glued on so he would look even stronger (and to show off the system's graphics).

From Ellie Marie Koopa

If Susan is pesky to your brothers, would you actually get mad at Susan or would you mind if she bugged the heck out of them?

I wouldn't mind if she bugged only my brothers, but that's impossible. In fact, it would probably cause my brothers to bug me as well, so it just doesn't work out.

From Ellie Marie Koopa

If you had a webpage and wanted to add some sections, would you also add a section such as the anti-Susan shrine or reasons why you don't like Susan?

Yeah, I suppose I'd do that. I'd also put up a graphic on the main page: a picture of her face in the interdimensional no sign.

From Lord Seth

What exactly IS it with Morton and wedding cake anyway?

So far as I know, Morton doesn't really have an obsession with wedding cake, but it is the longest running gag in Lemmy's Land, I think. Actually, the rumor started on another site run by one of Lemmy's clones, so it might even predate Lemmy's Land... that I'm not sure about.

From Guest256

What is Castle Koopa's time zone called?

There is no time zone. Makes it interesting trying to convert to Earth time.

From Guest256

Who would you say is smarter, Iggy or Larry?

That depends on which one ticked me off lately.

From Lord Seth

Who exactly is DAD, and why is his name spelled in capital letters?

DAD is the father of us all, the one who started the Koopa race. His name is in caps because he is much more important than your everyday father.

If you want to send in your own questions, Email me!
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